Look how cute you are when you smile though!
I was only kind of depressed because I need to do stuff I am not used to doing.
That is the problem with depression I was trying to express.
A loss or just being defeated will make your energy go down.
Because part of you is gone that allows you to know what to do.
I can do stuff but it takes more energy to build up.
Thinking about what to do when you do not know, drains you so much.
I can see where I can do some things but not other things.
Mostly I see this as a mechanism.
So I would not say that I have clinical depression.
I think it is more about learning new things.
I feel attached to my routine but I lost that recently.
It comes down to sitting in bed all day or doing something else.
And it is the reason I think the mechanism is important.
Knowing why energy works the way it does helps me.
Because I am inquisitive as to the brain and body.
It makes sense that humans work by attending to certain areas of life.
This means we develop through what we do, by finding a niche
To reinvent this is a process that takes time.