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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    People with very high IQs tend to be really awful at spotting patterns in systems with similar properties to things like dating, building a wall, or growing things, which, if you look at nature, tends to be the majority of systems. But people with very high IQs tend to be very good at detecting...
  2. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    It's a number. Numbers are often useful. E.G. someone's blood pressure for risk of a heart attack. Their blood glucose level for risk of a diabetic coma. Their height for buying clothes. IQ should be seen as a guide for a person to consider which types of careers the person might enjoy and be...
  3. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    It's a number. Numbers are often useful. E.G. someone's blood pressure for risk of a heart attack. Their blood glucose level for risk of a diabetic coma. Their height for buying clothes. IQ should be seen as a guide for a person to consider which types of careers the person might enjoy and be...
  4. scorpiomover

    Having kids

    Dude, everyone would have to go through that. So as long as there's at least you and another member of homo sapiens left alive, you're no better off. Remember Taoism: for everything, there's an equivalent opposite. If there's a black pill, there's also a white pill. If there's a pill that means...
  5. scorpiomover

    Having kids

    That is basically why our entire species exists, because our genetic ancestors chose to make kids with their own blood instead of adopting orphaned and/or abused kids from other species. There's just so much wrong here, I don't know where to begin. "Kid farm"? You think it's sensitive to raise...
  6. scorpiomover

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    Sounds more like ENTP v ENTJ. INTJs are normally trying to push for a commitment to a course of action long before anyone is going anywhere near making a decision. INTPs and ISTPs normally defer decisions until the facts speak for themselves. E.G. an STP mechanic I know was approached by a...
  7. scorpiomover

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    I can see how that might give you an idea of how to understand the E/I dichotomy. But since you've only said that when it comes to the J/P dichotomy, INTs are the same in terms of farsighted v carefree, it seems like you're NOT addressing this, which is the OP's problem:
  8. scorpiomover

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    If you'd read the posts of INTJs on INTJ forum, you'd have seen that INTJs regularly claim to be as adaptable and capable as you claimed, particularly in the very area that you talked about here. So being highly adaptable doesn't differentiate Js from Ps.
  9. scorpiomover

    Burn Out

    Yes. MAJOR burnout. Didn't. Had to stop. Then when I did go back to work, I had to choose an understanding boss and put my food down about my needs and the way I was treated. Also, I had to redevelop myself: eat better, relax, do Yoga, whatever will improve my mental, physical and emotional...
  10. scorpiomover

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    Easy. When I was a kid, a teen and a young man, and I did those personality tests, I'd always come out as "overly logical". It became a running joke with my flate-mates in uni. I joined INTJ forum and here. On INTJ forum, it was very, very clear that I wasn't like the INTJs, and drove them...
  11. scorpiomover

    Deep, Intellectual Conversation

    Here you go:
  12. scorpiomover

    Deep, Intellectual Conversation

    Heh. Bottle of voddie would do it. That's what the internet is supposed to be like. But considering that Frankie Boyle pointed out a Korean bodypopping got more hits on Youtube than Saddam Hussein's execution, I think we have a good idea of what most internet viewers are watching and thinking...
  13. scorpiomover

    Best girl type for male INTP

    Beat me to it.
  14. scorpiomover

    The new case for Jungian Functions

    I also agree with this.
  15. scorpiomover

    Egocentric "Natural" Morality

    So that's your contention. Now we'll see if your logic proves it or not. Well, if most of morality was self-evident, then by definition, it would not NEED to be codified, because then everyone would know it. But it seems that a heck of a lot of people kill, steal, and lie in court. It's also...
  16. scorpiomover

    Extraverted Feeling and Agreeableness

    IME, ISTPs and INTPs seem to understand and do things they way you do. I tend to find that INTJs and ENTJs don't care too much if their ideas will offend others. So what you are saying sounds more like Ti. IME, people seem to only mention female INTPs, when they are asking "How can I meet...
  17. scorpiomover

    Extraverted Feeling and Agreeableness

    I thought you were an ENFP, i.e. a Fi-user. I can see emotional differences between TPs who have Fe and TJs who have Fi. TPs tend to phone me when they want to. They don't when they don't. They don't want to hang out with me, if I don't, and vice versa. If they want company and I don't want to...
  18. scorpiomover

    Bill Gates: INTP

    Depends on how you define E types. If you define E types as party animals, then Gates doesn't qualify. Neither do most ESTJs and ENTJs. ENTJs in particular tend to dislike socialising unless it's for networking purposes, meeting new clients, or other practical purposes. ESTJs socialise more...
  19. scorpiomover

    INTP Memes

  20. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    Then we're not going to be friends for very long, which is fine, until you need someone's help. The people on your side are also not your friends. If you're treating me this way, they expect that you'll treat them that way, the minute you go off ketchup. So they're only your friends because...
  21. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    :laugh: Because it's like when Charles I, who was a Catholic, wanted to oppress Protestants. So you think that it's delusional because you think it's false? So if you don't believe that the Earth is Hollow, Hollow-Earthers should think that you're delusional? Very few atheists seem to show any...
  22. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    Your argument assumes that religion is oppressive. If religion is oppressive, then that is enough of an argument that you don't need to come up with a justification of oppressing religion. If religion is not oppressive, then by oppressing religion you're oppressing religious women who are not...
  23. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    Then that's why you were not getting the responses from @Hadoblado that you were hoping for. You can't beat on religion. It's not a person. It doesn't care what you do to it. You'd have more success beating on a rock. At least you can hit it physically. You can't beat on religious monsters who...
  24. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    Ah. OK. This is a commonly raised problem with the modern day breakdown of the class system. The rejection of consideration of the problem is also a common response. Unwin's theory is easy to understand. For society to progress, its citizens must freely choose to practise self-restraint...
  25. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    Tolerance means that you don't get hurt if you don't hurt other people. So you can do whatever you want, but only so long as you aren't hurting anyone else in the process. So as long as you can find a safe way of doing things, everyone gets to be happy. Tolerance is something YOU do to help...
  26. scorpiomover

    What is the limit of secular tolerance?

    I think that before you can understand this, you have to learn to comprehend the concept of tolerance. If you love tuna but your friend hates tuna, you've got 3 options: Learn to hate tuna. Learn to hate your friend. Tolerate the contradiction, so you get to keep both of the things you love...
  27. scorpiomover

    Positive correlations between dormancy and genius in tech

    The purpose of doing in tech companies, is to MAKE MONEY. More things you make and sell, the more money you stand to make. However, tech is sold on the basis that it's "super clever", too clever for most people to understand. Hence, it can only be sold on reputation. A company whose reputation...
  28. scorpiomover

    Positive correlations between dormancy and genius in tech

    Think of how most dating works. You go online. He sounds great. He's a fireman. Loves to help people. Great picture. Fantastic physique. Then you meet in person and he looks nothing like his picture. It was all a bait-and-switch to reel you in. Now take a look at when people talk about Agile...
  29. scorpiomover

    Lets talk Human Sexuality

    Pun intended?
  30. scorpiomover

    Bill Gates: INTP

    sushi, what you misunderstand is this: Paul Allen did that. He designed the software. He got someone else to build and maintain the business for him, and be the face of the business, while he made, quite literally, BILLIONS (was worth $20.3 billion at the time of his death) doing something he...
  31. scorpiomover

    Bill Gates: INTP

    I don't have Netflix. But I did find this: https://www.geekwire.com/2019/review-netflix-documentary-bill-gates-reveals-chaos-determination-love-inside-bills-brain/ Very interesting. You two might like it.
  32. scorpiomover

    Any female INTPs here?

    It didn't. Something else you said did: If the men who are very thirsty will message anything that seems female and single, surely it must be because they drink liquids from vulnerable females, such as their blood, and so seem like vampires. If the men who are very thirsty will message anything...
  33. scorpiomover

    Type Switching

    You already know. You would not have used such a precise term if your Ti lacked clarity. You would not have that clarity if you weren't clear on who you are and what you want to do.
  34. scorpiomover

    Any female INTPs here?

    Yes, men don't need to adapt to such a life. From the day men are born, they have it rammed down their throats every single second that other people will do all that and much, much worse to a man, any chance they get. Many men get beaten by their father or older brother every single day, to...
  35. scorpiomover

    Any female INTPs here?

    It sounds like you perceive all men as vampires. Have you been watching a lot of vampire films lately?
  36. scorpiomover

    Any female INTPs here?

    Wow. You sound like you're shy, but also like you've been to university already. How old are you?
  37. scorpiomover

    Any female INTPs here?

    Awwww. Just remember, you always have squirrels to be your friends.
  38. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    It sounds like you're trying to define personality types in terms of a sliding scale of intelligence and consciensciousness, which means they aren't personality types at all, which in turn means that there's only ONE type of personality for all 7 billion humans in the entire world. It's an...
  39. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Then what do you call a slightly less intelligent and less lazy ESTJ?
  40. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Then what do you call a slightly less intelligent and less lazy ENTJ?
  41. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Then what do you call a slightly less intelligent and less lazy INTJ?
  42. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Doesn't that mean they have the same personality type?
  43. scorpiomover

    The Betrayal of Julian Assange

    This is why we all need our own underwater cities, so Ecuador can't extradite to the US.
  44. scorpiomover

    If you’re a colored guy with (a) non-colored girl(s) how many times have you heard the “negroes are 3/5ths of a man” comment?

    These are young girls? Hot girls? Probably a challenge because you're not hitting on them. "If you were a real man, you'd be f**king me right now. What are you waiting for, a written invitation?"
  45. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    TDolphins are similar to albratrosses. They both have DNA. They both use haemoglobin. They both have red blood. Are they basically the same?
  46. scorpiomover

    Sherlock Holmes & Watson

    Are you suggesting that no person like Holmes could possibly exist in real life? Or are you suggesting that MBTI is wrong and there are people in real life who are simultaneously dominant in Ti and Ni while having healthy doses of Se, Ne, Te, and Si?
  47. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Double post.
  48. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Myers' Extroverts were "energised by being around people and drained by being alone" vs Myers' Introverts who were "energised by being alone and drained by being around people", which also seems to be understood by many modern people as people who are sociable versus people who are reserved...
  49. scorpiomover

    INTJ vs. INTP

    You seem to be claiming that Te and Ti are both equally useful. Te is supposed to be about an orientation towards the objective and Ti the subjective. But objective = "real world", then objective = "focus on reality", which is how Jung describes Sensation. So then E = S and I = N. If you...
  50. scorpiomover


    It's incredibly hard to gain citizenship in Singapore.
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