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Search results

  1. INTPs and their amazing ideas

    In the wake of the Sun's explosion WW3 would be but the popping of a zit on the skin that would eagerly peel from human flesh like overripe fruit begging for oblivion, whilst Feeling Yourself Disintegrate by the Flaming Lips echoes off in the background. Not exactly, it's fair to say we'd be...
  2. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  3. Incest against the law, yes or no?

    Indeed it's not just incest, which is why student-teacher and supervisor-employee relationships are looked down upon as well, and 'Hollywood' is known for the casting couch folklore like the Catholic church is synonymous with sexual abuse. This may all sound very drastic and I'd agree there must...
  4. 4 situations, cognitive functions?

    Were you aware that you made duplicate topics, or maybe frustrated that no one responded to the first? here is my take:
  5. Incest against the law, yes or no?

    It's not vastly different from the outside is it? That's the conundrum, how could you tell if there was exploitation in the relationship before an incest couple went public? You can only know what you see and what they tell you.
  6. Incest against the law, yes or no?

    How could authorities know there was burgeoning intent to reproduce until it was too late? And then what can they do, force an abortion? It seems to me reproductive rights are inherently part of the package if you allow incest.
  7. Nofriends

  8. Autopilot

    Sometimes I'll be pouring myself a drink or have one in my hand already, and I'll be anticipating that I'm going to drink, say, OJ and then when the liquid touches my tongue I'm shocked to find I was drinking water (or vice versa). It's like I had the taste of OJ in my mouth already and then...
  9. Tricks for Compassion

    and if apathy doesn't work there is esc ;) Compassion is being honest and forthcoming with human needs and circumstances, it requires no tricks. The mind+society is already doing the tricking for you.
  10. Death as the greatest kindness

  11. i just wnna fuking die

    Shh, just calm down, it's going to be okay. :angel01:
  12. I need more problems in my life.

    Sounds like you could use a gf. I intuit you want greater emotional dynamics in your life and not just brute force experimentation like moving or quitting the internet.
  13. Should I start smoking cigarettes

    I would at least get a hookah setup over cigarettes and make it fun.
  14. Party Thread

    ayyy kuu always comes thru with the honeys Don't even trip, I gotchu fam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVUR4ddPTk #weekendvibes #alongcamemolly #rubsandhugs #attachmentissues
  15. Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    lmao "It's got me to the point I'm like a mom I've got to formulate spaghetti or end up in jail or shot" :D
  16. I understand dude, good luck on your journey.

    I understand dude, good luck on your journey.
  17. Stuck in routine

    Wow that was quick. Do you mind sharing what it is?
  18. Looking for things

    I don't know what your financial relationship with your parents is like but in some ways becoming employed right after graduation can increase your freedoms. Just something to think about. But yeah what you said is totally fine, you're still young and have time to experiment and make mistakes.
  19. Therapy Escape

  20. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    I'm unfamiliar with the term parallel sampling which messes up the extended metaphor for me, but definitely I'd concur with 'profiling' which has a semantic expectation of acting on the categorized information. How would you differentiate from Ni dom in this case? Thank you Auburn, I'm grateful...
  21. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    Hey Auburn. I don't know if my reason for continuing to uphold typology after such time is so grand as you make it sound. For the most part it's a starting point for social interaction for me, considering I'm not too great socializing otherwise. That's pretty much how I've always seen it and I...
  22. Attention as the main social currency

    You're probably right, although that sounds depressing like it'd be impossible to overcome. Which I guess means it's pretty much the same thing as true. Penis thinking is a human trait, doesn't make it always right but there's a time and place for it at least.
  23. Attention as the main social currency

    o The more you seek/want attention the less you get it o Women crave for attention o Women do crazy things to get attention o Women captivate the public's attention more than men o The more you seek/want attention the less you get it If I tried I could probably get the gist of what you're...
  24. Enneagram Help.

    I thought this article was interesting if not insightful: A Directional Theory of the Enneagram http://www.9types.com/writeup/Theory20.htm @Sinny since you've posted here as well I was wondering if you ever considered E1 for selftype?
  25. Bronto's ban

    Gotham City will burn...
  26. Looking for things

    Hello Melo Kelo (pretty sure you engineered that) Was there anything from hs that sparked even a little interest? The college experience can be a world of difference from gradeschool, there's a good chance you'd flip and enjoy it. Also there's nothing wrong with taking a break to finally...
  27. why are you stepping down?

    why are you stepping down?
  28. The Random Thoughts Thread

  29. Bronto's ban

    I felt like he was holding back to be honest, though I'm not sure what or why, despite being on the upper end of user post counts he wasn't even 'active' as of late. Also agree with Cheese and TMB that he didn't seem threatening, hostile maybe though. #releasethetabs...
  30. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    Yes Architect that's more the gist of what I meant. Definitely the "trust" part about the INFJ's perception. And yeah I suppose neurotic was also a poor word choice, I think starting with trust/mistrust might have been more ideal. I picked neurotic thinking that it could express the idea that...
  31. Should I do acid

    This applies to xSTP as well, people should know Ti isn't strictly a cerebral wordy erudite thing. xSTP's like to push themselves and master a particular hobby in a physical/mechanical sense.
  32. The Random Thoughts Thread

    yeezy yeezy yeezy Everytime he speaks he says something interesting
  33. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Wasn't the same bronto I knew in '13-'14, wondered what happened to him, seemed too prickly to ask. Just hope he's bumping Kanye right now NAME ONE GENIUS THAT AIN'T CRAZY But that would require actually interacting with people? Or at least not being aware of the life I'm living.
  34. Should I do acid

    What literature? For anything legitimate bitcoins are probably a bit of a headache and not worth the accrued fees. I wouldn't put my money in any site that deals strictly in bitcoins since they're pretty much irretrievable once you send payment, easy for scammers to rip and run. ---- @topic I...
  35. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    That's great. :) I wish more people would pose questions about mbti/jungian function theory. Of course many forums have worn out the subject matter for several years already, others, more than a decade. Heh your mind sounds fun. :p I agree with Bronto my terms could use more clarification, it's...
  36. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    That is a very interesting analogy, it does at least convey the idea of a unified reality from which our perception flows. There are deeper concepts beyond JiPe/PiJe that haven't been explored by MBTI but for the purpose of this thread I'm not really touching on them just abbreviating the first...
  37. How to Manipulate/Seduce a Sensor?

    Just ask him. Unless you are trying to be spontaneous? Wear a dirndl for him and serve hot wings and his favorite beer.
  38. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  39. INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    Fi PoLR imo:
  40. Relatable personality tests?

    I don't think either one gets close to the cog functions as people share many behaviors and thoughts but the motivations behind them and style are different and this is something that is generally overlooked by mbti. Plus the test format is really limited, one on one sessions are perhaps the...
  41. Jerk move on my part

    But muh atheisms :D
  42. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    Alright so I guess my thesis would be: Dominant judging types otherwise known as Rationals to Jung, have a neurotic relationship to their perceptions which may be stronger and given more focused attention because they are subject to the meddling and agendas of the dominant judgement. And...
  43. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    Yes in the JiNe part I erred and went against my own concepts of Si. It should be that they seek experiences like JeNi, but instead of wanting to be in new objective situations(e.g. skydiving, hunting, snowboarding, etc ) it's more that they want to be grounded in their own realities which means...
  44. INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    For selftype? Would you mind describing what Fi PoLR means to you? The theories proposed in Socionics go above and beyond what MBTI lays claim to in the psyche to the extent it mirrors a mind driven insane, for such grand assumptions about society and the psyche cannot be possibly all be true...
  45. 1st World Problems

    Delete facebook, lawyer up and hit the gym
  46. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  47. INTP forum members are cat people new research suggests

    Cats in general seem to have Introvert / Fi / N temperaments. My only irl experience with cats involved both of them minding their own business throughout the house but checking me out as a stranger in the household, and on one of those times one cat finally came over to me to be petted. That's...
  48. Dominant judging types and their perceptions

    There is something about the dominant judging types Ti/Fi/Te/Fe that isn't really covered by MBTI material. How does perception work and what does perceiving mean in the second position? According to Jung judging functions make Rational interpretations about the things they see. JiSe: Enters...
  49. Are you Pro choice or Pro Life?

    @Grayman Right, well.. I don't believe it's the people who follow a religion or attend church in general that seem to care about the pro-life/pro-choice label. Rather it's done as gesture of politics by religious politicians, protesters, and TV/radio personalities. Whether you personally think...
  50. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    The intoxicating vocalizations on this one :). I've just listened and they're both great Puffy. It feels like Corea's music is carrying the listener, as in the energetic imaginative playing and the childlike sound of the other song. If we can play for a little while longer :p
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