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Search results

  1. Proletar

    What would happen if we couldn't hear ourselves?

    Ask a megalomaniac.
  2. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    You have no idea. Gotcha. I have already proven that people are getting sicker. Still an increase in disease and an increased reliance on medications in the general public. So the standard of living is getting lower because of reasons you can't explain. Once again: Yes. What do you mean...
  3. Proletar

    What would you choose?

    I would probably stay behind and let them both go. I wouldn't be able to choose between them.
  4. Proletar

    INTPs and grip behaviours: what do YOU do / dont under that grip ?

    *Something* leads to anxiety, anxiety leads to stress, and stress leads to suffering. I generally go around with a bad feeling for some time. I'm not sure where that comes from, even today. I can go around with it for weeks or even months. Then I find myself having trouble sleeping. As time...
  5. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    That sounds a lot like hope and little like actual ideas. Show me a study of rats or something with ALL the recommended doses in them at once. You have stated that many times but you have not backed it up with anything. Longer lives, sure, but not healthier lives. It's not small. It's...
  6. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    That's an awesome thought. Life imitates art. First there is an idea, and then the opportunity for its implementation arises. Think of all the philosophers/politicians waiting around for their moment. And think of how many of them are crazy nazis or something. :D
  7. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    Do you think what we are doing today is enough? I don't think so. I for one think these things are toxic. If not while isolated, then together when you mix them. Here in the EU there are about 320 approved chemicals, and they are approved not only for conservation. It's also there for flavour...
  8. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    What? The devastation of the amazonas and all those oil spills were all just filthy liberal propaganda then. Or we could institute laws for pollution and make sure to enforce them while funding research for environmentally friendly alternatives rather than just making the planet a...
  9. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    Is that a smile on my face? I think so. Please tell me of this reality of yours.
  10. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    So you mean we're all in a big melting pot, just waiting for the right ideas to appear?
  11. Proletar

    The loss of ideals

    Hey all. The world is a shitty place. The humans of today are conditioned to care only for themselves, either by greed or survival instinct. Meanwhile, the natural resources of the world are being harvested and ruined. The air is polluted. Our waters are being polluted. Our artificial foods...
  12. Proletar

    Stroke case

    A stroke can affect a person in many different ways. It all depends on where it hits. Another fact about the brain that gets circumvented a lot of times is it's plasticity. If your friend loses the ability to speak because one part of the brain is damaged, then another part of the brain can...
  13. Proletar

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    Wrong. http://www.scienceofhealthindex.com/man_wolf_sheep.html Unless wolfes are also vegetarians by nature?
  14. Proletar

    Human head transplant is now possible

    But if we had access to restorative treatments, stem cell assistance and other extravagant things, why would we even need a head transplant?
  15. Proletar

    Human head transplant is now possible

    If you give a young body to an old head (I know there is a pun somewhere in this) it's bound to happen. If the degenerative diseases are not present while the transplant takes place, then they will show as time progresses. A -> B.
  16. Proletar

    Human head transplant is now possible

    I'm not sure how good it would be to have tons of crazy senile people with ripped bodies of 20 year-olds.
  17. Proletar

    How to deal with life?

    And Duxwing gets it right, as usual. After statements like these, my brain just wants to cuddle up in your lap and purr like a kitten. You people are putting mental, psychological, philosophical and neural problems in the same basket. In the world of anxiety-disorders, there is usually...
  18. Proletar

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    Yes. This is very true.
  19. Proletar

    Thor's Hammer

    Ugh... Have to get going to work in about 20 minutes. Here's my pushed answer: Measuring fiction against other fiction is silly, since they are created by different people. In the end, the creator or owner of the fiction is always right. I learned that the hard way by being a Warcraft-nerd...
  20. Proletar

    How to deal with life?

    Just get some medication for your anxiety or whatever and start focusing on stuff you find interesting/funny instead of what you are doing now. Being trapped in the wheels of society and/or fear and loathing is horrible, but it's easy to get away from once you try.
  21. Proletar

    Thor's Hammer

    I hate to break it to you, but none of the things you are mentioning are actually real. They are written fiction, and most of the creators are either dead or have sold their fiction to a franchise or company of some sort. Thor and his hammer are both intellectual property. If you want an answer...
  22. Proletar

    While intpforum was down....

    I mostly watched the kitty dance.
  23. Proletar

    Hypothesis: ADHD

    ADD here. Your description is about right, only I would tie it more to how we respond to the signal-substances themselves. My own experiences points me to that. For starters, I don't enjoy doing things like running. I hear about the runners high, but all I get when I jog is pain and...
  24. Proletar

    Hypothesis: ADHD

    The theory is that people with a constant stream of impulses and wild ideas was good to have around in the stone-age. In modern times, *sigh* those traits are often put aside since they mean you wont be able to focus in school. In this world, everyone has to go through the same system despite...
  25. Proletar

    I'm fuck

    ... And I like to Buck"
  26. Proletar

    INTPs raised in troubled neighborhoods.

    Sure I did, but the thing is that I moved around loads as a kid. So I've been both poor and relatively wealthy throughout the years. Good schools, bad schools. Poverty, relative wealth. Alpha-male, bullied, class-clown, geek, rebel, gangster and pretentious douche. I've done it all. It's more...
  27. Proletar

    Things INTPs can do just to relax

    I started rolling my own cigarettes a while back. After buying pipe-tobacco instead of rolling-tobacco by mistake one time, I bought myself a pipe. Basically, I've picked up pipe-smoking and reduced my other intakes of nicotine. When I come home from work trying to relax, I load a pipe and...
  28. Proletar

    Can't Sleep

    Duxwing: I've had problems sleeping for as long as I can remember. The problem is not that you are thinking about death and existance. The problem is that you are thinking. Your brain is understimulated. I would advise you to jump straight into some project that you find interesting and...
  29. Proletar

    Your game ideas

    Haven't you all gone around at some point with an awesome idea for a game? It never comes to fruition, of course, since you are not game designers and wouldn't possibly have the resources to program an entire game, and even if you did, you would have no idea where to start. Ideas are fun though...
  30. Proletar

    wikintp, dear

    I can see words, but...
  31. Proletar

    Smoke weed to X

    Cannabis is a good thing. It helps all different sorts of people with all different sorts of problems. Not being stoned is one of those problems, but smoking or otherwise using weed have tons of other applications aswell. Curing cancer for example.
  32. Proletar


  33. Proletar

    Boston bombing- American, Jihadist group, or other?

    Your teacher is a narrow-minded bigot. He/she should be fired. Consult your principle.
  34. Proletar

    What is Justice?

    I never said that... :-] No but seriously. People just tend to jump straight to punishment when it comes to the term 'justice'. That's not the same thing at all as social justice. Social justice is the concept of treating people right. It's not about state and law. It's not about deciding...
  35. Proletar

    What is Justice?

    Believing in justice is mostly about not being a douche yourself.
  36. Proletar

    What is Justice?

    Justice has the closest relations to truthfulness and equality, I would say. Injustice is basically when someone exceeds these lines. If you make someone do something by giving them expections of a better result/situation for themselves than what will actually be, then you are treating them...
  37. Proletar

    What Are INTP's Passionate About?

    Re: What Are INTP's Passsionate About? Injustice. When I see a person getting treated unfairly, I get angry. If that person is me, I feel hopeless. Justice, truth, honesty and independance, in all of their forms, is what I'm passionate about. I hate the idea of authority, that is, people making...
  38. Proletar

    Dumb Jokes are the Best Kind

    - Mom! Mom! Can I get a cookie? - Sure, honey. They are at the top drawer. Take as many as you want. - But I don't have any arms... - No arms, no cookies.
  39. Proletar

    Shoot me twice and that's love

    Interesting perspectives. I can certainly agree that gun-violence is more of a symptom than the disease itself. That doesn't mean that we can't treat the symptom, on the other hand. But of course, a higher standard of living is the true answer. What I'm getting at is the tendency to point...
  40. Proletar

    Shoot me twice and that's love

    Whoa, that's a really thin straw-man right there. First off, in the matter of the obesity-problem in the US, it's not really about the spoons and more about the food. More specifically, it's about the quality of the food. As of now, everything is loaded with starch and sugar. When this kind of...
  41. Proletar

    Shoot me twice and that's love

    Maybe lots of people get shot because there are lots of guns there?
  42. Proletar

    INTPs as Salespeople

    I work with fees and licenses. Certain licenses are applied to people, if they own or use certain things. They are required by law to pay them, but of course some try to get away from it. My job is to trace those unlicensed possessions, using the information that the potential holders have left...
  43. Proletar

    INTPs as Salespeople

    An INTP sales-person? I'm one of those. Although my work is not so much about selling, and more about enforcing a law. Although we do use the phone. We basically call private citizens up and interrogate them over the phone. I'm doing great at it. On the first days of work, I read through the...
  44. Proletar


    Or agriculture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI
  45. Proletar

    Accept my presence

    Yup. Those behaviours feel very familiar. Welcome to our dark corner of cyber-space. You seem to have some interesting perspectives. Be sure to post.
  46. Proletar

    Simultaneous Discovery

    I've thought about this as well and besides from pseudo-scientific bullshit that we are somehow telepathically connected, my conclusion is this: Similar cultures. Take for instance the event of the light-bulb. Without electricity, there could be no study on the field of electronics. With the...
  47. Proletar

    REALLY long dreams

    That's really twisted. Did you get any kind of experience from this? I once had a really long lucid dream. I was shooting lightning at people as usual, flew and used my webbing to travel. After having destroyed a government building of some sort, the police and military began to chase me...
  48. Proletar


    I would stalk and pick my victims the same way normal people look for a suitable chick/dude. I would wonder how they would look like when the light went out in their eyes, or when they realised there was no bargaining, no ransom, no way out. Like picturing people naked a la psychopath. I would...
  49. Proletar

    Watership Down

    Yes. Fuck yes. The book is one of the best written pieces of fiction ever in my opinion, and this film is not a bad adaptation at all.
  50. Proletar

    I lost a Super Mario Bros. 3 speed-run race today.

    What, afraid I wont post as frequently? ;) This is the worst defeat I've ever have had to deal with. Personal and very close to home. I'm really glad on the other hand that I've found people that are actually interested in gaming in the same way as me. So even this story's got its silver...
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