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  1. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Welcome back to manpants!!
  2. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    In the same sort of way a burlap sack full of shattered glass, hope, and vaporub is cuddly, yea I guess you could say that... "cuddly" ... hmm. Yes. Definitely cuddly.
  3. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Never been in a pair. Been to all the shops whut's left, right, up and down.
  4. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Nobody makes that anymore since the invention of the "skinny jeans".
  5. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Also: junk food hangover. Daaaayum.
  6. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm faced with the reality that I might have to wear something other than shorts to work today. I'm... I don't know. This doesn't feel right? Where I'm gonna put all my stuff?! And things?!! I miss my pockets already. "-2c, feels like -8c"... stupid winter. Lousy snow. Stupid winter is...
  7. Bad Itch

    Does addiction make you mentally strong?

  8. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    WHY?! WHEN?! Why did I have to wait 90 seconds?
  9. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have been faced with both. After my cat expired my alarms still refuse to go off.
  10. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm just sayin' I have a LOT of alarms set, is all. Not just one. Now I need to nap for half an hour.
  11. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Oh, you have nooo idea.
  12. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    The woman who cuts my hair has hand lotion which smells exactly like a ~1980s Strawberry Shortcake doll. Berry exciting indeed. Don't let me sleep more than 30 minutes.
  13. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Yea. I do.
  14. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    All of them? [emoji53]
  15. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    And also the staaaaaaashhhh.
  16. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Looking for more descriptions now. [emoji14]
  17. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    "As a Life Path 11, you possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early in life, making you shy and withdrawn. You have far more potential than you know. You galvanize every situation you enter. You inspire...
  18. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    When Monday misses its first strike and somehow the fallen, weebles start standing back up, cracked and melted, and someone's drawn teeth and small arms on 'em and they've got more momentum than a Wednesday or a Thursday. Godspeed you magnificent weeble bastards. You wobbly plastic eggs.
  19. Bad Itch

    What do you like most and least about your type?

    +1 I seem to teeter between P/J depending on ${STUFF}. Same thing. I think. Put me in a room with myself and I'll fight myself to the death for the right to be me. Do love myself a lot. I'm fucking awesome.
  20. Bad Itch

    What is mobile device are you have?

    Some crackberry and android devices.
  21. Bad Itch

    What do you think of game grumps?

    I guess at least they're enjoying themselves? :)
  22. Bad Itch

    IT certifications

    There is virtue in the Network. Without those first three layers we're back to carrier pigeons and sneakers. (EDIT: 'course you can do layer 3 over pigeons or sneakers or both. But u get my drift) Take the CCNA. If you get any kind of thrill when you think about telecom or how that little...
  23. Bad Itch

    How do you react to idiots

    This. Mostly.
  24. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    I can't stay in bed that long (without charging my phone at least twice). Catchy.
  25. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    And then Itch gets a free pass for the deadline he would have missed, which has been pushed back til next week. This is why I never learn. Or am very, very lucky. Either. Both. Whatever. Now I should take the opportunity to finish that up. Except... ...SQUIRREL!!!
  26. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Tick-tock. This is now out of hand.
  27. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    And look where it got them...
  28. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Technically you have to swap that Santa for a tree or sommat. The Amish don't do Saint Nick. http://www.theamishquilt.com This carefully arranged display is fradulent.
  29. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Always measure out some slack.
  30. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    Tomahawk "God hates a coward" https://youtu.be/Jt856_nRxQk
  31. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    :D Naw, I was usin' the other one.
  32. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I had to stop doing what I was doing. I am still stopped. bweeeee
  33. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have very few regrets. If I had more, they'd mostly be based on superficial, envious things. I've had a good time, wasting all this time.
  34. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    ohhhh sheeeeeeyit!!!
  35. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    Good point. :)
  36. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I don't have a good reason like being knackered from herding chi'drens all day, I'm afraid. There's no excuse; it's all me. Wouldn't change a thing though... gives me my edge. Okay maybe a few things. And then curry!
  37. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    I typed "Is that Ron Jeremy at 0:44" into an instant messenger conversation with a co-worker. Wrong laptop. But is that Ron Jeremy at 0:44? He's looking old.
  38. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

  39. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    For the record, I have procrastinated the everloving shit out of the one thing I set out to do today. Yesterday, rather. Whenever. I AM STILL PROCRASTINATING. ...hey i wonder if there's some laundry I could be processing right now. WANNA RIDE BIKES?!
  40. Bad Itch

    Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    Never saw the green mile but now I want to write to Tom Hanks. "Dude when that dude grabbed your junk in that movie... what was your first thought? Was it Brando? Butter?"
  41. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    God DAMN it. That one's sticky. And it only ever takes that much. Ever.
  42. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Like... my last three posts have started out with me clicking into a reply window, picking up my keyboard and typing... ...into the wrong laptop. I should pretend to pay closer attention when I am pretending to multitask. :kodama1:
  43. Bad Itch

    What do you think of game grumps?

    I hadn't heard of them before now, so I checked out a "best of" compilation. Briefly. It was funnier if I listened to 5-10 seconds, then scrolled ahead a minute or two and listened for 5 or so more seconds, repeat.
  44. Bad Itch

    Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    *cackle* Good luck :D
  45. Bad Itch

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    Mr. Bungle "Stubb (a dub)" THANKS MOM!
  46. Bad Itch

    Confess all your sins here.

    One word: "Hot sauce"
  47. Bad Itch

    Confess all your sins here.

    I think "they" wanted to make it part of Atlantica. But yeah if you think of the continent having both the United States of America AND Canada pegging out territory on it... I think that puts Canada in North America. Nova Scotia however is firmly planted in Canada. ...last I checked anyway...
  48. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Also... may I please have June back for a few months? I'm done w/ December and the real winter weather hasn't even started yet.
  49. Bad Itch

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    If I can't export to csv and do it in a few lines of unix then it's someone elses problem. More and more often these days it becomes my problem and stays my problem.
  50. Bad Itch

    Confess all your sins here.

    Had one for lunch. Just a hint though... never look at one. Not in the eye. Scares them and affects the flavor.
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