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Search results

  1. How do you feel about organ farming?

    I believe that when people talk about growing organs in the lab, they are talking about infusing animals with human genes so that they grow the human organs. Obviously one cannot grow an organ out of nothing – something needs to provide it with proteins, blood, etc. But as far as I know, that...
  2. How do you feel about organ farming?

    I say do it. Easily. I don't have any sentimental concerns about organs. I carry an organ donor card in my wallet in case I get blasted away and someone needs a spare kidney. We're all just organic material, pigs included. Nothing wrong with sharing it as long as it works. You're the same...
  3. Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    That's a fair point. One is getting into a more abstract definition of genetic quality in that case, though. For example if fertility can be considered a trait, and infertile people can use technology to reproduce, it means they are well-adapted to an environment where that technology exists...
  4. Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    :facepalm: Not gonna explain a 4th time why this argument is flawed.
  5. nootropics

    It's opened, I've already eaten one of them :D Not a big deal though, gonna do a better job at assessing the market next time
  6. nootropics

    Dunno, went into a supplement store. I guess that's not the best way to get cheap products. But it's some sort of mix of Actetyl L-carnitine and something called Alpha Lipoic Acid. Producer is Holland & Barrett.
  7. Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    They cannot prosper via sexual selection, because sexual selection results in assortative mating. Just because a gene manages to reproduce doesn't mean it will prosper. The only way to make the argument in the video work is to say that assortative mating doesn't happen – e.g. any bum (in...
  8. nootropics

    Gonna try it out. Bought it today. It's expensive shit though – $50 for 30 pills.
  9. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Well, I can tell ya that the first time I heard that tune my jaw pretty much dropped
  10. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Such a fuckin immense tune. Just listen from 3:40 and onward. It's a spiritual experience.
  11. Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    Well at about 4:26 in the video he talks about environmental selection, and then at 4:53 jumps to talking about mating specifically. Regards to the latter, his point is simply: more people are mating, therefore bad genes survive. This way he is committing two mistakes: 1) He seems to be using...
  12. Are we devolving or evolving faster than ever?

    It's very unclear to me what the basis is for saying that selection pressures have been removed. There are clearly selection pressures. What has been removed to a large degree is environmental selection – e.g. the risk of getting eaten by a tiger etc – but sexual selection is very much still...
  13. Problem with Schrödinger's definition of life.

    He seems to be saying that life constitutes a some ordered configuration of matter. If all you have is chaotic, random movement of matter, like a system in full entropy, then you have nothing that can be considered an entity or living thing. I also get it that genes can be considered to be...
  14. what force is holding the universe together other than graivity

    My understanding is that modern physics is just a bunch of ad-hoc speculations intended to make a flawed theory work.
  15. Ignore-ness

    My theory is that the social-aversion aspect of thinker-type minds is an adaptation induced by the fact that intelligent people need more time, experience, and data to feel that they "understand" the world. If you have a very simple and limited way of analyzing things, you can by the age of 10...
  16. Social skills

    I think the problem is that you have spent much more time thinking about her than interacting with her. That way you end up in these strange situations where you stare her into her eyes and tell her she is the girl of your dreams, and she doesn't know what the hell is going on. Did you make any...
  17. Need dating advice as a male ISFJ

    Excellent advice from @Happy here. I would comment on one thing though, in particular phase 2: I don't know if it's a good idea to go into interactions with making friends as an explicit goal. This could potentially come off as a bit needy, and will make you sensitive to rejection. Same goes for...
  18. nootropics

    L-Theanine and caffeine for me. Taking caffeine with L-Theanine is definitely a different experience for me than caffeine by itself. Just the caffeine makes you hyperactive and not necessarily that focused. Throw in the L-theanine and boom, you get yourself in the zone. I also use nicotine –...
  19. How, what to program?

    Whatever project one starts with, it should definitely be something that appeals to you on a higher aesthetical plane. Or somehow in line with your other interests in life. Coding up a calculator is boring, so it will probably not sustain your interest in programming. A game is obviously an...
  20. Why ASMR works?

    watching this for sleep relaxation right now:
  21. Need dating advice as a male ISFJ

    Bench presses, bicep curls and protein shakes – that's all you need .
  22. Your theories could be interesting if you implemented them somehow and observed the results.

    Your theories could be interesting if you implemented them somehow and observed the results.
  23. I think I counted the word "fuck" about 10 times in that one post you wrote lol. Anyway, no...

    I think I counted the word "fuck" about 10 times in that one post you wrote lol. Anyway, no worries. I merely like to think and discuss the topic. I have no strong opinion on whether AGI is possible or not. I just know that a lot of things seem plausible when described conceptually, but runs...
  24. Actuary or Engineer for INTP as career?

    It's simply changing – like many sectors currently – into a more technological, data-driven sector. People who know math and statistics become more in demand.
  25. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  26. Programming with Jupyter

    Pretty much a killer combo, right there. Python is more general-purpose, R is more specialized towards statistics and data.
  27. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    Well I don't know exactly what is in your mind, but I know what I can infer from you write here. In case it's still going over your head, my point was: we can map the neurons of a bee brain (at least it's much easier than mapping a human brain), yet cannot replicate its cognition. The only...
  28. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    @Animekitty Yeah, according to your theory, one should map out the brain in question anatomically. My point was that a bee brain should be small enough to map it out, neuron by neuron. Yet, as mentioned, that hasn't helped for the purpose of replicating a bee's cognition. But somehow, in your...
  29. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    It's been estimated that the computational power needed to simulate a bee brain (which has about 800,000 neurons) is available in any regular consumer-market computer. If brains simply follow "basic control theory", why haven't people been able to simulate a bee brain?
  30. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    By human-level AI I assume you mean Artificial General Intelligence (aka AGI) which is human level? Obviously it's easy to make superhuman AIs for specific problems, for example chess engines, but that seems to be another story. So OK, assuming we remove neural nets from the picture, what...
  31. Social skills

    It is the feminine way indeed. But you are male, I presume, which means this would be the wrong way to go. Women are not opposed to straightforwardness and bluntness. If the goal is to be attractive as a male, as opposed trying to become another girlfriend of hers, you gotta think about the...
  32. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    Finally I'm fully vindicated. I've always said that neural nets are just regression; now there is a paper saying exactly that: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.06850.pdf. There ya go, all you "AI experts" out there. Your dirty secret is being revealed.
  33. Programming with Jupyter

    r-bloggers.com is quite good
  34. Social skills

    I didn't really understand OP. Is being feminine, soft and empathetic the equivalent of being comfortable with other people in your mind, or are these separate goals of yours?
  35. Type dynamics and cognitive functions: INTP nobody gets us

    Not before you've cleaned your toilet
  36. Type dynamics and cognitive functions: INTP nobody gets us

    Yes, I think of an MBTI type as just a point in a 8-dimensional space. I don't think there's anything that stops you from being 50% Ti and 20% Te for example – because these "functions" are defined exclusively in terms of apparent behaviors. So I agree that the theory doesn't explain the...
  37. Why ASMR works?

    When I was in the womb, I don't recall ever having heard someone sucking on a microphone or chewing food with their mouth open. We all know why ASMR "works". It's an excuse to watch hot girls making sounds soaked in sexual innuendo.
  38. Need dating advice as a male ISFJ

    I know you're probably talking about general insecurities about yourself, as opposed to insecurities in social situations in particular, but here are some aspects of social insecurities I have observed, as they pertain to myself: Based on what I am doing in life at various times, I oscillate...
  39. Need dating advice as a male ISFJ

    Whatever you do, never start with advertising your material possessions. That's self-qualification, which always works against you.
  40. Need dating advice as a male ISFJ

    Start by working on your personality, how you express yourself, learning which kind of expression is attractive to girls (or socially attractive in general), etc. Find people who can give you honest feedback on how you are perceived in the eyes of others. Learn how to look people in the eyes...
  41. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    I am convinced now. I will be slaying pussy with Hado's method from now on, which consists of "trust yourself" and "find common interests with her". What else? Compliment her on her dress?
  42. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I actually have bets on the outcome but I don't watch it (The bets are on Spain and Portugal)
  43. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I just need to get this out there – for cathartic purposes. There is this song that is regularly played when I'm at the gym, which I'm pretty sure is the shittiest music ever produced by humankind. It's so fucking disgustingly utter trash that it sends me into a depression when I am forced to...
  44. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    I agree with everything you wrote. But then there is no viable interpretation here that makes MBTI redundant. There's no doubt that MBTI is an insufficient substitute for real-life social experience, and I couldn't agree more that the latter should be the main strategy for the situation in...
  45. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  46. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Is that the thing where a bunch of men run around on a grass field chasing a ball?
  47. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    This is what he wrote: I.e: in order to use MBTI and gain utility from it, you need social skills. And if you have social skills then you don't need MBTI. So let's break this down in a logical fashion (also called "twisting people's words" by some): The last statement, "if you have social...
  48. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    "troll"? I'm not familiar with these terms used by 13-year olds on the Internet (from whom you seem to be deriving all your intellectual inspiration)
  49. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    huh? You claimed that in order for MBTI to be useful in practice, a bunch of assumptions needed to hold. I argued that they don't need to hold, and that it does derive its value from the taxonomy. But then you are trying to have it both ways by saying 1) That the Jungian part of is nonsense...
  50. Moved from: ENTP info ~ [Serac & Hado quotewars]

    I would say it does. Without it, we would not even have the notion of extroversion vs introversion.
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