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  • I'm still waiting on that PM. ;)

    Don't stress over it, I simply wanted to make sure you remembered it.
    Hi Puffy! I quite enjoyed talking to you last year, I hope you're well :) INFJ now, I see?
    "Many of us." Do you mean that there are some that can live without direction, consciously or unconsciously?
    Ah, I see what you mean. That apology was very sincere (though it probably won't make sense to most people), but I get what you mean about wrongful peacemaking.

    Maybe you should make a thread about that. The people here like to boast about their refusal to follow social dictates; I wonder if this really carries through into action.
    Thanks Puffy, you're so nice and fluffy. :D
    The sig was actually for previous evils a year or so ago, and over time in general.

    I haven't read Dream Catcher so I don't get the reference, but I think I understand the general tone of what you're saying (although I wouldn't mind more elaboration!). I really wasn't directing the thread at specific forumites at all, or even to the forum, mostly. But yeah, I'm kinda interested in the way this is turning out and I hope it doesn't die soon; I'd like to see what we all have to say to each other.
    Still here, hrm?

    I suppose that means I can forgive your romance thread now. I bet you are terribly relieved.;)
    I'm flattered you read "about me"

    Everyone else just seems to ignore
    it. It's kind of frustrating. I like it
    when people use their resources.

    Or maybe you've just stalked around
    a bit and have seen me tell people...

    Or maybe I told you.

    I don't even know.

    I'm sorry for this tangent of doubt.
    Why Nil? I don't know, seems about accurate enough. I really couldn't give you any reason in particular.
    My nephews. I spoil them :x

    and I give a lot of them to
    my best friend and her boyfriend
    and his friends eat them.
    Doing living? Oddly enough, it's a lot harder than it looks, though I am making steady progress, and expect to be dead within the next century.

    And what of yourself?
    I bake a lot when I can't sleep.
    I really like to bake sweet
    breads and cupcakes and cakes
    and cookies. I guess sugary
    bad things :x But I don't like
    to eat them (;
    Hello Puffy. (What's in a greeting?)

    I just noticed the identical manner of greeting nil and I used. This is exactly why greeting per se is boring. It comes and goes and it is repetitive! Who wouldn't sleep from counting sheep?
    Essays. I have mixed feelings for them.

    Why the name change? Because, frankly and concisely, my old name sucked.

    Alice in Wonderland, amazing. I must read the book sometime.
    Oh, I just saw that you had visited and was following up. That is good news, though.
    I am online because I cannot sleep. I have lectures in five. :D

    Rorshach was definitely the best of the bunch; hope he's as good in the book as he was on film!
    "We're all mad here."

    True, but some people are madder than others. And I am definitely madder than you.
    I started out on If These Trees Could Talk, a not so big band from Ohio, and then heard about Mono, which makes amazing music. I have never listened to Explosions in the Sky or Godspeed You! but I have them on my iTunes. Sigur Ros is perhaps the most popular post-rock band but I've never much been able to get into them.
    I will not get to the PM tonight. Which reinforces the fact that I should have not told you to begin with and just sent it whenever I was ready. Ugh. Such is my life.
    I will send you a PM tomorrow regarding several topics. I have no idea why I thought it necessary to make you aware of that fact.
    I can indeed understand. I found something so rigid and judgmental, so nonchalant and businesslike, about religion. It sickened me to quite an extent, and I perceived it as disrespectful and humorously ironic for a group who is actively engaged in the praise and exaltation of the might God who, with unhindered passion and fury, does whatever he wishes, being entirely spontaneous and contemplative at the same time. But perhaps that is too much of my own interpretation.

    Overall, I simply found so much hypocrisy, superficiality, bigotry, and legalism in religion. So I think you should understand my repulsion to it. Although... I haven't actively sought a relationship with my God in quite some time. but perhaps, in time, we could both edify each other in body and in spirit.
    You should have something to say about me? I say your post in Randomization, and it deeply touched me. Not because I agreed with it (though, in my heart I could feel something of it, calling me, not a belief in God, as I already have one, but a meaningful, true belief, which I haven't had in over a year) but because I could remember feeling the exact same way. I assume you are Christian, or at least Christian influenced, considering you quoted the Bible, correct?
    I have meet extreme examples of religiosity, but that is because I understand how other people think. The problem is that when your conviction supersedes your compassion dogma and misunderstandings occur. People are selfish when it comes to their beliefs, I see it in the way we treat each other as human beings and it tares me apart inside to see this.

    I for one love conspiracy theory's. But people will judge me for saying that. Just like they will judge me for a single religious belief I hold. People are more complex than that and should be treated as such.
    I have had allot of guilt and sadness in my life. I felt rejected by many people and so by God. I was never angry at him but when I was 19 I read The God Delusion. For 10 minutes after that I felt like a traumatized person shaky and cold like I had seen a ghost. I thought God does not hate me, it has all be in my imagination. Then I became an agnostic. I searched for mystical AND rational explanations/experiences. Before I read TGD I read the ethics of star trek and this lead me to explore philosophy. And it still fascinates me. I think atheism and theism have to many bad apple's. I rarely find kind people like you that wont judge me for being skeptical.

    If you were a atheist Puffy and were angry at the God concept was it because of meeting bad apples in your life?
    How much do you still use this "Gut" form of coming to realizations, or finding truth?

    It is possible that you are being Bogged down by Logical consistency and proof (Ti-Se). Many INFJs do not trust what their Ni gives them because the world around them cannot easily reccognize the values of their Ni, as it is not something that is easily proven or made concrete. Because of this quite of few INFJs are overly concerned with Proof and concreteness with not just themselves but over people, to a point where they may not even want to listen to a theory unless it has been proven.

    However, what you are describing could even be Fi for all I know, simply typing a person based on how they describe themselves is extremely limiting.
    I saw your video too long ago, and I am at a much higher skill level now than I was back then, so I am disregarding all results I came up with back then and starting over. So if you would like a second read, I'd be willing.
    At this point in time, I don't have you pegged as anything. I would have to read you all over again to get any results I am comfortable with. As for you question, Ne and Ni have two very different functionality. For instance Ne is objective information, when our Ne comes up with abstractions, we don't necessarily believe them as truth, because they are only possibilities, in other words, they are "maybes", "Maybe it is this, maybe it is that." Ni is a worldview, it does not create possibilities it creates answers, when Ni synthesizes information, it does not create maybes it creates certainties.
    I wonder why I have so many page visits[?] I thought myself particularly bland.
    It is sad, but what are you going to do, if you love them, you have to let them go.
    I judge this problem to be a part of the "subjective problem".

    'Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.'

    'They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory.' - The Shawshank Redemption

    Do you have any sensitivities?
    My impression of you was brought not only by your recent posts but vaguely remembered older posts which I will have to look for and therefore, do not wish to present. No offense.

    I think I do not know a most efficient way of 'evaluating' life, do you? I think I do not know the wisest way of 'evaluating' life, do you?

    When I respond to something aggravating(on my own terms), I unconsciously burn up with rage and seek a "fighting arena" with the assumed "enemy". I think you have succeeded over this perceived behavioral problem of mine that I so fuss and depress over. This is why I am in awe.

    Do you have any advice on frustration?
    Heh, soon enough you'll have an entire family to feed - be careful, it is quite a responsibility :kilroy:
    "Song for Europe", "Cigarette and Alcohol and Rollerblading", "Kicking Bishop Brennan Up the Arse" (obviously), and "Going to America". Loved them all XD.
    There could be a way around Derrida, who knows, but if you find one, submit it to Harvard or Oxford or something because it'll get you a PhD, heck they'd probably make you chair of philosophy. I posted on your thread that I read Plato's Pharmacy and posted a link to a good reader for it. It wasn't a whole book, you might even be able to get it online somewhere.
    Impromptu musical performances? Lucky! You played bass?

    I saw someone on campus with a Ukulele a few days ago, I really wanted to jam :(
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