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Search results

  1. onesteptwostep

    Religion, transcendence, and dogmatic exclusion

    If knowledge is required to have salvation, then it is definitely not Christianity, but a Gnosticism. Knowledge does not save, faith in Christ does. Salvation is for everyone and anyone who believes, it isn't a matter of knowing.
  2. onesteptwostep

    Religion, transcendence, and dogmatic exclusion

    Knowing and faith are different things. Knowing defeats the purpose of a relationship. Faith allows for bilateral depth. "Knowing" is unilateral.
  3. onesteptwostep

    Religion, transcendence, and dogmatic exclusion

    I don't think I really understand how that diagram works. Mainstream Christianity views Gnosticism as heretical. Just another silly conjecture trying to transhumanise experiences as if one has experienced them all. Religion is not math, it is a treasure of knowledge from billions upon billions...
  4. onesteptwostep

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    "Music is, then, the medium for that species of the immediate which, qualified spiritually, is specified as lying outside spirit. Naturally, music can express much else, but this is its absolute object." -Soren Kierkegaard
  5. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    Maybe. Language is fluid and elusive. The case really isn't between you and I though, it's between you and God. If you have faith, confidence naturally arises upon that relationship. There no need for outside intervention or affirmation. Coram Deo: in front of God.
  6. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    I think it just depends on whether you take the witnesses to Jesus seriously or not. Sure, I do think there are plenty of other people in the past who have perhaps 'accessed' the transcendent, but I think Jesus, like you expect to hear, was different. I think one thing I can think up that is...
  7. onesteptwostep

    You know, to think about it, I think Donald Trump...

    Thought himself as a Dark Knight. That he would receive all the hate a good 20% of American feel, so that he can achieve something good for the country (albert they were kind of backwards). I pity the guy. But if he runs again, screw him. lol What do you guys think, do you think Donald Trump...
  8. onesteptwostep

    Human Respect Test

    Moderate and 80% coercive. "You prefer coercion over a respectful approach to social change" I tend to prefer social order rather than social change. Social change entails that the entire populace is in on the change, all the argumentation from the beginning and so forth. While progress is good...
  9. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  10. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    *evangelion clap* Congratulations!!
  11. onesteptwostep

    The World's Smallest Political Quiz

    Came up as progressive for me. I consider myself a centrist.
  12. onesteptwostep

    what is existence?

    what is a word
  13. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    What conversation? You're all within your rights to come and amuse me :) I like talking about faith and religion, so... shoot?
  14. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    The entire point of Jesus was that his advent was special because it was the transcendent coming to earth as a temporal human. It isn't an argument, it is history, accompanied by witnesses in the 1st century. Apostle Paul never argued about Jesus. He simply preached what has happened. Gentiles...
  15. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    That bridge is Jesus. Welcome to Christianity.
  16. onesteptwostep

    Is atheism 'unnatural'

    In terms of the psyche, atheists and theists are just the same. Theists, Christians, just happen to believe in one more God. The distinction between theists and atheists is silly though. There are a lot of types of theists, and there also are a lot of types of atheists. It would be backwards...
  17. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    Transcendence is not an experience, the way it is being used in this topic. It literally means beyond this world, meaning supernatural. If you experience something, it's a part of this world. In Christianity, God is beyond the world, transcendent. Any interpretation beyond this is just new age...
  18. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    What you're making up is 100% New Age nonsense from the 60s.
  19. onesteptwostep

    What is Transcendence, how does one Transcend?

    Transcendence isn't a thing, it's just something humans want, something that's out of this world, or out of this reality. Transcendence as a word was hijacked by New Ageists in the 60s and really has lost its theological significance. A better word, or a word similar to it would be 'the...
  20. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  21. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  22. onesteptwostep

    I have a theory concerning COVID and personalities.

    Yeah def, that's another good take. People might go wild after the vaccines are out.
  23. onesteptwostep

    I believe so that I may understand

    Text does not come before experience. We simply use text to frame experience, not the other way around.
  24. onesteptwostep

    I believe so that I may understand

    You don't think about belief. Belief is belief. Do you think about trust? Trust comes naturally. A baby doesn't think whether to trust his parents or not- it's a belief from irrationality. The baby cannot compute on what a parent is or even if the person taking care of them is their mother or...
  25. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  26. onesteptwostep

    Psychological Paradoxes' affect on Behavior

    In theology, it's God who chooses His people, not the other way around. The foci of belief rests in God, not the human. Belief and faith is a gift from God, not from our own efforts or understanding; i.e. rationality. The agency of the human, while significant, is secondary. God is primary...
  27. onesteptwostep

    Psychological Paradoxes' affect on Behavior

    That's good and all, but all learning is temporal. Pleasure gained from new knowledge, thus wisdom, and the sense of awe from it only lasts a certain amount of time. It's like purchasing a new shoe or the latest console or PC. Pleasure sought by humans are temporal. But I understand that this...
  28. onesteptwostep

    Psychological Paradoxes' affect on Behavior

    Ignorance is bliss, but with great power, if one seeks it, comes great responsibility. If you want to unplug from the system, the "herd mentality" so to speak, you would become a slave to economic realities. If you want to live the "herd mentality" or in better phrasing, "participate" in the...
  29. onesteptwostep

    I'm god (and so can you)

    I think it's ironic that people crave connection, yet once they find it, they come to despise it. So they try it over and over again, as if that'll bring in different results. Rejecting God, both personally and as a culture, is another 'meme' (carrier of ideas) to find this connection. Perhaps...
  30. onesteptwostep

    I'm god (and so can you)

    I think it's natural, and fitting. There's too much people in the world. A little less sperm doesn't mean men aren't going to have children either. Only takes just one, and an egg, to make, or procreate rather, a human. But yeah the causes will probably vary. The foods we digest and the general...
  31. onesteptwostep

    I'm god (and so can you)

    I like to think that God's a smoker. Kind of has a Snoop Dog vibe, but looks like James Bond. Either way, there is a name for people who think about god. They're called theologians...
  32. onesteptwostep

    The movie "Astro Boy" 2009 is psychotic

    On a cultural note, Astro Boy, or Atom Boy, originally from Japan, was to help uplift Japan from its post-war era. Atom Boy basically was Japan's faith in technology to help them rebuild themselves, hence why it resonated them and became famous.
  33. onesteptwostep

    not sure where to go in life at this point

    For my secondary education, I've been to around a dozen schools. That's 12 different schools, from elementary, middle to high school. I don't think people should have an excuse.
  34. onesteptwostep

    not sure where to go in life at this point

    Talk to people. Find someone to lean on.
  35. onesteptwostep

    Imagine if people stopped aging

    Well, we're all going to have some kind of ID that underlies our date of birth right? Also, the time of which when you were born will determine which generation you would be in. You wouldn't age, sure, but it's like not you'll be able to live the years you weren't alive in. The different...
  36. onesteptwostep

    Imagine if people stopped aging

    I think suicide would become a morally legitimate option to leave life. The UN would underline guidelines on how much population a country should have. I think government would be much more centralized and everyone would be eventually be tracked. Single life would be a much more prominent...
  37. onesteptwostep

    We are not 'fine' all the time.

    INTPs I don't think can be leaders. Leaders need to have very good social skills and aren't hampered by the stress that comes with directing people and making sure everyone is on the right track. INTPs for example would be a terrible army sergeant. We're good with data, but not things like...
  38. onesteptwostep

    We are not 'fine' all the time.

    ^ Basically, EQ.
  39. onesteptwostep

    On purpose

    Happy for how long, and at what cost? The cheapest and most deepest is in God. Just laying out my personal opinion. The others include food, friends, and fucking. Or there's the pharmaceutical option.
  40. onesteptwostep

    On purpose

    Most of those answers can be superimposed on life itself. "I don't know" "I hate myself" "I'm retarded" Don't be like them.
  41. onesteptwostep

    We are not 'fine' all the time.

    In a nutshell INTPs, if they are not in a healthy environment, will spiral their thoughts into madness. The walls they build around for themselves are just mirrors which further confuses them, making them feel insecure and unsafe. Their own thoughts in the mirror at first look seductive, but the...
  42. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    Welcome to epistomology.
  43. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    That is what you call a tautology. A tautology is a logical fallacy. I am not arguing whether time isn't real, I am asking for a proof which demonstrates that time is real. I know just as the other person that time exists because I subjectively experience it. But subjective experience does not...
  44. onesteptwostep

    How often trivial things annoy you?

    Ah yes, Americans.
  45. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    The phrase "flow of time" is a metaphor, but the question still stands. Can you prove that time is a flow of continuous moments, something that has a constant? You claimed that time is real. Can you back up your statement?
  46. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    You have to take ESL.
  47. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    What does time is real mean? Can you prove the flow of time?
  48. onesteptwostep

    What is real

    This is better know as empiricism. Learn2philosophy.
  49. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    God is an entity beyond time, so I don't see how time would be some kind of dimension which is fundamental to Christianity. Jesus dying as a human on the cross was a timeless event, that it absolved all sin, from both past and future. Plus, I'm not sure whether or not faith in itself requires...
  50. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    Progress being meaningless is quite different from life being meaningless.
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