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So here we are.
Reading this forum, words filling our screens, information being processed by our brains.
Topics are diverse, so too are the different personae discussing these topics.
Of course such differences will lead to clashes, as has recently been seen, has been seen long ago, and will be seen again.
This clash of different people is inherent to communities such as ours, and has been inherent to humanity throughout the ages.
So now I pose a question: Do you think change is needed for the forum to prosper?
Why would I pose such a question?
The answer is simple: I want your honest opinion. I want to see what value you attach to this forum, and if you would be willing to improve it.
This thread is not a critique of the forum.
This thread is not a complaint of how things are.
This thread is not here to denounce the actions taken by anyone.
No, this thread is here to find the truth, your truth.
What do I mean by "change"?
Each person will mean something different by it.
Simply put, change is meant in the context of your subjective interpretation, and is in no way a set term.
That is why it would be expected of you to outline what change you wish to see, if you wish to see it at all.
Reading this forum, words filling our screens, information being processed by our brains.
Topics are diverse, so too are the different personae discussing these topics.
Of course such differences will lead to clashes, as has recently been seen, has been seen long ago, and will be seen again.
This clash of different people is inherent to communities such as ours, and has been inherent to humanity throughout the ages.
So now I pose a question: Do you think change is needed for the forum to prosper?
Why would I pose such a question?
The answer is simple: I want your honest opinion. I want to see what value you attach to this forum, and if you would be willing to improve it.
This thread is not a critique of the forum.
This thread is not a complaint of how things are.
This thread is not here to denounce the actions taken by anyone.
No, this thread is here to find the truth, your truth.
What do I mean by "change"?
Each person will mean something different by it.
Simply put, change is meant in the context of your subjective interpretation, and is in no way a set term.
That is why it would be expected of you to outline what change you wish to see, if you wish to see it at all.