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Search results

  1. Any female INTPs here?

    I guess I realize at this point how meaningless such a conversation is between a male and a female, considering that the issues each of the groups face are completely different, and that these differences will be invisible to the initiated – i.e. about 99% of the population. I've understood for...
  2. Lets talk Human Sexuality

    In terms of intelligence I find myself only drawn to eccentrics; people with weird ideas and obsessions. Normal people bore me to tears. Come to think of it the only woman I felt I could have a 100% natural conversation with (i.e. one where I don't have to work my ass off trying to calculate...
  3. Lets talk Human Sexuality

    Can someone elucidate how this supposed attraction to intelligence plays out? I can say for sure that intellect never helped me in these endeavors, in fact I usually try to hide it
  4. What keeps you up at night?

    various problems pertaining to models and algorithms at work. Last few months have been pretty bad – little sleep, bad diet, lost my workout regime. I have even sometimes resorted to alcohol just to stop the fucking brain from spinning at max speed constantly.
  5. Please answer the following questions if and only if you know about Davesuperpowers system very clearly.

    Who calls a system such an idiotic name. Dave, if you're listening, you are a fool.
  6. What to answer

    Ease off the gas pedal a bit and maybe not message him at all for a few days. Pressure shouldn’t build linearly but more like in waves.
  7. What to answer

    Completely wrong conclusion in my view. The kid is a social retard so any guess is as good as the other. He probably panicked and came up with a response that minimizes risk.
  8. Any female INTPs here?

    Listen to yourself, you're talking about someone "failing in dating life" and in the next breath talking about psychopaths, rapists, pedophiles and sadists. Most men are scared enough as it is about initiating contact with women, and this crazy shit you're writing here is not going to help...
  9. Any female INTPs here?

    Gee and I thought I had a cynical worldview. Let me just tell you that most women I’ve met have had some sort of creepy experiences with men, but not all of them would share your worldview.
  10. Any female INTPs here?

    I don’t know why anyone would do that on INTPf of all places, but that’s another subject
  11. Any female INTPs here?

    Out there in the real world men sometimes initiate contact with someone because of the counterparty’s gender. Might be a shocker to some of you but yes, that happens.
  12. What to answer

    This would be my default assumption too
  13. What to answer

    Kinda hard to tell I would say
  14. Lets talk Human Sexuality

    There is this one hilarious fetish that I think has a lot of interesting psychological underpinnings: it’s this type of porn where one is to imagine a woman as a giant and the man as tiny, so that the woman is about 50x the size of the man. They employ digital visual effects to achieve this...
  15. What is your dress style like, or lack thereof?

    I've actually considered learning how to sew so that I can adjust clothes myself, but that's been in the planning phase for quite a while
  16. What is your dress style like, or lack thereof?

    in principle form over function, but I'm divided between caring how I look and not wanting to spend any time on how I look. So I usually buy pretty nice clothes and them wear them for several years until I look like a bum and then repeat the process.
  17. The future...

    Here's what these mofos write about their parameter choice in the regression: which is quite comical – how would you know in advance that this is the window length that gives you "good signal-to-noise ratios"? You obviously can't, so I bet my ass they tried different lengths and picked the one...
  18. The future...

    "ANCAP" – that's cool, I didn't know about it. Looks pretty awesome to me. I actually decided to read the "MBH98" and "MBH99" papers – arguably the papers that started the whole climate-change.. uh.. "interest". Available here...
  19. in asia, school and education has become an arms race/competition

    @higs For the experiments I think I would have to reference this very good book on learning I read a long time ago, called "Punished by Rewards" by Alfie Kohn: How rewards and credit (e.g. grades) impair problem solving skills, makes you a lazy thinker and destroy creativity: Impediments to...
  20. in asia, school and education has become an arms race/competition

    @higs well I don't think it has anything to do with a predilection for heroism; I think if you look at the state of science and technology today, you would find that 99% of the ideas are generated from a core set of ideas spurred by a very small group of people. You could probably fit them all...
  21. The future...

    These days here in Norway there is some sort of virus or something that goes around killing dogs and nobody know what it is. Now that sort of thing is a real threat - it happens to dogs today; maybe to humans tomorrow. I see microbes as a much bigger existential threat to humanity than a...
  22. in asia, school and education has become an arms race/competition

    I think it's a severely misguided mindset. Scientific and technological innovation is driven by individuals, moreover individuals with creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and infatuation with certain ideas. It doesn't help to raise the average IQ by 15 points because the innovation is driven by...
  23. Why philosophy sucks

    @JansenDowel Discover axiomatic “truths” in math? As usual I would say you seem to have a very inconsistent view on what math is. How do you refute an axiom?
  24. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    @lolzcry haha you said “school is necessary till pre-school”
  25. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  26. What do you think of time?

    We’re all just passengers in time’s vehicle. It doesn’t give a damn and just keeps going until everything has disintegrated and turned to dust.
  27. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Finally autumn is here. No more yapping about “the weather is good we have to go and do this and that”. No - we’re all gonna stay inside now, and do productive things.
  28. Intuition Domination

    It would have a laid-back and cool atmosphere and we would devote all the rigour and seriousness to ideas. Ie kinda the opposite of what we live in now. Sensors waste all the rigour on useless stuff like time schedules. Eg it is more important to show up in a meeting on time and then say a bunch...
  29. The future...

    When it comes to the ipcc stuff I don’t think people understand how much modeling assumptions and intricate statistical inference is done to produce claims about the current variation in temperature vs historical going back centuries. It’s a statistical-inference problem which has produced a...
  30. Any female INTPs here?

    I didn’t send her anything, but to me that sounds a bit nutty.
  31. Any female INTPs here?

    Not only that, you should spit in that man’s face
  32. Why philosophy sucks

    Well in the early Enlightenment days, things were simply less specialized – everything related to systematic reasoning was philosophy, like Newton's Principia was "natural philosophy" and people like Descrates were doing mathematics, anatomy, natural science and philosophy (in the modern sense...
  33. new

    Do you like snails?
  34. new

    You don't need to post five thousand times for people to respond to you here. You only need three thousand, we're all equals here. I'm joking of course. You seem like a person interesting. Welcum
  35. Any female INTPs here?

    well you sound like someone who has mastered the art of living as INTP. And very alpha, of course. I guess I'm similar in the approach in that I cherry-pick the good parts of INTPness and try to not get married to its weaknesses.
  36. How do I delete my account?

    you have to perform a series of rituals
  37. Any female INTPs here?

    This introduction is so friendly, well-crafted and socially sophisticated that it cannot possibly come from an INTP In case you enjoy smileys, here is one: :cool:
  38. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    And of course there is this classic story of another movie project, in German class. We got to choose the subject freely, so obviously we chose Hitler and among other things made vivid depictions of the gas chambers as well as including various swear worlds in German and Spanish easter-egg style...
  39. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    We also included a segment in that movie depicting us chasing a cat through the streets. Not sure why. We blamed that particular inclusion on a lack of editing equipment.
  40. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    One time in primary school me and a friend made a complete mockery out of an astronomy project where we were supposed to make a film about the planetary system. We ended up making a movie mostly consisting of us blowing up oranges with fire crackers and explaining that this was how it looked...
  41. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    I dunno, I didn't have much bad to say about school. It was sort of like browsing wikipedia pages – it's all fluff knowledge but one could always find something interesting in it if one wanted to. I was a rebellious little dipshit but teachers treated me well despite of that, not sure why. They...
  42. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    You’re kinda assuming that just because you have time and a bunch of books, that’s a recipe for acquiring skills and knowledge. That’s unrealistic in my view. In order to learn you need to know what to look for, you need someone pointing out mistakes and flaws in thinking and execution, you need...
  43. How much smarter would you be if you went to library and read....

    I don’t think you learn anything from just reading at the library. Now, if instead someone gave you a problem to solve and told you they’re gonna kill your pet hamster if you don’t solve it - now that’s a path to success
  44. What type of tax?

    I meant "municipalities that offered the best service relative to the fee". Jeez, without the edit button I gotta start copyreading every post before posting
  45. What type of tax?

    for example in Sweden people pay a fixed fee to the church. So it's sort of a membership fee. It would be an interesting idea though to apply this generally and, say, split a country into many small municipalities, each with their own fixed fee to live in so that people could move to whatever...
  46. How do you arrive at you morality?

    C&R* Boy, sometimes that edit button would come in handy
  47. How do you arrive at you morality?

    Facepalm. I take it you haven’t read that book, considering you didn’t know that C&J means falsificationism.
  48. How do you arrive at you morality?

    My intellectual hero growing up was Nassim Taleb, who talks about Popper quite a lot. So because of that I've read books like "Conjectures and Refutations" first-hand. I know Popper has talked about ethics, and falliblism in light of ethics, but you're talking about falsificationsim as applied...
  49. The End Begins Now

    don't know*
  50. The End Begins Now

    nice, dude. I don't what it is but it looks cool
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