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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    Thoughts On Space-travel?

    I don't doubt that it's a possibility, however I would prefer that humans don't go off and destroy other planets. Humans need to learn to live with what we have and use space exploration as a way to learn more about the universe. I would hate to see humans colonize another planet while we are...
  2. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    I'm wanting to know how my personality affects people in this forum. I have a hard time judging because I can't see how people react to how I act in the forum. Sorry that I wasn't clear about that in my OP. I wanted to leave it open-ended so that I wasn't leading the conversation. I value...
  3. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    Does this make others feel bad that I'm irregular? I can be down to earth but I joined the INTP forum to avoid the monotony of pretending to be regular. I'm not trying to be fancy. I have trouble reading and writing so I'm developing reading and writing skills by participating in a public...
  4. computerhxr

    Lets create an INTP society (Project Noah's Ark / Critical Mass)

    All the cool kids are drinking the Kool-Aid.
  5. computerhxr

    I am afraid of failure. [QT's personal all around thread for lamenting his inadequacies]

    Re: Its hard being the dullest crayon in the box. Calling yourself an asshole is a positive affirmation of a negative quality. You are building that part of your brain so that it dominates your life. You need to focus on the positive and things will get better.
  6. computerhxr

    Lets create an INTP society (Project Noah's Ark / Critical Mass)

    Sounds like you want to start a cult. What are the requirements to be part of your society? Just test INTP and you're in? Are there IQ requirements?
  7. computerhxr

    I am afraid of failure. [QT's personal all around thread for lamenting his inadequacies]

    Re: Its hard being the dullest crayon in the box. Life is a struggle for everyone. The last two years of my life pretty much destroyed everything that I had been working towards my whole life. I had to completely let go of every single one of my dreams and start over. I haven't been able to...
  8. computerhxr

    Lets create an INTP society (Project Noah's Ark / Critical Mass)

    I must be the fucking stupid one in the room then. What makes you think that rational beliefs are better or more true than irrational ones?
  9. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    Rather than blindly making New Year resolutions; I want to find out what I can do to improve my personality. I have tried asking my friends and family in the past. I know that I have many personality problems that I would like to improve, but I have never been able to get any answers. The...
  10. computerhxr

    Time focus of the perceiving processes

    The collective unconscious.
  11. computerhxr

    The deep web

    Yep, I used to finger that shit when I was a kid. I have some friends who are active in the internet-occult. BBS, IRC, and Minecraft is representative of the natural evolution and emergence of this underground network. Nowadays you can end up in the nether by crafting a nether-portal...
  12. computerhxr

    Jungian Typology Video Lessons

    Animekitty, Thank you for posting these videos. It is a good overview which makes it easy to grasp the basics of Jungian Typology. I don't believe that Jung would approve of the MBTI. It is an abstraction for rational thinkers to avoid truly understanding a complex rationally-irrational...
  13. computerhxr

    Does the MBTI make you feel special?

    Growing up as an INTP was a "special" experience.
  14. computerhxr

    how seriously do you take Christmas?

    I like to give gifts based on utility when others are in need. Christmas is a great holiday without the obligations, traffic problems, and relationship stress. It stresses me out when people feel obligated to get me something. I'm part Native American so I always want to re-appropriate gifts...
  15. computerhxr

    Attempting to understand the criminal mind.

    Survival of the fittest? This angel of death is a product of the sum, and her personality is reflective of the collective abuse by everyone else. They are all victims of reality. If she could kill that many under the radar, then why wasn't someone there to stop it from happening? The...
  16. computerhxr

    How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis? Is it Autism? "Reality" is exhausting

    You should get out more. Take a break from forced-reality and see what real-reality looks like.
  17. computerhxr

    Alternative to Natural Selection

    I never disagreed with you. I was acting out to help prove your point by being a "fruit" as Jennywocky put it. I thought we were playing off of each-other. This is a sign of how bad it is here... I disagree and I think that it is important. Forums have a bandwagon that reject outside...
  18. computerhxr

    Alternative to Natural Selection

    Do you consider yourself of the majority? 1 apple + 1 orange = double! :facepalm: I'm sorry that I double posted against the will of the forum overlords. Yes, I'm a cornucopia of all fruits. I edited that out rather than double posting. And I'm replying here to avoid using up an extra...
  19. computerhxr

    thread for pagans only

    Fantastic video! Kids are friggin' adorable! All beliefs are equally as valid and exist to spite (or bring life to) each other. They are an avatar designed to protect and communicate a model of reality. The cross only has meaning because we give it meaning. Burning down a meta-physical...
  20. computerhxr

    What is your lifestyle?

    I adapt to the situation. I follow logic and reason and alter my trajectory when I create turbulence. I try to be a check-and-balance to those who are off track. I try to communicate at all levels with everything that exists and doesn't exist (yet). I am fascinated by everything, and I do...
  21. computerhxr

    Your life goals? Dreams?

    My dream has always been to help people on an aggregate level. My medium for the first part of my life has been through computers and the "internet". My new medium is the human computational network. I want to be the "intelligent designer" of the future. I came to a similar conclusion so...
  22. computerhxr

    Alternative to Natural Selection

    The majority of humans. :angel01:
  23. computerhxr

    Alternative to Natural Selection

    Something like this? http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/dna-meteorites.html
  24. computerhxr

    strong intuitive feelings about shifts in the worlds dichotomy

    Exactly! The other side never see the folly in their ways. They see the world with one eye, so their vision has no depth perception. One-dimensional thinking in an omni-dimensional universe of singularity. :storks: We've all been there, but the challenge is getting through to the...
  25. computerhxr

    strong intuitive feelings about shifts in the worlds dichotomy

    The rational box vs. irrational box. Both are in-the-box thinkers that have little concept of the other side. Lack of experience and understanding is poor model of reality. :smoker:
  26. computerhxr

    Is this real?

    Stroke of genius maybe?
  27. computerhxr

    How Quickly Do You Get Bored?

    Never bored! Serious ADHD!
  28. computerhxr

    Neato MBTI Test

    The first time that I took it, I went with quick responses and this is what happened: 47% INTP 9% INFP 8% ENFP 8% ENTP 8% INTJ --- When I skipped questions that were weighted ~50/50, this is what happened... You're a tough one.. let me ask 5 more questions. I still don't know.. let me ask...
  29. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    It's meant to confuse you. I am not agreeing or disagreeing. It's a thought experiment intended to force you to challenge your model of belief. Acceptance without challenge is a blind science. I assume that together, we have many of the pieces to a puzzle. Assuming that science holds all of...
  30. computerhxr

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    Same here. I stopped drinking coke altogether. Coke-a-cola is fracking horrible ( for your health )! I started eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables and this went away. Fasting is another way to clear the system but it's extreme so be prepared for ups and downs. Cut one bad thing...
  31. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    They can see by touching things or audibility. It does not change how they process the information. E.g. you can tell if someone is smiling through a phone conversation, without seeing their facial expression.
  32. computerhxr

    The "What is a Function?" thread

    If nurture does not include genetics, then you would have to exclude parental genetics from the model. Nurture is an abstract model of nature. Left vs right-brain function. Both are valid expressions (or definitions) of cognitive models.
  33. computerhxr

    The "What is a Function?" thread

    Environment is not nature? Genetics is natural? That is to say that reproduction is purely a process of natural selection? ;)
  34. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    I can see that I'm wasting my time here.
  35. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    According to Carl G. Jung's theory of psychological types [Jung, 1971], people can be characterized by their preference of general attitude: Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I), their preference of one of the two functions of perception: Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), and their preference of...
  36. computerhxr

    The "What is a Function?" thread

    I would assert that Nurture IS Nature. Think about it... :smoker:
  37. computerhxr

    The "What is a Function?" thread

    I couldn't vote because there was no option to represent my belief. A function is a many to one relationship. There are many input variables, and one output. The output may have many attributes but this is not to suggest a many-to-many relationship. A cognitive function is the minds ability...
  38. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    Again, extraversion and extroversion are two different words that you're using as if they were the same. One is a cognitive function, and the other is an expression. There is only one kind of extraversion according to Carl Jung. He coined the term.
  39. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    I have a friend who is an extravert. He argues a lot because he wants to test the validity of his ideas against external stimuli. While he is extraverted (thought), he is not an extroverted (expression) in the slightest. Some people think that I am an extrovert when I am not. I just have...
  40. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    Sounds logical so it must be true.
  41. computerhxr

    Bipolar II

    I never said that they were the same.
  42. computerhxr

    Introverts vs Extroverts and appearance vs reality

    I was trying to make the distinction between introverted personalities and introverted thinking. I disagree, they are both living in a world of perception. The extraverts use external inputs to make sense of reality, and they test their assumptions by talking to others. The introverts use...
  43. computerhxr

    Ideas for how to win scholarships

    That's interesting... I learned to network from college, which is probably the most valuable thing that I got out of my experience. Sometimes scholarships are awarded to families who have someone employed at many different businesses. Costco has a scholarship program. I'm sure that...
  44. computerhxr

    Ideas for how to win scholarships

    Do you get assistance with the applications? Some people will make it their mission to get you the money that you need if you ask for their help. Network with your favorite professors and see what they have to say. They are connected and the good ones are always available. Later on when you...
  45. computerhxr

    Ideas for how to win scholarships

    Maybe it was sponsored? Many scholarships have little to no applicants. People apply for the big ones, and the obscure ones go un-awarded.
  46. computerhxr

    Hola amigettes

    Me being a typical INTP and taking your words literally. :rolleyes:
  47. computerhxr

    Ideas for how to win scholarships

    Go with the odds and apply for everything.
  48. computerhxr

    Bipolar II

    Greek roots skhizein ("to split") and phrēn ("mind"). Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share medications. Five of the current atypical antipsychotics originally approved to treat schizophrenia are now also approved as treatment for acute mania. Two of them are even approved as maintenance...
  49. computerhxr

    Do people even read this stuff?

    If you can't take the heat, get out of the fire! It's difficult to test the waters amongst INTPs. With that said... I introduced myself and I'm still around. Just to be a bad-ass! :smoker:
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