Hey all,
I've long believed myself to be a type 5w4, but I'm questioning that now. I'm also wondering to what extent (I'm guessing 'massively') our dominant cognitive functions (and subsequent, should they be pronounced) modify our Enneagram.
Any insights into my own?
I assumed that my '8-ish-ness' came from my growth, but now I'm not so sure.
- Definitely have an avarice around time and energy, but I'm generous to a fault in terms of money, etc. (as in, literally to a fault: financially, I have helped others out to my own detriment many times). I wonder if this (time/energy avarice) is 5, or being an introvert.
- I do worry that I'm operating on a deficit in knowledge, and like to be better informed before I launch into action... but I'm very slow at collecting data (as per the Socionics description of NiTe). Anyone watching my recent Mafia performances will also see that in spite of what I say, it doesn't always ring true: "I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME! FUCK YOU ALL! YOU'RE ALL SCUM! RARGH!"
- Accurate self-knowledge and self-perception came with a time and a great deal of effort (4 wing?)
- I am an observer... but I'm also Ni dominant, so - duh
- I am quite outspoken when the situation calls for it
- I have been known to be rather too blunt; I can quite happily call a spade a spade
- I'm not actually pro conflict, in spite of the above. Conflict, unless absolutely warranted, is typically avoided because it:
1) drags me into the moment (ugh)
2) drains my energy unnecessarily (ugh)
3) can cause (and has previously cause) irreparable damage to relationships... because I don't tend to hold back once someone decides they 'want to have ago' or demand the truth. I did seek to mitigate this for quite a while, but began to question why I should be responsible for the feelings of others. I realised that I shouldn't. Those who seek provocation...
Bullshit thread really. Just wondering if anyone is au fait enough with the enneagram to challenge me on some points, and perhaps get me to reframe my thinking.
For the record, my NiTe status is not up for debate: of this, I am 100% convinced. I've done lots of self-study over the past 6 years, and have been typed by some of the best in the field. So yeah.
Penny for your thoughts, my lovelies.
I've long believed myself to be a type 5w4, but I'm questioning that now. I'm also wondering to what extent (I'm guessing 'massively') our dominant cognitive functions (and subsequent, should they be pronounced) modify our Enneagram.
Any insights into my own?
I assumed that my '8-ish-ness' came from my growth, but now I'm not so sure.
- Definitely have an avarice around time and energy, but I'm generous to a fault in terms of money, etc. (as in, literally to a fault: financially, I have helped others out to my own detriment many times). I wonder if this (time/energy avarice) is 5, or being an introvert.
- I do worry that I'm operating on a deficit in knowledge, and like to be better informed before I launch into action... but I'm very slow at collecting data (as per the Socionics description of NiTe). Anyone watching my recent Mafia performances will also see that in spite of what I say, it doesn't always ring true: "I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME! FUCK YOU ALL! YOU'RE ALL SCUM! RARGH!"
- Accurate self-knowledge and self-perception came with a time and a great deal of effort (4 wing?)
- I am an observer... but I'm also Ni dominant, so - duh
- I am quite outspoken when the situation calls for it
- I have been known to be rather too blunt; I can quite happily call a spade a spade
- I'm not actually pro conflict, in spite of the above. Conflict, unless absolutely warranted, is typically avoided because it:
1) drags me into the moment (ugh)
2) drains my energy unnecessarily (ugh)
3) can cause (and has previously cause) irreparable damage to relationships... because I don't tend to hold back once someone decides they 'want to have ago' or demand the truth. I did seek to mitigate this for quite a while, but began to question why I should be responsible for the feelings of others. I realised that I shouldn't. Those who seek provocation...
Bullshit thread really. Just wondering if anyone is au fait enough with the enneagram to challenge me on some points, and perhaps get me to reframe my thinking.
For the record, my NiTe status is not up for debate: of this, I am 100% convinced. I've done lots of self-study over the past 6 years, and have been typed by some of the best in the field. So yeah.
Penny for your thoughts, my lovelies.