I have irregular sleeping patterns, I'm up all night by default. But in any case, I pace my house in the dark because of anxiety. I think of old memories and new ideas. Nothing specific I worry about to keep me up. Just random thoughts.
Same! Does this bother you, or are you comfortable with it?
Is it closer to solitude, loneliness, or being alone? (I believe these three terms are different)
various problems pertaining to models and algorithms at work. Last few months have been pretty bad – little sleep, bad diet, lost my workout regime. I have even sometimes resorted to alcohol just to stop the fucking brain from spinning at max speed constantly.
Ah, same mostly. I've come to accept that I'm not going to be a routine sleeper. It is odd - I feel like I am tackling problems that no one else is tackling, and thus I somehow justify that it is fine for my brain to be on. When it comes to productivity, diminishing returns are still returns, in my opinion.
The worst part of my diet, I think now is that I have a sweetener dependence. I had cut out artificial sweeteners for a solid month, however I've returned to the habit because I'm not sure how else I can get gratification without sabotaging my body with refined sugar or over-processed simple carbs.
I have no workout regime, though I throw back some black coffee and that generally gives me enough energy to go for a walk.
I have wanted to resort to alcohol for weeks. It is tough. It was, overall, making me feel sluggish, so I just think back to all the times I've been hungover or unable to think s clearly and that kind of keeps me able to stay grounded in the fact that I don't need it.
Well I work at night lol.
Same. What do you do when you must work but feel sleepy, yet have too many thoughts to actually sleep? How do you push through that?
pretty much everything
also my cat
i frequently sit in bed listening to music and just keep skipping to more music. i have some success sleeping if i turn off all the lights and put some rain sounds on, then close my eyes even though i have no intention of sleeping.
funnily enough turning off all stimulus helps you sleep
Lol "pretty much everything". I feel you there.
If your cat was no longer present, would you be more inclined to go to sleep rather than stay up?
I do this with music as well. There is something about music that has become so necessary in my life that I question whether it is an addiction or not. But I feel it helps me much more than it takes away from me.
This is kind of an odd thought I had just now, but assuming I can pass away peacefully in a hospital ~60 years from now, what song would I like to pass away to, and what would those last lyrics be, if any... Have you ever thought of something like that?