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Search results

  1. Spiral Dynamics

    Allow me to introduce you to Terri J. O'Fallon – the author of the paper posted by OP: she has a BS in Education, MS in Special Education, and has a long career in public school administration. And whaddya know, folks, she also runs this company called Developmental Life Designs where you can...
  2. Spiral Dynamics

    It's funny because this Spiral stuff is a very good example of this phenomenon where a group of people – or an institution – essentially make a religion out of an idea and create an in-group of people buying into the idea. They typically lose touch with reality and use various tactics like the...
  3. There are 4 or 5 archetypes of each type

    You can divide the population into as many types as you want. It's a matter of how many variables you split it on.
  4. Artificial intelligence sharing thread and recent developments

    Well, I don't think that the complexity of a bee's behavior is really comparable to a drone's. That's besides the point though, which was that it's a mistake to think that you can go from mapping neurons to get the desired intelligence. I actually recently read a similar point in NN Taleb's...
  5. Spiral Dynamics

    I.e. slave morality is on the rise and is claimed to a "better" ideal. Personal achievement and wealth = bad. Multiculturalism, "progressives", "equality" = good. In general terms, this is just taking superficial facts about history and politics and sticking woo-woo new-age narratives to it...
  6. Correlations between Physiology/Neurology & Psychology

    So far in life, the biggest people I've met have had the weakest characters. Actually, the most confident person (perhaps overly so) I've met was this chick who was 155 cm tall.
  7. Spiral Dynamics

    So when is the next stage and what will it be?
  8. I created this thread. Ask me anything!

    What kind of porn is your favorite (aside from pics of nootropic pills, of course)
  9. Spiral Dynamics

    If it's some sort of religion or self-help tool, then that's all good. If it claims to have anything to do with science though, it should be able to specify exactly how its theories/models can be put to an empirical test. I.e. define a hypothesis which, if proven false by experiment, falsifies...
  10. Spiral Dynamics

    @SlipperyQ A quote from the conclusion of the paper: I rest my case on this one I don't mean to be rude to you, @SlipperyQ, but these people are straight-up cranks. I hope they are not financing this horse shit by taxpayer dollar.
  11. Spiral Dynamics

    Well, as someone who works in the financial sector, about 50% of my work is about separating sense from nonsense. Nonsense models typically have the following characteristics: - They contain a lot of gratuitous fancy language which doesn't add anything useful - They are typically a...
  12. Spiral Dynamics

    How do we know that this is not all nonsense?
  13. Maths and You

    I have the same thing. I need to see examples and counterexamples, play around with simple cases etc, to make a concept stick.
  14. Maths and You

    Well, what I want for myself I think is what is best for everyone. Learning how to plug in numbers into a forumla, or how to do arithmetic, or how to use basic statistical tools etc -- i.e. all the stuff which is mathematical but which non-mathematical people end up using -- is extremely simple...
  15. Maths and You

    If you want to learn C/C++ or R, hit me up
  16. Maths and You

    Math ain't easy. I wish schools taught math the following way though: you get the axioms, and then try to arrive at various simple or less simple propositions. Euclid style. That way you actually learn how to think like a mathematician. Obviously, instead, you just get a shitload of...
  17. If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    In terms of sexual behavior – some mix of bonobo apes and chimpanzees. As a general biological organism embedded in an environment – some kind of cancerous tumor. E.g. one property of cancer cells is that they continue dividing even though there's not enough space between themselves and the...
  18. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Plus for being experimental. Instrumental track is quite good. I couldn't get into the use of the vocals in that way though. Waited throughout the song for something new to happen but in never did. 5.5/10
  19. Predicting the future

    I think most of the stuff the brain does has less to with predicting than focusing on possible adverse events. E.g. if you see something moving behind a bush, your brain is less concerned with the exact probability of there being a tiger there than simply assuming there is a tiger there and...
  20. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Cooking food is so boring, tedious and time-consuming that it makes me fucking rage. Like, to the point where I start breaking stuff in the kitchen.
  21. Predicting the future

    If anything, scientific experiments have shown that the human mind is severely prone to a vast array of cognitive biases – over-interpretation of random patterns being one of them. Testing the predictive power of any method is ultimately a statistical problem, and the human brain is extremely...
  22. Why INTPs Can't Finish Things

    Well, I guess I can be impressed that you are able to do this consistently. I definitely cannot. The only thing that works for me is to put all possible distracting stimuli completely out of reach. For me personally, it's a fragile strategy to rely on my self-discipline (because I have no...
  23. Why INTPs Can't Finish Things

    Yeah at least for me personally, I'm pretty sure I know what the problem there was. It was that I don't have any vision for myself where I become a painter or something like that. Like, at most, it will be just a hobby. I can only sustain interest in something when it relates to a bigger vision.
  24. Why INTPs Can't Finish Things

    Definitely not. Programming-related stuff. I mean sure, I have a pretty good ability to focus. But if you really wanna make headway in massively complicated projects, it requires your attention pretty much your every waking hour. It's not enough to have a nice stint for 6 hours a day and then...
  25. Why INTPs Can't Finish Things

    You gotta be kidding. Internet makes it easier to finish projects? The time I engaged in huge projects and actually worked steadily and focused for prolonged periods of time (in the ballpak of 1 year), I didn't have an Internet connection at all. I wrote most of my notes with pen and paper. If...
  26. Predicting the future

    Well, if dreams are some sort of residual images that your brain generates as a part of its general process of interpreting (and in some cases trying to predict) events, then yeah, dreams can have some predictive aspects to it. For example when a close family member of mine had a hart attack...
  27. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Been finding so many perfect tunes lately
  28. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I don't understand why people call hot weather "good" weather. What's so good about it? It just feels like you have a fever all the time and it's impossible to do anything productive.
  29. Hi

    Wassup, vexed. If you are into INTPs, then I'm into you.
  30. If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    lol I knew there was something familiar about this thread. I could swear I had already replied to it.
  31. Fun Thought at 3:25 AM in the morning

    On one hand you seem to be tired of existence because of the pressures it imposes on you. On the other hand you also seem to be saying that even if you lived up to the pressures and achieved what you wanted, it would all be meaningless. These two notions are in some sense incompatible with each...
  32. If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    The practice of exchanging bits of paper for goods becomes more understandable when one considers that money is not an asset but, well.. currency. The reason humans need currency is that we live in societies with a very large variety of skills, talents and goals. If for example my skill is...
  33. What are you all reading?

    Recently bought a book I have intended to read for a long time: Gödel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid. On the face of it seems a bit woo-woo, but we'll see how it turns out
  34. At a career crossroads…

    My experience is that when you show that you have a strong sense of direction, that you have faith in your own competence, and that you respect your own opinions and are willing to share them, then people sort of automatically start looking to you to guide them. When that starts to happen, you...
  35. What do you think is the essence of nationality?

    Shared set of values and traditions, and a shared language. Also the agreement that as long as you live in that society you protect and respect its values.
  36. Whaddup

    I intended it to be a mere silly question :)
  37. Whaddup

    Is getting adopted something you would recommend?
  38. When did the site change ?

    I'm definitely missing the porn ads
  39. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Going on almost no sleep for 2 days in a row is weird fucking experience. Eventually you don't wanna eat nor sleep nor do anything. You just exist in this weird limbo state. Another funny thing is that all food stops tasting anything, and all music stops sounding pleasant. In fact most stimulus...
  40. How do you feel about organ farming?

    That is the most fucked up thing I have read in a while. It tops Bile Bears, which also happens to be a Chinese phenomenon. They're very entrepreneurial over there.
  41. When did the site change ?

    It was when we got more brown INTPs
  42. How do you feel about organ farming?

    With this we could make the world's smallest penis.
  43. Non-substance methods of overcoming social anxiety

    I try not to have any specific aim with the interaction. To me it's just about chilling out and cracking some jokes. I rarely talk about anything "cerebral" with people unless there is some specific purpose to talking about it. I realized at some point that I don't even like to talk about such...
  44. Download Thread New

    One can use the search feature on this site to deepdive into anyone's history. Downloading the threads to your local computer doesn't make that any easier.
  45. Download Thread New

    Yes, also add features so we can customize who can be allowed to download our posts: friends, family, people with a certain MBTI type, etc. Basically we should be like a facebook for INTPs.
  46. Download Thread New

    I would be very curious to hear what people are afraid of. All the posts here have always been visible to the whole world.
  47. Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for letting me know though

    Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for letting me know though
  48. Download Thread New

    This is Kuu right now:
  49. Download Thread New

    It's not exactly difficult to just traverse through all the threads and download all of them if one wants. It's just a few lines of code. I did that for the wordcloud thread.
  50. Download Thread New

    For a user, there is a "Download content" thing in the profile page
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