og root beer
Are there any other INTPs or even NTs who may have grown up in an area that was falling behind in education, infrastructure, wealth and general tranquility? Come to think of it, I've never made a friend from the neighborhoods I grew up in who shared my interest in intellectual pursuits. Most of my NT friends grew up in more affluent communities. The former acquaintances I had met from my old communities were all sensors, I overheard conversations while walking to and from my place and had some interactions with several people. I couldn't start talking about dark matter, human origins, alternative energy, abiogenesis and other geek topics. My intellect had to be put to other use while conversing with them. Now, that's not to say I haven't met NTs who grew up in similar scenarios, yet I haven't met one from all the years growing up in my old neighborhoods that I could remember bearing appreciation for science, philosophy and logic on the magnitude that most NTs I know would display. Is this due to crumbling education in the public schools in these areas?