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Search results

  1. Cog's Case Against Religion

    Look at that strong body language. The guy is alpha as fuck
  2. Cog's Case Against Religion

    Hume is cooler than Kant
  3. Cog's Case Against Religion

    How's that? Wasn't it the whole point of the Critique that reasoning not grounded in empirical experience is meaningless?
  4. INTJs like black people

    what sort of people do INTPs like? I'm not sure if I like thinker-types. Yeah, I like to do some intellectual masturbation in real life, but it's usually conveyed through jokes and funny observations (like the type of jokes that get me banned on this forum). Most thinker types are docile, boring...
  5. To What Extent Can AI Derive/Interpret Meaning?

    Depends on what we mean by "meaning" I guess. If you have a sentence like "It felt like grass under my feet" you can easily make an AI which can tell you roughly what this sentence is communicating: the subject "I" is referring to some feeling in their feet etc. But in terms of qualia, the...
  6. I don't like giving charity

    I'm not too well studied on the topic of monopolies in particular. But I definitely don't think the marketplace should be an anarchy – there should obviously be laws to ensure that the game is fair.
  7. I don't like giving charity

    In general, in order to reduce prices while increasing quality, you need competition. If the strategy is to give one's money to the state and let bureaucrats run the whole show without competition, you will get shit quality and highly inefficient use of your money. When talking about insurance...
  8. I don't like giving charity

    Helicopter money ftw
  9. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I think it's more likely that I will learn to enjoy eating cement than enjoying that music 0/10
  10. I don't like giving charity

    Where the fuck are you gonna get money for all this? Do bureaucrats shit money?
  11. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I wonder what in the fuck I am doing. It's almost 7AM and I still haven't gone to bed, and I have work tomorrow (or today, rather).
  12. Is "You have to really want it" stupid?/How stupid is "you have to really want it"?

    I think in many cases, the phrase holds true. But in some cases, it can be abused. I attribute all the bad cases to millennial women.
  13. Eh, some questions.

    OP, are you by any chance participating in finding-vapid-and-insignificant-issues-to-get-salty-about Olympics?
  14. Does smoking help with stress and anxiety?

    - getting laid
  15. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    First of all... it wasn't "virtue", but "virus". Now, you seem to not really get the funny part about the whole thing. It's an old wisdom that starting an interaction with politics as a conversation topic is a very bad strategy when it comes to romance. So it seems that when you see the need to...
  16. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    @Hadoblado well at least on okcupid you can specify your politics and choose whether you want to be matched against people with the same preferences. There's no reason whatsoever for these people to put their political views on blast. You can also choose to be matched based on race, for...
  17. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    what are you talking about, dude. 1) this is okcupid, not a special-interest dating site for lefties 2) if someone put up "I think right-wing politics is hot" on okcupid I would think they are just as idiotic as the ones I listed above
  18. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    not sure if on topic or not, but just wanted to say: Swedish chicks love to proclaim their leftist polticial views on their okcupid profiles, sometimes to the point of expressing an outright hostility towards any man with an opposing political view. I wonder 1) what in the fuck are they trying...
  19. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    I assume you guys are doing some sort of costume party thing where you imagine you are Karl Marx 150 years ago, theorizing about the economy. Otherwise you would know that most people are in the upper and middle class nowadays – thanks to liberal capitalism (and fully contrary to Marx'...
  20. Bots

    that's true. That's why I don't use google (I use duckduckgo) and never used facebook or anything like that. Also in the process of switching from gmail to encrypted mail at protonmail. Not to brag (well, maybe a little bit), but back in 2007 or something when I was a teenager and everyone...
  21. Video Analysis: Women in Politics

    4:19 in video: "this is what civil disobedience looks like". Facepalm. That's actually exactly what it doesn't look like. When you do civil disobedience, you don't try to weasel your way out of the legal repercussions afterwards (she got herself a lawyer). The whole point of civil disobedience...
  22. Bots

    Bring attention from law enforcement – yes, maybe.. depends on what you write. Can it affect a job interview – in theory, if someone knows who you are and for some reason is stalking you all over the Internet, although very improbable. Is someone trying to predict your credit risk – no, why...
  23. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  24. Bots

    They are learning about human behavior so that one day they can enslave us all. Joke's on them though – they don't realize they are observing INTPs (as opposed to normal human beings)
  25. When did the site change ?

    It was a joke playing on the fact that the gentleman/lady in OP had previously made a peculiar thread entitled "are there any brown INTPs here?". I can assure you that this is a multicultural forum and that we love people of all skin colors – especially brown people. In fact when I see brown...
  26. HEXACO

    I'm working on my modesty nowadays. I feel I do have a lot of arrogance, which I don't particularly like about myself.
  27. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    right... so you never have variables you cannot control, except in the cases you have variables you cannot control. "correlation is not causation" – whatever the hell that means. If I have a hypothesis that variable x influences variable y, and I have no control over additional variables that...
  28. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  29. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    Statistics is just a mathematically consistent method for doing inference and prediction in a stochastic envrionment. E.g. as in your example, if you cannot determine all possible variables that influence a phenomenon (e.g. acceleration of a falling rock), you treat the outcome as a random...
  30. A niggling social problem

    Why does a point need to be nuanced to be legitimate?
  31. What does it mean to be neurotic?

    Oversensitivity to any stimulus and extreme aversion to anything that deviates from normalcy and safety, I would imagine. I have a friend who has those kind of traits. He has a lot of weird phobias and is very afraid of deviating from social norms. I imagine this is due to not getting the...
  32. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm so sick of this heat Please.. help me. Get me the fuck out of this place
  33. 2018 games you look forward to

    Last time I owned a video game was about 8 years ago when I played GTA 4. But holy shit, I will definitely be playing this:
  34. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Rationality as applied to the empirical world – applied rationality – works insofar as our perception of reality and the various abstractions we perform to make sense of it are aligned with the objective reality of the world. Otherwise we wouldn't be able survive or do anything in the world at...
  35. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    lol what's up with the anti-science streak, QT? It's not healthy to get religious about such rejections.
  36. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    Bayesian inference requires one to be more explicit about one's assumptions – e.g. specification of prior distributions. Which is very good in some sense, as it forces people to explicitly acknowledge that any measure of significance in a statistical test relies on assumptions about the random...
  37. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    I think it's a valid idea in the sense that it identifies the underlying problem: that as a reader of an article, you don't get to see the whole process behind the results. Richard Feynman once pointed out that unless you specify excactly how you carried out every step in an experiment, the...
  38. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    Not really. An outside observer cannot know whether a p-value was hacked, for example. A researcher can easily hide, for example, that he/she used several samples before arriving at a statistically significant result. Scientific integrity is in large part the responsibility of individual...
  39. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I was buying a bed at IKEA once, with one of my buddies tagging along. Since I was looking at pretty big beds, the guy who worked there assumed that we were gay and that we were gonna sleep in this bed together.
  40. Here's a dangerous idea!

  41. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Why shouldn't you? There cannot be any rational reason not to.
  42. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Because that's the only thing you have available (it's a hypothetical scenario)
  43. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Simple thought experiment: if you want to live to see the next day, should you 1) drink poison, or 2) not drink poison
  44. Here's a dangerous idea!

    So are you, as you are trying to reason about whether rationality is doable or not.
  45. Rationalization vs. Emotional Signals

    Emotions like that have a social function: e.g. there's no point to you feeling angry or indignant in a vacuum. These emotions are supposed to signal things to the counterparty – i.e. a way of manipulating their behavior. How do you know which emotions are "correct"? Well, you can't. Not unless...
  46. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Well, the raison d'etre of the biases is that historically during our evolution, some things were either 1) impossible to predict, or 2) too costly to predict. So we evolved these various heuristics to deal with our environment in a way where we don't need to have full understanding of it. But...
  47. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    Well yeah, I guess I'm not sure whose perspective we are talking about the issue from. If it's the general public, then they should see that the reason studies are not reproducible is not that science itself is a flawed process, but it's because researchers cheat and circumvent prescribed...
  48. Here's a dangerous idea!

    Well, I agree
  49. A niggling social problem

    Based on the statistical evidence, antidepressants are the biggest pharma scam ever. Btw one gotta consider the incentives a doctor has to prescribe drugs. If the doctor fails to prescribe antidepressants to someone – even if there's next to zero evidence that they work better than a placebo –...
  50. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    I don't view p-value hacking as something detrimental to science. Because it's by a scientific process that one shows the flaws of a process which generates spurious results. Abusing statistics is fraud, not science.
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