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  1. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    I don't see how this is nihilistic. A little projection on your part maybe?
  2. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    I offered something? Glad I've harped on your soul-strings. :)
  3. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    I think generally, progress in itself is meaningless. Lifeforms form and build civilizations, and create technology for a good life, and ultimately we'll defeat Earthian issues such as living together harmoniously, but being able to balance and exercise enough freedoms. We would be under great...
  4. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    That's not exactly the main thrust of the notion I'm putting out. I maybe have not made it clear enough, but my argument is that time being linear and exclusive- that a moment never repeats itself, (no river is the same) is not special by any means, and that the conception of time is not so...
  5. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    Er.. then what are 'true' measurements? I don't follow.
  6. onesteptwostep

    Skilled trades, unused degrees, & my personal career mess

    You should move out of Tennessee, for one. Go try to find a job in an urban area, LA, Houston, New York, Miami, etc. Are you good with people? Maybe you might want to reevaluate how you want to live your life. Do you want to earn lots of money? Do you want to marry and settle down? Do you have...
  7. onesteptwostep

    Time probably doesn't exist as we culturally conceptualize it

    24 hours in a day. 365 days in a year. 12 hours in the sun, 12 hours in the dark. All of this quantification of time, of seconds, minutes, hours and days and years are simply due to the Earth's rotation around the Sun in our solar system. There really is no conception of "second" that exist...
  8. onesteptwostep

    What in life is worth living for?

    For others .-.
  9. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  10. onesteptwostep

    there is no such thing as meaning

    I don't see how this ties in with how things have meaning. Does objectivity give meaning? Does subjectivity give meaning? You claim that everything is meaningless. I don't see how you can go further than that. (Then you say I can prove you wrong by saying that you are wrong??) Make up your mind.
  11. onesteptwostep

    there is no such thing as meaning

    This and the title directly contradict each other. Is it dependent or is it meaningless? Make up your mind.
  12. onesteptwostep

    there is no such thing as meaning

    Well, I guess then that means your post is meaningless too, if we take your word for it. Postmodernism in a nutshell.
  13. onesteptwostep

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    AK isn't a bad person, with that I definitely agree, but coddling his purposeless curiousness (which is just a want for attention, actually, some social interaction) isn't going to better him. Just tough love.
  14. onesteptwostep

    Amuse me for a second, I am going to conjure a conspiracy theory..

    It has to do with American politics and how Europe, or actually how the Vatican, uses pro-life to divide America. So hear me out: for a lot of Republican voters, one major issue they vote for is abortion. If anyone has studied the history of abortion and how it relates to Protestants in the US...
  15. onesteptwostep

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    You shouldn't waste your energy interacting with AK. Words on this forum is just data to him, not an actual, organic interaction. People who had issues on this site and have gone off I feel are doing much better in their lives I feel. Anyway, living this forum as a social arena while giving up...
  16. onesteptwostep

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    I think generally you need to be active outside your own house. You need to go to restaurants, (I mean, when corona is down), relax and be able to eat, have some chit chat with passerbys and be able to enjoy and soak in nature a bit. Typing things on the computer and wondering what psychological...
  17. onesteptwostep

    the goal of life is self perfection

    The goal of life is discovering the answer. Maybe the answer is sentient.
  18. onesteptwostep

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    Being on the internet for most of your waking hours is a pretty well telling sign that you're slightly autistic. Being on the computer for a notably extended period of time means your social world is nonexistent. This means you have handicapped interpersonal relationship skills, or lopsided EQ.
  19. onesteptwostep

    Dumb and dumbers from Youtube.

  20. onesteptwostep

    Dumb and dumbers from Youtube.

  21. onesteptwostep

    Dumb and dumbers from Youtube.

    ^ lol
  22. onesteptwostep

    Dumb and dumbers from Youtube.

  23. onesteptwostep

    Dumb and dumbers from Youtube.

    I miss the dumb pointless youtube videos that defined the 2000s. Let's go back to that. Rules: 1) Videos must be under 3 minutes 2) Only 1 video per day 3) You are allowed to comment on someone's video, but if you do, you must post a video yourself
  24. onesteptwostep

    Please ban my account

    Want a tip? Post po... That's all I will say :D Happy account suiciding!
  25. onesteptwostep

    The Australian Anime/Hentai Products Import Ban

    Banning I think usually tends to drive the people who use this kind of entertainment more underground, making society overall more less safe. I think it would be better until the contents become too much for the public, then act on that public consensus, not actually legislate it from the top in...
  26. onesteptwostep

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Been addicted to this song tonight, Korean trot meets modernity!
  27. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    I don't care for superiority or any alpha power stance. Knowledge is not power, knowledge is truth, and truth to me is only Christ. I never came here for a debate either, but to simply answer questions. If you thought that this was a debate, then you are framing the entire discussion falsely...
  28. onesteptwostep

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    "For some reason, animals keep evolving into things that look like crabs, independently, over and over again. What is it about the crab’s form that makes it so evolutionarily successful that non-crabs are apparently jealous of it?"
  29. onesteptwostep

    your body thinks, not your brain

    In Chinese traditional medical practices, certain parts of the palm equates the various organs through the body. So if one pressure points that area, or uses acupuncture on that part of the palm, they think it will alleviate that part of the equivalent organ. ... And that's how the Wuhan...
  30. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    The heart of the matter is that you want to be a lyrical charlatan and push a syncretism. Time and time again, you try to "bridge" Christianity with whatever your thoughts are for some odd obessive reason, which I guess is due to your slight autism.
  31. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    It's not about legality, try again. In fact, as I have said, I think it's pointless talking to you because you can't seem to grasp the underlying metaphysical assumptions about reality and grasp other worldviews. You think physicality is all that exists, and that everything is an extension of...
  32. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    Your tangent was. If you think your ideas are an extension of your being, then sure, you can consider yourself dumb. Depends on your metaphysical view. :)
  33. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    People have gender, persons do not. Learn what a 'person' is before you go off on dumb tangents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person @AntaresVII The link above applies to you as well. Why do I feel like I have to teach every single little thing? I'm out of this thread now, bye bye.
  34. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    Did you find my answer satisfactory?
  35. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    The question of 'why is God gendered as a male', was asked in bad faith was it not? Yes or no.
  36. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    You could well be the next Ron L. Hubbard AK. ;]
  37. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    Yeah, my case in point. What is sacred to you? What do you hold most important in life? If you can't answer these things, you haven't thought about life in a serious way, nor have you taken responsibilities that entail where your trust in life belongs. I don't think you've quite understood...
  38. onesteptwostep

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  39. onesteptwostep

    I have a theory concerning COVID and personalities.

    I think because of this pandemic, we'll have an uptick in personalities being more introverted, and that the population in general will see a rise in more introverted people. People aren't able to gather as much as they've used to, so extroversion isn't as being exercised as much. It's a simple...
  40. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    Yeah. Condolences. ;_;
  41. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    AK, you're such a weeb :D
  42. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    Lol, to me, (I'm Korean and live in Seoul) "still bad" doesn't really cut it. We only have around 90 infections per day, and only 460~ had died so far from February. What the fuck is the US doing? Like.. I just have no words... ..
  43. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    Yeah, PM Ardern, huuuge props to her on locking down on her country before the pandemic started. Her huge win is super well deserved.
  44. onesteptwostep

    Gender Identity

    It's not according to me, it's according to the logic of Christian theology. The entirety of western philosophy is spiked into both Greek philosophy and the Hebrew religion. You don't have to be a Christian to know theology- in fact, there are seminaries in Britain where they give out masters of...
  45. onesteptwostep

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  46. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    Ah, so it's more or less the same as Korea then. That's good to hear. I figure you live in QLD; Queensland then?
  47. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    @Cognisant Did Aussieland do a lockdown or is it not that serious? Seems like Victoria was hit the hardest, that's the province where the capital is right? I dunno much about Australia's geography. @sushi Where are you from sushi? You had Hong Kong, but now your flag is India.
  48. onesteptwostep

    How is your country faring with Corona?

    Not to flex or anything, but South Korea is, well, as most people know from the news, doing quite well. No extreme lockdown of any sort, and we've been able to minimize our deaths to around only 450~, with currently 26,000 cases confirmed. Around 24,000 recovered, so only around 2,000 have the...
  49. onesteptwostep

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Love me some Sufjan.
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