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  • I see puppy eyes AND pouty lips, totally cute. Hahaha. I vote you for the most androgynously cute member of this forum.

    Also, yeah, people tend to get highly offended with my jokes and stuff... But you understood it, and that's fine ~

    Also, deja vu.
    Well, I'm not sure if I want you to either post or not post. I just said it because you would understand that I wasn't serious and uhm, I felt like directing some sort of speech to you.

    Also, look at those puppy eyes awwwwwwwwwww.
    Nice to meet you as well.

    hmmm, I suppose 'cute' is alright, though I'm not sure how that applies. But yeah, gender is no big deal to me. I sort of see genders as archetypes and I can relate somewhat to both. There are certainly worse things than being mistaken for a female, though for clarity's sake I am indeed male.
    Sorry for the late response. My laptop recently passed away and I hadn't had the chance to reply till now ... i'll make it up to you my filing all your goog points ;] ... oh and uh ... thanks for the pickle jar ... I think...
    Yes! Another birthday gift, a cyber-orange! The best there is, any flavor you desire...the perfect orange! Hmm, now where can I find that apple? I know Ebay!
    I agree.

    For myself to hold my ground against an INTJ, I drop my "Am I right?" pretense and take up my "Prove that I'm wrong" as you can see with my current debate with that new guy.
    You probably read my past debates so you probably would know.

    Competition is great, but its really draining. :/
    Well there's koan, if I ever saw one:
    "An old hag mutters something at you and smiles. Was it a curse or a blessing?"

    And I guess that answers the other question as well, I'm all hag my dear, apparently even more so when I try to act grandmotherly.
    He is very much like an INTJ. No offense to any INTJs reading this, but they live to challenge people intellectually. Intellectual conversations are fine, but not if they become a competition to show who is smarter.

    You have no idea how tiring this gets at school. When I play a game a chess, this INTJ comes up and challenges me. Sometimes I beat him, sometimes he beats me, but he always wants a re-match.

    Yeeeeah!!! An orange! :) Ugh, well no, to be honest it {birthday} was actually rather lousy. I'm actually getting pretty indifferent about them now (Oh no! a pessimist!)
    Btw, that new guy is really really arrogant and his view on the world is so flawed that I'm surprised no one took his argument piece by piece and dissected it before I got here.
    I didn't know you thought that everyone hated you.

    But I must say I have become attached to this forum...I had no idea that people wanted me to stay.
    Oh dear me, was I too harsh?
    I just thought the little one deserves a welcome and a blessing
    I...I'm surprised. I had actually expected Ran's thread and my responses to it to inevitably drive me out of the forum. But, I never expected that I would get so much support...

    Wow, really, thanks.
    I don't believe any more than I must. Beliefs are such cumbersome things. The first line was my paraphrasing of what you seemed to be saying. The second was more a half-thought than anything else.

    There are times when one must intervene; first for one's own sake, and secondarily, at times, in alignment with the needs of others.

    Even so, if it's something perfectly useless like a flower, why bother uprooting it for no other reason than to watch it die slowly? Roses don't win wars. Tulips won't keep you from catching your death of cold. It's a far greater voyeuristic cruelty than stopping to smell them in passing.
    Stop and smell the roses. Don't try to take them with you.

    Let the flowers stay rooted, I say. So long as they are getting what they need where they are.
    i get ENTP more often than INTP, but it could just be my personas taking over when i do the tests :X *huggles* remember now? :)
    I fell for a good piece, stopped about midway and thought to myself what good it is to fall downways when one could go sideways, went to the left for a spell, went up for a bit and decided perhaps falling was not my forte.

    Remaining a man wasn't so difficult as one would initially perceive for you find that men are all the time falling in different directions for no apparent reason remaining a man all the while.

    It's maintaining your humanity that is the real question.

    A good meditation, some humanitarian causes, and some soothing tea fixes that right quick, so i've found.
    half rejected? what would make you think that? My ineolquence is a result of me not being an INTP :D
    how about melkonator? sound bad-ass enough? its got melkor (total faerie name imo :D)+ terminator (total bad-ass-ery-ness-necity name). You like? i knew you would ;)
    I meant my 'services' bit. I must try to be less suggestive around the naughty-minded.
    Innocent? You're funny. Luckily for you I'm not in a pizza mood.

    I'm not currently looking for a new avy, but I will keep your services in mind.
    Jealous? never!

    You, tasteless? Of course not, I'm sure you would taste quite good if cooked long enough. Though I may want to leave you in a little longer than most. (hmmm, apparently I'm a cannibal now)
    I think you should pick your own damned avatar! Gotta cut the umbilical cord sometime. :p
    Well, beedrill evolved from kakuna but there was also a venonat > venomoth. How do you know/think I look like a hipster? That's the one stereotype I try to avoid D:
    Astonishingly, I genuinely don't seem to have come across the sort of soul-sucking lowlifes everyone else has. Not in any close contact, anyway. Yes, I can see how a well-placed lit match could do them a world of good.

    Thanks for that. Same goes here. I'd like to reiterate that I really appreciate your self, especially now you've let him come out to play/mope in public.

    Alright, back to TV.
    I meant rage does that to you on the inside. Whether you incinerate your surroundings in a fit of idiocy is another matter.

    My troubles are rooted in boring and self-induced madness. They're uninteresting and I have no desire to speak about them.
    You're welcome to go on about yours, if you want.
    Ha, I was actually reading Lor's posts as if they were yours, and vice versa, for a moment before I realized the apparent switcharoo. I was fooled! Cruel indeed...
    :) It really is.. it's funny that I only now considered it..
    Hmm.. what more do you know of me my delightful butterfree?
    I only have enough for sudden hot flashes (pun). Anyway, rage is like a fire - burns brilliant and beautiful, but dies in ashes and ruin.

    Does make you live though, for those few minutes.

    I'm trying to see suffering as a challenge to square up and meet head-on. Helps with facing it. You don't need special hormones for that. Well, a little aggression helps I guess.
    Heh, I just imagined a world where every single person has hidden themselves from your view and you wander the earth forlorn and alone, seeking the rest of the human race behind every tree, under every rock.


    I'm turning oddly aggressive. I'm worried about it. Mostly worried because I'm pretty sure my rationalisations of my anger aren't watertight, and of course they come after the fact, meaning my reason is rooted in emotion and therefore almost unavoidably clouded.

    But god, I haven't felt so much rage so consistently in a while.
    Shaving loses its appeal after the 50th time, and by then you need to shave every single f-ing day or else you'll look like a hobo.

    Fun :rolleyes:
    I thought the little asterisk next to my name was only meant to indicate that my ownership. Hah! All this time I've been in stealth mode and never realised.

    Probably inaccurate, yes. I've always wondered why more people don't set their profiles to private.
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