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  • That is true. Agnosticism in any number of situations seems the most reasonable.
    Personal bias... people just don't realize that it exists. It is impossible to look at the world entirely objectively.
    What did it look like?
    I change my profile picture rather often actually, it's just on an artsy one at the minute.
    Oh, and I'm trying to think of a response to your desperate thread, but it won't come. Though it is very sweet and pathos ridden. <3

    Depressing isn't it? Dissidia makes it all better though. :)
    No, I think you are right about the stain covering the world. So what is it? It is whatever you want it to be, I suppose...
    I'd say, rather, I have a well developed T, regardless the "i" or "e". While I find Ti to be very stimulating and fun, it doesn't really apply to other people. It's all in my head. I use it to plan D&D campaigns, create games, write, etc. But when we're dealing in the shared reality of interacting people, Te is actually a better tool for discovering what's correct and true, for what should be obvious reasons.

    I find a lot of people on this forum remind me a lot of my younger self. That's part of why I dislike it. If you focus on your Ti too much, you miss out on what the Te has to offer. Being a hermit in your mind may be interesting and even fun, but it doesn't actually do anything. I continually type INTP, so my hypothesis is that I simply have a well developed shadow.
    Hahaha, nah, I'm not leaving. Sorry for that. I swear it made sense when I wrote it. I want to go somewhere else, but I don't know where.

    You are who you are, just as I am who I am. No one can change that. Choice neither enriches nor takes away from our lives. We would still be the exact same. I just acknowledge that the causal flow takes us where it will. We are products of the original cause, whatever that is. Nothing more than beings guided by the universe who have told themselves that they are guiding themselves... that is how I see it, anyway.
    Every time I write like this, I feel like I am saying "Farewell" forever. Farewell to myself, farewell to the world. I am so ready... This is truth. One of the only truths I have ever known. The world is insignificant, and everything fades away... we are as a light which has dimmed long ago, waiting only to be snuffed out...

    You are right about at least one thing, and that is that we must connect to something greater than ourselves. That is where true meaning is ascertained. Flow... the ability to move... I know not where I go when I die or even the next day, but it shall happen as it will. I have surrendered myself.

    I think you might actually be INFJ. It is great talking to you. Farewell for now. I hope that we might meet one day, whether in this realm or in the next... petty things shall become extraordinary... can you even imagine...? Death is life.
    I cannot begin to adequately reply to you second post. I cannot tell you whether or not my life is devoid from meaning or truth. I suspect it is not, though I could not even begin to explain it.

    Your way of looking at the world truly is unique and fantastic. Whether me and you have taken divergent roads from the same source or you have progressed farther on the road than I have, I urge you not to lose yourself, for you are all you have. We can touch lives and love others and occasionally another will appear on our road and walk with us for a little while, but in the end we all walk our own road alone.
    Truthfully, Puffy, I have doubts that we are of the same type... we have like goal, but the methodology is entirely different. I can't operate under axioms. We are uncertain- but it is possible that we may be certain. I believe truth exists. Maybe not meaning, but truth. Heh, truth has to exist. But there are questions which plague my mind...

    I can't accept your axioms. Everything works in a duality. There must be balance and harmony in everything... I'm not crazy. It has to be all the rest of them...

    We must learn to accept reality for what it is, for what truth it imparts. Choice can't exist. Responsibility does. Always a paradox, or a contradiction. The Universe does not deal in things so obvious as axioms. We must learn to accept that the canvass is empty, and that even if we delude ourselves to think we have the ability to colour it, the reality is that there is none.

    It is still beautiful, though.
    Ah, I see. My days still more or less consist of absolutely nothing which could be construed as meaningful... it makes time go by very slowly, truthfully, so I have a lot of time, but nothing to really do with it. I am ok with this usually, though sometimes it becomes unbearable and I have to be stimulated to do something, there I have no source of stimulation, so it ends up being terrible... What work I am supposed to do for chores/school/whatever, I do as little as possible and they impart no satisfaction at all. My life really is more or less at a standstill right now, and I don't like it much.

    It must be at a little somewhat different for you considering you have things to do (and apparently fee motivated to do them for some reason).

    Interesting, though, that most of my discontentedness does not result from external factors or environment... but there is definitely discontentedness much of the time.

    Good luck with whatever it is you are doing, anyway.
    Hm... things could always be better, but they are fine right now. How are you and JimHawkins doing? It occurred to me just now that we have not spoken in quite some time.
    :) You're welcomed. I don't even remember why I thought it was relevant(besides being Rush, of course).
    Nevermind. I did some research.
    You are innocent, sortof. The real culprit has indeed left, so I was right about the bitch!^_^
    No idea why the mixup occurred, I guess because Puffy sounds like a girls name?;,;
    Hearts in Atlantis and Different Seasons and Insomnia should have been read by more people, but what can you do?
    Oooh, long story short, I happened to post an anti-romance rant shortly after you made a pro-romance one.

    Bad luck on your part I s'pose, but you took it rather personally at the time.
    I recall saying that such people rarely ever stick around once they get their advice, but I guess you've stayed long enough to be forgiven. (But not accepted! >:o)

    I think so anyway?

    Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong person...
    IxI. not sure about the L or E preference yet.

    IxI = INxp, though, it is an entirely different system from MBTI and it is mostly folly to even try to compare them.
    I will get back to you on association and whatnot. Very interesting stuff, I think.

    I no longer use MBTI. I am almost positive I am an INTP in MBTI but I will not make judgments regarding other people because MBTI is far too ambiguous and flawed. I use and have been studying Socionics for some time now, and I like it a lot better.

    The reason for my asking... I thought Adymus had typed you, but he typed you using Pod'Lair... the types in Pod'Lair have correlations to MBTi types, but I'm just not sure I agree with the premises of Pod'Lair enough... eh, he seems to think it's accurate enough, though.
    I think that would depend on the person.

    I understand very well what you have said, and think along those lines, though perhaps not only with language. Associations are more important than language. Associations, perceptions, and interpretations. Reality is easily alterable. It is relative and fluctuating. Fascinating, I think. But language definitely has much to do with it.

    Who gave you your typing of INFJ and why does that make more sense to you than INTP (or any other type for that matter)?
    I am attracted to depression, to deficiency, to brokenness, to death... it is all so very interesting. Truth be told, never would I trade in my emotions for "positive" ones. They are shallow in my eyes. Still, it would nice to not be so psychologically and physiologically affected by them.

    We are travelers in a foreign land, for I know that my Home is not here... so then I sing the same song over and over to the point of nausea, of everything I hate and love.

    Enlightenment doesn't exist... stay away from those to claim to have it. No one knows anything.
    Ah, no problem my friend. I know exactly what you mean, actually... it always comes and goes in waves. True stimulation never comes. It is just so much easier to retreat and surrender; to forget everything, to be empty and blank.

    What started all this? Not only in me, but... where does it all come from? We live in an absurd world... I don't understand it. Hm... maybe you know what I am saying... we reach for salvation, but find nothing but damnation. Better to know I am being damned than to never know at all.

    What is it which exists? Existence in itself is absurd...

    This always happens... but I have things that I should be doing, and things that people expect me to do...
    No problem. For Satanism, I'd recommend going here:



    Also here.

    W.r.t the linked blog, it's a symbolic system created by myself and a couple of my friends. Feel happy to read it as you'd like, of course, but I'd recommend taking nothing at face value-- given the multi-layered nature of such symbolic systems.
    The symbol 'acausal' is suicidal causality. That is: an aspect of causality which points towards what is not causality, but is still itself contained within the causal.
    Yeti, an ENFJ? FeNiSeTi... eh, I'm not sure. I'm also not sure that I'm INFJ anymore... hence the INxx.

    That being said... I am no longer using MBTI as a typology system. EyeSeeCold, the same person who told me I was most likely INFJ, introduced me to Socionics, and I have been studying it for some time, and I actually think it is a lot more valid than MBTI (it has more detail, organization, has a functional intertype system, and holds true to Jung's typology principles, whereas MBTI really has none of these).

    Really interesting stuff, though.

    EDIT: It is most likely I am a sociotype INTj (LII), I think.
    I liked that song, though it was significantly more chaotic than most rock I listen to.

    The Contortionist? They are still my favorite band.

    Here, you might like this song by them as well:
    YouTube - The Contortionist - Oscillator

    I like their mellower parts better as well, but I pretty much like the whole thing.

    The message you are referencing, I believe, is specifically aimed at my family. Sometimes there is significant strife between them and me. I guess writing about it is a way to vent my stress, because I would never really be able to openly say that.
    Really? I probably would have never made the correlation... INTPs and INFJs share two functions, anyway, the auxiliary and tertiary.
    I just thought you should know... EyeSeeCold recently got in touch with me through PM, and, through answers to certain questions and much deliberation, it has been decided that I am INFJ. There seems to be some sort of phenomenon that some people who are typed INTP are actually mistyped INFJs.

    I still do intend to send a video to Adymus, though, both for a different perspective and hopefully closure.
    (part 4)
    In a world where there is no empirical way to determine morality, it seems to be the only approach that makes sense, despite the danger.

    It's hard, I know. I feel eventually like we all get to a point where we step out on the truth we have perceived and resonate with, regardless of who or what tries to undermine us, and regardless of the cost. Otherwise we become miserable wrecks and feel shame, and we live ineffectively. It just takes people awhile to reach that point where they realize they can and will live according to that inner standard. It is part of reaching adulthood, to me. It took me until my mid 30's to really start to be an adult and stop living out of fear and according to other people's realities.

    I hope that helps explain what I went through a little better. Please feel free to write back if you want... happy holidays!
    (part 3)

    I also believed that God does not want robots, and there's a lot of scriptural support for God wanting to transform people so they can live instinctively, from the heart rather than from rules.

    At that point in my life, it really came down to, "Do I trust what God has shaped my heart into all these years, enough to step out on faith and live according to that heart instead of being terrified of making mistakes and avoiding responsibility all my life?"

    So that is what I did. The locus of direction now comes from inside, not from outside. And it doesn't even really matter what I run against IRL, or who tries to impose themselves on me; I now can push forward from that internal drive. This parallels existential theory, where your values are projected outward on an ambiguous world, and you live with integrity, without the need for any external directive.
    (part 2)
    As far as figuring out to do things without a stable basis of objective claims to plant a faith in: I'm coming at it from the opposite ends. I worked for many years to fit myself into a Christian framework. I know I was sincere, I know I made sacrifices, I know how many times I tried to follow the tenets of faith and set my own feelings aside if I perceived them as selfish even if it caused me a lot of pain and depression. IOW, my heart was good... and when I look back over my life, I see myself become a better and better person because of that faith. So as best as I can tell, I *was* doing the right thing.

    And then I reached a point where the resolution to my problems was far more ambiguous, and at that point I had to switch gears. IN the framework of my world, God had been faithful to make me a better person and change my heart increasingly for the good.
    Hi Puffy, sorry it took me so long to respond.

    I guess I kind of see the Bible as constructed and tailored (for the Protestants, it's a conglomerate of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years, some of them taken from Judaism and changed by the additional of various NT books), so it's hard for me even to say who and what Christ is or was supposed to be. I don't think there was a "conspiracy" like some claim, a lot of it is just what happens in today's world when there are various perspectives on belief and people fight passionately over it; but I have no way of knowing what things outside of my experience were actually true. I end up believing in the aspects of Christ that I see reinforced in my day-to-day existence, because that is then like "proof" to me... but the rest is a gray area.

    Still, I have no idea what level of involvement i can have anymore in organized Christian denominations because of the ambiguity in theology that I perceive but the denoms do not.
    Thank you. I shall respond tonight. I plan on staying awake until 3-4 am anyway.
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