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INTPs and their amazing ideas


Almost Reformed Dictator
Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Jul 26, 2013
I have seen socialism mentioned many times in this thread. Many people think itis the solution. It may be, temporarily, but then you get an Adolf Hitler. Socialist governments havea lot of power. It takes one corrupted person to crash the system and start a world war.

Rather, people should be given an unbiased education, with emphasis on logic and common sense. Create an environment where responsibility, integrity, and honesty are prevelant. This way you have educated, good people capable of sustaining themselves and a family. Regarding population and resources, Space is huge. There are millions of planets capable of sustaining life. So, for now, we focus on technology. Make room for increasing populations. Then, we initiate social reform, where no one is forced into a certain mindset, religion, political preferance, etc. This allows them to choose which life they find the most logical for their life plan. Next, with a stable social base, we continue with technology.


Local time
Today 9:46 AM
Mar 3, 2008
Rather, people should be given an unbiased education, with emphasis on logic and common sense.
Is it possible to look at the world, without your own lens?


think again losers
Local time
Today 11:16 AM
Mar 17, 2011
No, but expanding on that analogy, different lenses yield different results. What you're looking to instill is a clear lens that can focus over both short and long distances. What people choose to then do with that lens is their own choice.


Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
Aug 29, 2013
bruswick Ga
How about a cybernetic at the brain stem that has a port on both sides of the neck for A.R; and V.R. (Augmented reality and virtual reality). Now introduce an app that allowed mass numbers of people to have complex equations and questions to be toyed with in the subconscious. the ports are just to transmit date to and from the devices that you attach.
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Aug 1, 2013
Problem: Finite resources.

Causes wealth based class system, unequal distribution of wealth, unequal access to opportunity based on where one is born.

Solution: Nearly infinite resources.

One solution I had was that we should be developing technology to be extracting resources from rocks in space. The thought is that there is a finite amount of resources on this planet. We spend most of our lifetime devoted to obtaining these finite resources. Space is nearly infinite in scale to the size of the earth. Therefore the resources in space is nearly infinite compared to those available on earth.

We have the tech to do it- it seems like a matter of resources to get over the initial "activation energy" hump.

This would allow us to dedicate more time to science, art, entertainment or just plain being lazy.

I discovered that there is a website dedicated to promoting space mining. http://www.permanent.com/index.htm It's an interesting read.

I do realize it's more complicated than just saying "hey let's go mine space rocks."

This will happen eventually. (Unless of course we kill ourselves first).

My problem with planet earth is it is entirely too full of morons who are breeding at exponentially increasing rates (look up the demographics of China India and Africa).

I reason that human nature will always co-exist with humans and thus societies divided into various classes (money, intelligence, beauty, etc) will always be around whatever galaxy humans are inhabiting.

The only solution I can see to the overpopulation nightmare is space exploration and travel. As soon as interplanetary-intergalactic mining, etc becomes profitable, I'm sure it will begin.

Personally who cares about all the money, etc. I just want off planet earth and onto another world just like it without the sea of endless breeding morons.


Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Jun 29, 2012
If we all realized that the concept of entitlement is an illusion, then humans would be able to live more in peace.

However, if we realized that the affinity for harmony is a subjective bias based on maintaining a tribal infrastructure, we could transcend beyond primal social dynamics and begin to understand the themes of human nature.


I've Overcome Existential Despair
Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
Sep 9, 2012
If we all realized that the concept of entitlement is an illusion, then humans would be able to live more in peace.

Why and how?

However, if we realized that the affinity for harmony is a subjective bias based on maintaining a tribal infrastructure, we could transcend beyond primal social dynamics and begin to understand the themes of human nature.

Why and how?



Falsifier of Reality
Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
Jun 1, 2013
Why is it that when I wake up I think the weirdest stuff?

I had lied to her. I tried to let the cat out the bag yesterday but the cat had already........shitted, suffocated, died, zombified, ate two cans tuna (including the cans), upgraded into a boinic zomcat 9161.3 and shot out the bag into orbit. She slapped me and I don't blame her because the air that came out of the bag stunk of the WD-40 and zombie feces. By the time I realized I had the remote control, bionic zomcat 9161.3 was shot down by 2631 other bionic zomcats, who had been downgraded to 9160.1.


Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Jun 29, 2012
The locus of conflict between humans comes from expectations. One expects another to think, feel, or behave in a certain way. They expect that ideals of 'ownership' will be respected by others. This causes tension between people. The truth is that no one owes anything to anyone, and no one has entitlement to anything. We are all just here, and we are what we are.

If harmony wasn't the primary aim of human interaction, then we could freely observe the other truths of human interaction and come to understand one another more fully. If harmony wasn't the expectation, then many of the ideals of 'good' and 'evil' would become obsolete. We limit our understanding when we become convinced one type of behavior is intrinsically 'better' than other types.

Why and how?

Why and how?



One atom of me
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
I have seen socialism mentioned many times in this thread. Many people think itis the solution. It may be, temporarily, but then you get an Adolf Hitler. Socialist governments havea lot of power. It takes one corrupted person to crash the system and start a world war.

Rather, people should be given an unbiased education, with emphasis on logic and common sense. Create an environment where responsibility, integrity, and honesty are prevelant. This way you have educated, good people capable of sustaining themselves and a family. Regarding population and resources, Space is huge. There are millions of planets capable of sustaining life. So, for now, we focus on technology. Make room for increasing populations. Then, we initiate social reform, where no one is forced into a certain mindset, religion, political preferance, etc. This allows them to choose which life they find the most logical for their life plan. Next, with a stable social base, we continue with technology.

Adolf Hitler was the only one who wanted war? :rolleyes:


Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Nov 22, 2013
Rather, people should be given an unbiased education, with emphasis on logic and common sense. Create an environment where responsibility, integrity, and honesty are prevelant.

how do you determine whats logical, unbiased, or "common" sense? and also how would you define honesty? I'm sure that the people in the third reich thought that their way of life was very honest and virtuous.


Peregrine Falcon
Local time
Yesterday 10:46 PM
Nov 28, 2013
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I have the impression that when I was younger these “amazing ideas” actually managed to materialize conceptually (Maybe actually _becoming_ ideas?) in such a way that I was able to define them.

As of late I’d refer to these experiences as “Perceptions” rather than “Ideas”. In part because of the depth and scope of them but at the same time because I just don’t exactly know what they are about! And for that same reason they are impossible to share, or even pretty much toy with them in my head. They just _are_ there. Amaze me. Give me a visceral feeling. But they remain outside intellectual reach. So I doubt they will be able to make any kind of contribution at all.

That would be a problem without solution (maybe it doesn’t need any?).
That would also be an example of the thought process confronting such “Perceptions”.

On a side note:
When I was young I had this wicked dream with a war. I was in the trenches and a giant bomb went off that came up slowly like a wave that stopped before it hit me.

I used to have a very similar recurring nightmare when I was about 5/6 years old. It was about a big explosion and as it hit me from behind I’d wake up. The pressure in my chest and the ominous feeling of doom remained for a long time after those dreams. I always wondered what they meant (especially considering that I was very very young).

ENTP lurker

Usually useless
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Nov 20, 2013
Pluto, solar system
Some ENTP musings:
Imagine the world where Jesus thought that he was Satan`s illegimate child instead of non penetratively fertilized son of god.

When cell reaches its chemical equilibrium it dies therefore mentally balanced people are practically dead.

Mankind's ultimate goal is to reach for vegetative state by constantly reaching for new levels of lazyness.


is escaping
Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
Over population, answer: make kids illegal for 20 years. Also i think war should be reverted to swords and bows, way more awesome also personal.


Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Mar 11, 2014
Rather, people should be given an unbiased education, with emphasis on logic and common sense. Create an environment where responsibility, integrity, and honesty are prevelant. This way you have educated, good people capable of sustaining themselves and a family. Regarding population and resources, Space is huge. There are millions of planets capable of sustaining life. So, for now, we focus on technology. Make room for increasing populations.

We cannot. There are too many people alive on this world already that consume to much climate and species. Here, we have a joke. When someone thing is a lie or untrue we say 'It is an ape-sandwich'. Because there is no such thing as an ape-sandwich. But actually there is. We consume apes because we cut down forests where they live, like in Indonesia.

For palm oil plantations. For palm oil. For in cookies in our Western supermarkets, because palm oil is more healthy that animal fat. So in a way we do eat ape-sandwiches.

Isn't food also the environment in which it grows? We look at an apple and claim this is a piece of fruit. We isolate it, reduce it, because science is our paradigm and science reduces everything to smaller and smaller identifiable bits.

But that apple is also the tree it grew on. It is the soil that nourished that tree. It is the manure and insecticide used to get a good yield. It is also the bees and wasps that fed on the blossoms. Without all these things there would not be an apple. When you eat the apple, you eat the environment it was taken out of, you eat the cost and sacrifices it took to get it to your supermarket.

Food is a causal chain. It doesn't begin or end with the apple you buy and eat.

Thus we eat ape-sandwiches, giraffe-burgers, whale-steaks and ant-shoarma.

Then, we initiate social reform, where no one is forced into a certain mindset, religion, political preferance, etc. This allows them to choose which life they find the most logical for their life plan. Next, with a stable social base, we continue with technology.

No, we need social reform before we need more people. And we need no more technology than we have today.

Technology is also not understood, like food. Technology is the bulldozer that strips trees, that chases away apes and helps make a plantation. Technology is what allows make palm oil and pout it in cookies. Technology is what makes people discover a new element with a whopping 117 protons. An element that exists for a a fraction of a millisecond before dissipating in the lab. And we can't eat it or protect the apes with it. It doesn't build a water pump in a poor village where people have no clean drinking water.

We need less technology. We need less phones that we replace for a new model every few years.

It is technology that is being misused to eat ape-sandwiches. Think it over.


Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Mar 11, 2014
My problem with planet earth is it is entirely too full of morons who are breeding at exponentially increasing rates (look up the demographics of China India and Africa).

Poor people in Africa or elsewhere aren't the human surpluses. It is you and I. WE are the problem. WE use too many resources.

I want to add to the person you replied to, that mining space for resources is a dumb idea.

Look at the world from space. Look at the atmosphere, this ultra thin layer of gases we breathe. And that protect us from radiation. And he wants to fly in ore to smelt? Any chemical reaction like that requires oxygen. So basically we use this island in space as a blast furnace?

How does that work. Our world is a sphere, thus finite. And space is REALLY REALLY big. It holds LOADS and LOADS of ores. And he wants all that ore to be put in a limited environment?

I reason that human nature will always co-exist with humans and thus societies divided into various classes (money, intelligence, beauty, etc) will always be around whatever galaxy humans are inhabiting.

No I cannot see that happening. This divisions are causing loads of problems. Economy in a way is the difference between much money and little money. The dark matter between it consumes our climate and resources and species.

We either become united globally or perish to a subsistence living model. Maybe, just very much maybe it is possible to go back to an 1850's sort of level and sustain that for a longer time. But I don't see how we can keep our modern culture going for even 100 years.

Can we sustain western paradigms over 200 years? 1000 years? Hell no.

The only solution I can see to the overpopulation nightmare is space exploration and travel. As soon as interplanetary-intergalactic mining, etc becomes profitable, I'm sure it will begin.

No, we develop technology in the wrong direction quicker than our ability to morally grow. Technology grows faster than our values. We research in many directions, utterly ridiculous things, like new elements, CERN, other fundamental research.

We research phone technologies, ICT...that destroy the climate with our hyper-consumption of it.

I never had a cell phone though. And no, no fb or google account, I don't use twitter either or any social media.

Before we invent warp drive, so we may 'escape' the cesspool we created and harm other worlds with our economic theories and western paradigms, after all, it is the Western world that will go to space, not some poor African, no, we take Western values, we will have pretty much destroyed the world, sabotaged its climate, killed of many species, and caused much human suffering globally.

The bereft and wretched are left behind.

I oppose any notion of technological 'progress' because it does NOT progress us at all, it just makes more ways to consume the planet available to us, more consumption because we rather consume than think. Or develop better values for society.

Solutions should be found not in technology but in 'how to be in the world'. The question we need to ask ourselves is 'do I really get happier because of the next I- fucking-pad or do I just keep this one because it does the job (and even an I-pad is bullshit to own).

Solutions are this, that first we learn what it means to have a self-reflective consciousness, how to operate it, what it is meant for and THEN shape our world on better values.

And that world will have less technology, other economic systems that are based on sober needs of people, less choice on what to own and restrictions to what we perceive as 'freedom' which usually means what we can buy.

We will provide food and shelter for all humans alive first, before we start thinking of a space program. First we develop our moral values, then we increase our understanding of the universe and channel money into science again. And then we are ready, we ALL go to space.

We take the complete genome of our world and find another world and impregnate her with our seed. And only if she isn't already pregnant with species of her own.

If life has any function, it is to propagate. Our consciousness can be used to do that between planets on an interplanetary scale. Thge tigers alone cannot do it. Nor the dolphins.

It seems we have been seelcted out of the Earth's genome to develop consciousness sow e may take Gaia to other worlds. But first we need to learn how to be in this world. Otherwise we will be a plague, a cancer going from world to world to install capitalist economic system that divide people on a galactic scale.

If I had a button and a choice between human annihilation back to the stone age for a retry and a race in space to new worlds we can rape with our bad norms ans values, I'd bring us back to the stone age, no questions asked.

Personally who cares about all the money, etc. I just want off planet earth and onto another world just like it without the sea of endless breeding morons.

Then share my point of view.


Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Sep 18, 2014
Well the very first solutions would definitely have to be developing better technology to harness free energy, then a viable solution to creating lots of fresh water reserves, then after those are in place you'd have to strictly enforce a population cap for every single piece of land so that way we could move towards a self-sufficient state of living. Also, if they developed terraforming technologies such as CO2 scrubbing, and somehow dealing with the methane build up as well, because that's far worse than CO2 emissions anyway.


Systems Theorist
Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Oct 2, 2014
When I was 12, I went through a thought process about what it would be like on Earth in the next 40 years. I imagined a huge fence with razor wire around the downtown area of my small town. All the government buildings there, were empty, and papers were scattered all over them. Periodically, trucks would drive by full of people going to an unknown destination, and when they saw me they would reach out to me and try to take my hand. One time I went with them, and they were heading to a place far away from civilization. And that was the end of that. My mind comes up with this stuff all the time, but as a 12 year old that freaked me out a little.


Systems Theorist
Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Oct 2, 2014
A cool day for me was when my friend and I were talking about this old lady who says she time travels and speaks 20 languages. (she's on medication) But, I decided that I was going to pull a 'Primer" and map out how she would time travel, why she would time travel, and how it would all end. I wrote it all down and handed it to my friend. He had this shock on his face as he came to the realization that I'm not this dumb quiet guy. He now anticipates my theories, and possibilities, because in his mind, each would make a great story to write about.
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Oct 22, 2014
I've always wanted to make a hand-held railgun. You would need a super capacitator (kinda like a battery) to act as a magazine clip, which is impossible at this time (but never impossible for the INTPs), but it would be pretty cool. If i were to design one that worked before the government, I would sell it to them, but with the blue lights and the cool charging noise like in Halo 4 just for the looks X)


Local time
Today 12:16 PM
Mar 17, 2015
North Queensland, Australia
Most of my great ideas start out as 'great ideas' and then I start processing them and work out the pros and cons of the idea, at which point I start to think about implementation of said idea, by which time new ideas have arisen, or I get distracted by memes or something, and the original 'great idea' now seems like a 'slightly better than mediocre idea' that other people have probably come up with anyway, and since I have worked out the pros and cons, and thought about how it might be implemented, I have probably done my part so now it's someone else's turn.

The fun part is coming up with ideas. Let someone else do the work. I realise that would entail me telling someone else my ideas but that isn't going to happen.

I like memes.


Contemplating reality, one script at a time
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Jul 2, 2015
So i had a fun and interesting dream as the norm for me, but this was eye opening. But first there's a little backstory to this.
Ive been dreaming up a way to create a Full immersive haptic feedback device(basically virtual reality, plugin into the matrix kinda thing) and the kind of world i would make inside this virtual realm, complete with its own periodic table of elements, physics/particle physics, how to create an intelligent ai based on observing human players, evolving creatures with dynamic food chains(actually worked on evolving ai creatures in high school on my own time, never really finished tho, damn intp laziness cuse) and one of the things i've been surprised by is that when i come up with a method to implement these things into my world i compare mental notes with our own real world. And at every turn i find amazing similarities. Its been teaching me a new respect for the world around me, because no matter how hard i try, i can't think up any system more perfect then nature. I could seriously talk about this stuff for hours.

But this dream, i was standing in a large lobby area, lots of excited people watching televisions, placing bets and generally having a good time, on the tv there was people in many different scenarios. i walked past and on the other side of the lobby was a bunch of my haptic machines, i stepped into one and strapped myself in, i felt all the systems starting up around me just as i had designed them and as the visor came down to immerse me into the virtual world, i woke up.

Edit: wow, now that i started talking about this i don't want to stop, anyone up for an awesome conversation?
Last edited:


Local time
Today 2:46 AM
Dec 4, 2010
So i had a fun and interesting dream as the norm for me, but this was eye opening. But first there's a little backstory to this.
Ive been dreaming up a way to create a Full immersive haptic feedback device(basically virtual reality, plugin into the matrix kinda thing) and the kind of world i would make inside this virtual realm, complete with its own periodic table of elements, physics/particle physics, how to create an intelligent ai based on observing human players, evolving creatures with dynamic food chains(actually worked on evolving ai creatures in high school on my own time, never really finished tho, damn intp laziness cuse) and one of the things i've been surprised by is that when i come up with a method to implement these things into my world i compare mental notes with our own real world. And at every turn i find amazing similarities. Its been teaching me a new respect for the world around me, because no matter how hard i try, i can't think up any system more perfect then nature. I could seriously talk about this stuff for hours.

But this dream, i was standing in a large lobby area, lots of excited people watching televisions, placing bets and generally having a good time, on the tv there was people in many different scenarios. i walked past and on the other side of the lobby was a bunch of my haptic machines, i stepped into one and strapped myself in, i felt all the systems starting up around me just as i had designed them and as the visor came down to immerse me into the virtual world, i woke up.

Edit: wow, now that i started talking about this i don't want to stop, anyone up for an awesome conversation?

no need for conversation. just tell some more about this. it intrigued me at least.


Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Jul 6, 2015
Problem: Materialism and greed and the wealth system. Everyone seems to want to make money so capitalism and the weath it developes is in turn making all the materilists poorer leading to a middleclass that may not sustain itself.

Answer: While I'm sure none of you will agree to put me as the supream ruler of the Earth, where we could have a most awesome authoritarian world with eugenics used to create the master race, I guess I'm back to the drawing board. I see the problem of working itself out. As more people don't have the money for things, they will learn to save or just get by. As those at the top make less money, they will further exploit other countries to keep profits up. Oh crap, that's already happening too. Ummm, I could never agree to having taxes on income for individuals, consumption taxes would be on all foreign and foreign sourced goods, along with services, all powered vehicles, all ready made foods, etc--you get the idea, anything that makes your life easier/lazier. These lowest these taxes would get would be for completely locally sourced things/foods, then to made in the country from foreign stuff, to the higest all foreign. Additionally, there would be rebates for your first modest utility bike, and anything else that makes you or your area more self-sustainable. This would hopefully both increase the diversification to smaller companies that overall employ more people over large multinational corperations that want to rule the world. Finally, government would need to be scaled back to eliminate the debt, and in the case of the USA, the Federal Reserve would be nationalized, getting rid of a huge chunk of the debt right there.

I want secret control of everything :cat:

I don't have freaky dreams. I fly and I've gotten good at landings too. An interesting recent one, was where one morning I flew to the top of the roof to see how things were, and all vehicles were gone. There were some car parts just left right where the cars were previously sitting, but they were mainly the customization things that make the vehicle more identifiable. So, I flew around the neighborhood in stealth mode, and saw a few houses with unsavory characters still getting vehicles out of garages and on the road to wherever. I was going to track them down, and was flying around for more clues, but that was the end.

Thought process in the wild probably goes like this: hmmm what should I do?, do I want to?, repercussions?, do I care about repercussions?, should I do it anyway?, really?, are you sure?

Cooler than average is when everything goes perfect. It stems from a initial positive point, to more positive experiances, to a glow that lasts. Sorry, I don't go into detail :D

Sir Eus Lee

I am wholely flattered you would take about 2 and
Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Jun 12, 2015
How are you today
The human body on a small scale matches society. Cells and small structures mimic people.

Each cell has all the DNA of every cell/part of the body and the potential to be, but only certain genes are expressed determining the type of cell. This could be seen as either a brain or the potential each person has, or the ability for each person to recognize an ideal or perfect world, maybe one of those is more accurate, I don't know.

Anyway, each cell functions in its own specific task to make a body(/society, whichever you want to pick) work.

Connections to be drawn from things such as cancer, sickness, etc.

Sir Eus Lee

I am wholely flattered you would take about 2 and
Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Jun 12, 2015
How are you today
How has nobody posted since last time?

- People generally sleep with their feet towards the door.

- The matrix might have resulted out of people using virtual reality to test aptitude for real reality. incorporate divergent testing system here.
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Jul 17, 2015
not so much an idea about anything already existent, but a program based on my irritation with some parenting skills.
every year at the beginning of the school year, all 12 year olds (or those who will be 12 at some point during the year) will be sent to live with a different family for the year.
The purpose: to promote tolerance of all beliefs, ideologies, behaviors e.t.c. it would also increase the parenting ability of all, the original thought was that parents had to obtain a "parenting license" of some description, based on tests (not intelligence based tests, similar to driving theory in the UK) and a number of recommendations from friends or "witnesses" if you will. Unfortunately, this idea to the people I told was apparently "just like eugenics" and no logic would convince them they were wrong.
as part of the program, children would fill out forms on their thoughts on their parents, including facts and opinions, (e.g. bed times vs how strict they believe their parents to be) and likewise, parents would fill out forms on how well behaved they believe their children to be with similar types of questions.
After the forms had been collected, mbtis would be taken of the children, and all of them would be swapped with the opposite parenting type (not just mbti, behavioral as well based on strictness and stuff, e.g. a badly behaved child would go to a parent who had well behaved children, and the other way around so that they could see how different parenting approaches work).
After this, parents would meet each other and talk about their experiences, in a procedural and scripted manner, (in that they would have a number of questions each that they would both answer in turn as truthfully as possible). My belief is that this could go any of three ways (the third way would result in the second eventually)
1) it is a success, children and parents are more rounded from their experiences, parents learn new approaches to parenting, and the children can be pro-active in this
2) it is a flop, extroverts everywhere complain about their poor babies being taken away, and what "other parents" would do to them
3) in some cases it's a success, but some parents are unwilling to budge from their views. To top this, some children don't want to do it, a year away from their parents is too much for them (or the other way around). Then there are problems with some of the parents not accepting practices of their new children, or they may be LGBTQA and either the parent or child may be un-accepting of this. As a result, the number of complaints exceeds that of the positive results, and the program is closed as a failure
(in my opinion the third outcome is the most likely)
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Jul 17, 2015
Pegi ratings:
I propose a new system, in which everyone must have a brain age test (if there is a clinical one) and as such, they are given an I.D. card separate from their chronological one, which is used for film and games ratings. clubs/alcohol/pubs e.t.c. would still be based on a chronological I.D. card, because that's liver size.
Purpose: Some kids are mature enough to deal with 18s, some adults can't deal with 18s.
also I hate age ratings. But that doesn't make me biased in any way...


Worlds creator
Local time
Today 4:46 AM
May 26, 2015
A device that predicts what your muscle movement will be,by means of brain reading.
The purpose of the device is to improve input responsive time on many systems.
With it,it is possible to achieve less than zero input response,by the way we measure it today.
1)improve human braking response speed and turning speed in vehicles.
2)improve joystick input speed,will make game/software streaming(such as GeForce NOW) and online games more practical,as response time is very important to them.
3)virtual reality head tracking and other motion tracking responsiveness,a critical element in VR.
4)Improved experience in other systems with input.
Faster response when you are creating something with computer,which is important to batter creation process,the time it take you to make your idea reality.
It can look impossible,if you normally see the PC mouse and the drawing is according to the prediction,it will look like you are following the drawing and not drawing it yourself.
5)allow/improved motion tracking,can improve systems such as kinect.
6)medical applications in the process.
7)Robotic accessory,it will know what muscle you are going to move,before you move it,so it can make you faster,stronger and improve your actual brain to muscle response,which can allow all the improvements above but also extends it to anything such as pencil drawing or just awesome martial art.


rice-eater extraordinaire
Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
Feb 28, 2015
West Hollywood
Some countries such as India actually pay their citizens to have vasectomies. It hasn't worked all that well over there, as the kids are generally more valuable than the amount of money offered (taking care of elderly parents and whatnot), not to mention many of them don't even have access to the hospitals where it occurs.


Baby in the corner
Local time
Yesterday 6:46 PM
Jan 17, 2016
Northwest US
Is having a lot of good (others might say crazy lol) ideas an INTP thing? Because having ideas is sort-of my hallmark. Besides being 'eccentric' I guess.

I have ideas all the time. The best ones ferment over years of time. For the most part, mine are social constructs. I had the idea to form a cooperative (not even knowing what a cooperative was) and I did it, roped others into it, and now am the pres of it. It is not lucrative yet, but it is working very well.

I have ideas about relationships a lot of times, how we could make life better if we allowed more love but just didn't allow so much divorce.

Most of my ideas are N abstract, versus S inventive. I have ideas all the time, but usually people think they are too outside the norm or crazy to actually work.


Local time
Today 1:46 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
The last great idea I thought up was to do with keeping your spliffs dry whilst smoking out in the rain... I haven't looked up if it already exists yet though.


Drawing n' Doodling
Local time
Today 9:46 AM
Apr 6, 2016
Bali, Indonesia
So this one time in my dream, I found a way to deal with overpopulation- uploading our minds into the internet and destroy our weaker human bodies.
But then again, I'm not too good with technology.


Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
May 31, 2016
In my head
Here is my ideal world:

1. Let's start with God. First of all, don't disagree with me simply because your religious scriptures and upbringing has hard coded and programmed you with beliefs that limit and restrict your mind to prevent it from reasoning. God is Divine Light that Divine Father, Divine Mother and Divine Child in One Divine Light. Humanity are brothers and sisters under One God and all beings have the spark of God in them. I saw this in a vision, hence I disqualify all religious beliefs about God. This leads to my belief that God is in every being and every human regardless of male, female or age and therefore, society and its conditions and laws have to be changed to prevent conflict between people. It is the responsibility of every individual to make this shift happen.
2. A world without borders, one global passport using your fingerprints and One Law that is meant to improve society and its conditions to enable everyone have the equal chance to improve and realize their value.
3. A world without Presidents, Political, Religious and Military Leaders but rather a rankless non authority based society based on ability, skills and personality where everyone is a leader and share the responsiblities to ensure a move toward better and more improved way of being for everyone.
4. A world where money is not based on debt but rather based on work done in order to provide a value to society whether it be helping others, building roads, repairing and improving processes, or inventing a new device.
5. A world where planetary exploration and space technologies are the aim and future of humanity to go where no man has gone before. Is Earth all there is to life?
6. A world where Prisons are rehabilitation centers.
7. A world where everyone can live with dignity, have the right to life and pursuit of happiness, the right to a nice home, healthy food, clothing and where security and safety would not be an issue due to bond of love of humanity for each other.

If I was immortal, I would make it my mission to make this a reality.


Local time
Yesterday 8:46 PM
Jun 6, 2016
Here is my ideal world:

1. Let's start with God. First of all, don't disagree with me simply because your religious scriptures and upbringing has hard coded and programmed you with beliefs that limit and restrict your mind to prevent it from reasoning. God is Divine Light that Divine Father, Divine Mother and Divine Child in One Divine Light. Humanity are brothers and sisters under One God and all beings have the spark of God in them. I saw this in a vision, hence I disqualify all religious beliefs about God. This leads to my belief that God is in every being and every human regardless of male, female or age and therefore, society and its conditions and laws have to be changed to prevent conflict between people. It is the responsibility of every individual to make this shift happen.
2. A world without borders, one global passport using your fingerprints and One Law that is meant to improve society and its conditions to enable everyone have the equal chance to improve and realize their value.
3. A world without Presidents, Political, Religious and Military Leaders but rather a rankless non authority based society based on ability, skills and personality where everyone is a leader and share the responsiblities to ensure a move toward better and more improved way of being for everyone.
4. A world where money is not based on debt but rather based on work done in order to provide a value to society whether it be helping others, building roads, repairing and improving processes, or inventing a new device.
5. A world where planetary exploration and space technologies are the aim and future of humanity to go where no man has gone before. Is Earth all there is to life?
6. A world where Prisons are rehabilitation centers.
7. A world where everyone can live with dignity, have the right to life and pursuit of happiness, the right to a nice home, healthy food, clothing and where security and safety would not be an issue due to bond of love of humanity for each other.

If I was immortal, I would make it my mission to make this a reality.

I love the idea, it just seems too good to be true, and probably wouldn't last, unless perfect people lived there.


Local time
Yesterday 7:46 PM
Jul 21, 2016
When I was around 10 I came up with the idea that basically everybody else on the planet was actually me, just raised in a different environment and unaware of previous lives. I based it solely from the principle that energy can't be destroyed or created, rather redistributed. So, in my mind, once I died, my energy was simply redistributed into a different life. I went along with it for a little bit, although there still was a part of me that knew it was most likely impossible.
The thing is, the idea itself really improved my attitude. I wasn't really jealous of people anymore because they were supposedly me. And I started being way nicer to people because I figured I didn't want to give myself any trouble in future lives. I was way happier than I had previously been because I figured anything bad that happened to me didn't really matter because I could just start over in the next life.
But I grew out of it after nearly half a year, and I basically dropped the whole idea.

I wonder if that's what Christian, Muslim, etc. people experience. The thought that it doesn't really matter because there is always the afterlife to fall back on, or "god has his plan for me."
And now I wonder if maybe religion is actually as bad as I think it is. I mean, if you get rid of all the rules and shit, and get rid of anything restricting the advancement of science and stick to the basic principle that there is a magic cloud man who controls everything and wants you to be happy, it probably wouldn't be a very bad thing. It could make people happier.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:46 AM
May 26, 2016
I wonder if that's what Christian, Muslim, etc. people experience. The thought that it doesn't really matter because there is always the afterlife to fall back on, or "god has his plan for me."
And now I wonder if maybe religion is actually as bad as I think it is. I mean, if you get rid of all the rules and shit, and get rid of anything restricting the advancement of science and stick to the basic principle that there is a magic cloud man who controls everything and wants you to be happy, it probably wouldn't be a very bad thing. It could make people happier.

I'm convinced moderate religion has utalitarian benefits. But it is still a bunchof lies, and we have seen in the recent events that taking them too seriously can be really harmful. And even when it is not harmful, it means you are living a less genuine life.


Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Sep 3, 2016
The locus of conflict between humans comes from expectations. One expects another to think, feel, or behave in a certain way. They expect that ideals of 'ownership' will be respected by others. This causes tension between people. The truth is that no one owes anything to anyone, and no one has entitlement to anything. We are all just here, and we are what we are.

If harmony wasn't the primary aim of human interaction, then we could freely observe the other truths of human interaction and come to understand one another more fully. If harmony wasn't the expectation, then many of the ideals of 'good' and 'evil' would become obsolete. We limit our understanding when we become convinced one type of behavior is intrinsically 'better' than other types.

Aka voluntarism. Possible when mental and physical health is restored. When/if that will be idk.


Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Sep 3, 2016
Here is my ideal world:

1. Let's start with God. First of all, don't disagree with me simply because your religious scriptures and upbringing has hard coded and programmed you with beliefs that limit and restrict your mind to prevent it from reasoning. God is Divine Light that Divine Father, Divine Mother and Divine Child in One Divine Light. Humanity are brothers and sisters under One God and all beings have the spark of God in them. I saw this in a vision, hence I disqualify all religious beliefs about God. This leads to my belief that God is in every being and every human regardless of male, female or age and therefore, society and its conditions and laws have to be changed to prevent conflict between people. It is the responsibility of every individual to make this shift happen.
2. A world without borders, one global passport using your fingerprints and One Law that is meant to improve society and its conditions to enable everyone have the equal chance to improve and realize their value.
3. A world without Presidents, Political, Religious and Military Leaders but rather a rankless non authority based society based on ability, skills and personality where everyone is a leader and share the responsiblities to ensure a move toward better and more improved way of being for everyone.
4. A world where money is not based on debt but rather based on work done in order to provide a value to society whether it be helping others, building roads, repairing and improving processes, or inventing a new device.
5. A world where planetary exploration and space technologies are the aim and future of humanity to go where no man has gone before. Is Earth all there is to life?
6. A world where Prisons are rehabilitation centers.
7. A world where everyone can live with dignity, have the right to life and pursuit of happiness, the right to a nice home, healthy food, clothing and where security and safety would not be an issue due to bond of love of humanity for each other.

If I was immortal, I would make it my mission to make this a reality.

Ethereum or another blockchain soon is your best bet for most of that stuff. Maybe voluntarism as a governance protocol once cognitive function self awareness is more accurate and mental health is made better. Science is still pretty far away given they haven't even linked the antioxidant/prooxidant cycle yet. They still think all antis are good and all pros are bad yet antis protect all cells and pros kill bad ones first. Checks and balances.


Local time
Yesterday 6:46 PM
Sep 9, 2016
(this universe)
I just had the thought.
The sun is going to basically explode some billion years later.
Assuming that humans still live on Earth, how fast and painful would it be to die?
Would the "explosion" happen in the span of hours or days, or seconds/minutes?
Would this be like World War 3 in a sense? (Yes, I know this is a bit abstract)

*These are just curious questions.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Today 12:46 PM
Dec 12, 2010
how fast and painful would it be to die?

Good question. Next time I'm talking to a ghost, I'll have to try and remember to ask them about it.


lust for life
Local time
Yesterday 5:46 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
I just had the thought.
The sun is going to basically explode some billion years later.
Assuming that humans still live on Earth, how fast and painful would it be to die?
Would the "explosion" happen in the span of hours or days, or seconds/minutes?
Would this be like World War 3 in a sense? (Yes, I know this is a bit abstract)

*These are just curious questions.

In the wake of the Sun's explosion WW3 would be but the popping of a zit on the skin that would eagerly peel from human flesh like overripe fruit begging for oblivion, whilst Feeling Yourself Disintegrate by the Flaming Lips echoes off in the background.

Not exactly, it's fair to say we'd be some kind of post human cyborg or virtual consciousness evolved beyond pain receptivity, though I believe the effects of climate change should extinguish organic carbon based life on earth before the sun exhausts all of its hydrogen.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Yesterday 6:46 PM
Sep 2, 2009
I think it's common knowledge that for every pretty white tiger there are dozens of retarded or gimp tigers born. So I want to start:

"Yellow's home for retarded tigers and other animals who are fucked up but still kinda cute too"

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Today 12:46 PM
Dec 12, 2010
I think it's common knowledge that for every pretty white tiger there are dozens of retarded or gimp tigers born. So I want to start:

"Yellow's home for retarded tigers and other animals who are fucked up but still kinda cute too"

A quick google search just revealed that there are around 200 white tigers in the world and around 4000 tigers overall.

Given that a dozen means 12, and a plural denotes at least 2 of something, and 12 multiplied by 2 is 24, and 24 multiplied by 200 is 4800, this is logically impossible.

I would expect the levels of retardation in tigers to be quite low. I am unsure which definition of gimp you are using here.

Do you know if there are currently any facilities available which do look after such animals?

Of relevance here is this article, which you may have already seen, about Kenny the white tiger, who has Down's Syndrome.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Yesterday 6:46 PM
Sep 2, 2009
A quick google search just revealed that there are around 200 white tigers in the world and around 4000 tigers overall.

Given that a dozen means 12, and a plural denotes at least 2 of something, and 12 multiplied by 2 is 24, and 24 multiplied by 200 is 4800, this is logically impossible.

I would expect the levels of retardation in tigers to be quite low. I am unsure which definition of gimp you are using here.

Do you know if there are currently any facilities available which do look after such animals?

Of relevance here is this article, which you may have already seen, about Kenny the white tiger, who has Down's Syndrome.
Most die early/are killed. Which is why we need the retarded tiger haven! If we outbreed the inbred tigers, we should still be able to produce healthy tigers. And we get frolicking Kennys everywhere. It's a win-win from where I'm sitting.

Also, that's 4000 tigers in the wild. It doesn't count those in private breeding programs for commercial sale. White tigers bring in good money.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Today 12:46 PM
Dec 12, 2010
Most die early/are killed. Which is why we need the retarded tiger haven! If we outbreed the inbred tigers, we should still be able to produce healthy tigers. And we get frolicking Kennys everywhere. It's a win-win from where I'm sitting.

Also, that's 4000 tigers in the wild. It doesn't count those in private breeding programs for commercial sale. White tigers bring in good money.

If we estimate the proportion of tigers with retardation as being 4.8%, then there would have to be close to 100,000 tigers in private breeding programs for that to be the case, which to me sounds like a much higher number than what it really is.

Also, you've avoided answering my question as to what definition of gimp you were using.

Bad Itch

Push to Start
Local time
Yesterday 9:46 PM
Jul 15, 2016
If we estimate the proportion of tigers with retardation as being 4.8%, then there would have to be close to 100,000 tigers in private breeding programs for that to be the case, which to me sounds like a much higher number than what it really is.

Also, you've avoided answering my question as to what definition of gimp you were using.
100,000 in private breeding programs sounds about right. Tiger Balm is really thick so probably it takes a lot of Tigers to keep up with demand. You'd have to have at least that many.

(Sorry. Could not resist.) :D
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