crippli I don't know what to make of your post, but I can give examples of this in use.
When constructing a theory I'll bring in ideas from world history to illustrate a path to the idea, which will play out in the future. For example we'll be discussing violence, and I'll immediately look at it as a continuum of events from the past extrapolated either linearly or exponentially (the two most common cases) to the future. A 100 years is usually good enough. For example, world violence was higher in 1900 than it is today, and therefore will be even less so in another 100 years. You might ascribe this to Si, but Si is more focused on the personal past, being an introverted/introspective function, which holds true for the ISFJ/ISTJ's and myself as a Si tertiary.
nearfantastica I think the key is that Ne is the only truly global function when it comes to ideas and example. Everything is fodder for its mill - the past, the future, and I'd say to a lesser degree probably the present. It sees things as a continuum and is the only truly global - no galactic, perspective. That's how I use it at least, I mentally take a step back, sometimes imagining myself above the earth, where I have a slider that can scroll history backward and forward. From this perspective the present is just a small piece of the more interesting whole, which is why Ne doesn't care as much about it.
INFJ's are the Cassandra's of society. My INFJ continually sees trends long before the collective sees them. She's always looking to the future, but doesn't use the past to extrapolate to the future as I do. She tends to look to the present (Se inferior) and the potential negative future consequences of it (Ni). I don't know if INFJ's generally have a fatalistic streak, but it seems not unlikely.
INTJ's seem to use this more as a system building goal with their Te. They commonly see things in the present (Se inferior again) that are flawed (such as diet with Joel Fuhrman/INTJ or housekeeping with Bea Johnson/INTJ) and then go on to create a system for the rest of us to follow.
ISFJ Si dominants are the masters of their personal rituals. Whatever environment they grew up in they will continue, to amazing degrees. My ISFJ sister-in-law has every major physical item from her childhood, including her bed which her children are using. We have a lot of her parents furniture, because she doesn't have a place for it and can't get rid of it (fine by me, these are great antiques and I wish I had more). She bemoans that the rest of us don't drink at holidays, as that's what she grew up on, but every holiday is a re-enactment of the exact rituals they engaged in otherwise.
ISTJ's on the other hand are also Si users, and I work with many of them, but they take a more impersonal factual approach. They are a treasury of details about their chosen interest. One was into airplanes and knew everything about them. Another is into computers (professionally, oddly he doesn't do much with them at home) but is a storehouse of details. Ask him anything about Windows programming and he has an answer ferreted away. Again the focus on details in a personal way.
In me Si manifests more as a storehouse of my personal journey, and also details on things I've done or experienced. For example, movies. I can recall details, including playing out many scenes from having watched a movie once. Others have commented on how much Si I use on these boards relaying my experiences (including in this post!). It's a storehouse of data to feed the Ti-Ne engine, but I have little regards for past precedent as Si dominants do.
Well this goes without saying, Se dominants are focused on taking in the present moment. Too obvious and too many examples to bother elaborating on.