Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
So it's not so much that logic is perfect, but in the past, people like you and @EndogenousRebel wanted a system of logic which was perfect, and encouraged and supported many people to do just that, until they got one that people like you and @EndogenousRebel were happy with.
People like me?
Are you referring to my race my gender my religion?
You mean people you hate because they disagree with you on certain kinds of premises you clearly violate every time you say "people like you".
Clearly, your only motivation in this discussion is to base it on prejudice. People like me are people who dislike it when others are motivated by hate. You hate people like me so you assume I believe things I do not so you can attack me in ways that seem neutral but in fact are self-serving.
Go ahead and describe your assumptions about "people like me" so we can discuss why it is false and why you are motivated by emotional dislike for "people like me" What does a "person like me" believe and what does that entail.
Now, you and @EndogenousRebel are now claiming that logic is imperfect, when your counterparts in the past would say that logic is perfect.
So what has changed, that caused you and @EndogenousRebel have done a 180 U-turn on your previous attitudes?
Who are my counterparts? You make big assumptions in order to hate "people like me".
I just think that what @EndogenousRebel said was not part of logic in the first place.
ok, that is a legitimate disagreement, you should not hate people for believing this.
Well, either you are talking about an entirely different subject to me, in which case, you are arguing with a strawman
I believe you falsely assume that we are making arguments we are not.
That means you are creating a reverse strawman.
Can I use logic to claim that the Sun is just a clever hoax, that the Sun goes aroung the Earth, that electricity doesn't exist, that racism, sexism and homophobia are wonderful, that slavery should be legal, that murder, rape and torture are all moral and beneficial for society?
In the example of Kenya people often make false statements and often do so without intending to lie. Maybe the people actually believe he saved the world from exploding by not going to Kenya. The fact is that an unverifiable claim SHOULD NOT be part of logic but often is in some people's minds.
In other words, is logic such a stupid way of thinking about things, that a child of 10 could prove it's completely worthless, and thus anyone with even a modicum of intelligence would say that logic is wrong, and no-one with any brains ever suggested such a thing?
@EndogenousRebel amd @Black Rose seem to say "yes".
I and @LOGICZOMBIE say "no", and have a reason to think so. From my perspective, as such arguments are so obvious, such arguments would have ruled out by the rules of logic. If logic didn't rule out silly and obvious arguments like that, every smart and honest person around would have never agreed with it in the first place, and no-one here would have even heard of logic.
This again assumes logic is perfect because people will always come to the same conclusions. This is not true for several reasons. One people use language differently, Two people come from different cultures and make different assumptions about reality, Three even when some people are honest some people will be driven by their emotions such as you are to demonize people.
The fact is that the Kenya argument is not meant to be believed it is an example of unverifiable logic. Unverifiable logic is not going to make you a logical thinker and this means logic has problems. That is the whole point, @EndogenousRebel never said that the Kenya example was correct in reality you assume as he did and so hate him and now you hate me for defending the fact that you have a false assumption about him in your mind. Only if we can absolutely prove the Keanya argument to be false can we say logic has no problems, there is no logical way to prove a negative. God does not exist is an example of trying to prove a negative, and it cannot be done.
You believe that this is not true, that you CAN prove a negative, so you believe it is ok to hate me and him.
I am perfectly fine with logic as a system as long as people stop trying to prove negatives which means "people like me" should be allowed to speak freely about it and not be compared to people who are violent nihilistic radicals as you have been doing @scorpiomover