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You know you're an Intp when...


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 23, 2008
-you feel in enemy territory as soon as you leave the house/dorm/whatever-door (sry if this has been said but i haven't read everything, so...)

Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
-When you say sorry incase your point has already been made by someone else.
-When you know it hasn't because you have read Every Single post to make sure that Yours isn't.
-When you have an extra Internet Explorer open so you can google unknown things.
-When you have too many Internet Explorers open and they compile into one.
-You attempt to delete some and accidently delete your INTP Forum page.
-You just laughed a little inside.
-You refresh your other IE just incase one of your points was Just made.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
-When you say sorry incase your point has already been made by someone else.
-When you know it hasn't because you have read Every Single post to make sure that Yours isn't.
-You refresh your other IE just incase one of your points was Just made.

- you apologize for the following:
#?. when this is only your third post because you've spent the whole time since you've joined lurking through the site and figuring that maybe someone else has articulated what you wanted to say already...
- You read through the whole thread meticulously before posting just in case someone has already made your point.
- You're still secretly worried that you missed something and that what you're writing has already been said.

- you reassure with the following:
You know your fellow intps won't mind you posting yet another 'variation on a theme' as long as it's subtly different to the others.
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
Thank you, kind sir.

One of these days I'm going to go through this thread and copy&paste all the accurate/good posts into one massively funny INTP post.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
- people complain about your sarcasm.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
One of these days I'm going to go through this thread and copy&paste all the accurate/good posts into one massively funny INTP post.
- you point out the following unabashedly:
Hehheee..this thread is blossoming..and yes Cog, I orignally intended to add each one to my original post when I get to about 100..
I'll sort it all out once the thread dies down..
Okay, I've compiled them all into correct numerical order:

1.You uphold the beleif that it is possible to be perfectly social without actually speaking.

2.More often than not, you bow your head while walking, and are an expert at 'crowd dodging'

3. You indulge in, and are quite renowned among friends for, making completely random, yet very accurate observations.

...(shortened for viewing purposes)...

143. when you can induce Drug-like Highs and get stoned to a henge without substance.

144. when you feel the urge to correctly number a haphazard list of ideas

145. when you think about conversations long after you've had them
i just spent an hour doing just that...so much for trying to be nice.
146. You've compiled them all into correct numerical order.
147. You've just spent an hour doing just that.

- you like variations of the word "unabashed" and hope no one notices that you've been unintentionally using it regularly as of late.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
Thanks, nobody. ... haha ... nobody.. haha >.>

-When deep down you're terrified that every post on this thread has somehow been stolen from your psyche


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
Thanks, nobody. ... haha ... nobody.. haha >.>

-When deep down you're terrified that every post on this thread has somehow been stolen from your psyche

way to show your appreciation:( guess im just no one:rolleyes:


that shadow behind lost
Local time
Today 7:24 PM
Dec 29, 2008
When people are telling you're living in a bubble.

You disagree with someone even if you actually agree with him/her just to check if he/she has background knowledge.

People keep saying a visit to a psychiatrist or a psychologist may help.

People keep saying you need to be more extravert and show emotions at least a little bit.

People make jokes about you being chatty.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
When you try to rationalize emotions


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
I have a question. Max and Sam and Josh. Huh? What's this from?

Josh & S.A.M. is a 90's movie involving two brothers. The smaller one, Max, is a total INTP. The older brother tells him that he's in fact a military experiement; a machine. He convinces him that his name, Max, is an acronym for something that has fleed my memory right now. The resulting shananigans lead them on a chase to stop their dad from doing something they particularly think is a bad idea (I think?). They steal an extremely expensive sport car and drive it through a thick forest. Lots of robot jokes. Et cetera. An hour-and-a-half of lol. You should watch it.

Whoever it was who posted just before that one, at that time, had a Sam & Max quote in their sig.
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
I'm sorry Nobody. You're a valued member on this forum. =3

Thanks Cobra.

-When you think 1 out of 5 ratings are to vague. (or is that just me..)


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
- you describe going from a quiet environment to a loud environment then back to a quiet environment as an "emotional rollercoaster."

- you're totally cool with listening to classic 8-bit video game music organized on a playlist.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
-you tell your parents/brothers/sisters that you are going to bring X (important document, letter from a distant relative, pie, whatever) with you when you come over tomorrow. You arrive, having completely forgotten about the item you were going to bring, and the whole family starts snickering because they already knew you weren't going to bring it.


--you tell your parents/brothers/sisters that you are going to bring X (important document, letter from a distant relative, pie, whatever) with you when you come over tomorrow. You get halfway there, and realize that the pie is sitting at home, probably about to be eaten by the dog, and you turn around to retrieve it. Upon calling your father to tell him that you forgot the thanksgiving pie and you were going back to get it, provided the dog hasn't scarfed down the part he can reach, your dad starts laughing. You know exactly why he's laughing and start to wonder why you're always so forgetful. Maybe it's because you weren't really that interested in the pie to begin with. But you like pie... but apple? You don't even know why you baked an apple pie in the first place. It could just have easily been cherry. Mmm, cherry. What if you had made a cherry pie? You wonder if you would have forgotten the cherry pie? I wonder what else could have been different if I had made a cherry pie? Maybe I would have had to go to the grocery store, or maybe........... or maybe......... (and on and on, until you get home, realize the pie is still intact because you left the dog outside... I guess it was a good thing you forgot that pie...)

^actual stories, both.... >_<

Red Mage

Active Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 4, 2009
Mount Nevermind
Does anyone else ever ask the same person what time it is (or some other mundane question) several times in a row because as soon as the words left your mouth your mind wandered somewhere and you didn't listen to the answer? Even the answers to my own questions aren't interesting enough to hold my attention.

Also, any time my mom would hand me something and tell me to put it somewhere I would go to the room (or another room) and then come back and ask where it was she wanted it put. Sometimes twice in a row.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
Does anyone else ever ask the same person what time it is (or some other mundane question) several times in a row because as soon as the words left your mouth your mind wandered somewhere and you didn't listen to the answer? Even the answers to my own questions aren't interesting enough to hold my attention.

Also, any time my mom would hand me something and tell me to put it somewhere I would go to the room (or another room) and then come back and ask where it was she wanted it put. Sometimes twice in a row.

yep, not so much the 1st one, but the 2nd one definitely


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Mar 25, 2009
Also, any time my mom would hand me something and tell me to put it somewhere I would go to the room (or another room) and then come back and ask where it was she wanted it put. Sometimes twice in a row.

haha i do this alot.

funny story: I was having a chat with my school counselor the other day, and while she was talking to me, she asked me a question, and I couldnt answer because I instantly forgot the question, and instead just stared at her blankly for 10 seconds. oh god that was awkward


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
Does anyone else ever ask the same person what time it is (or some other mundane question) several times in a row because as soon as the words left your mouth your mind wandered somewhere and you didn't listen to the answer? Even the answers to my own questions aren't interesting enough to hold my attention.

Also, any time my mom would hand me something and tell me to put it somewhere I would go to the room (or another room) and then come back and ask where it was she wanted it put. Sometimes twice in a row.

haha i do this alot.

funny story: I was having a chat with my school counselor the other day, and while she was talking to me, she asked me a question, and I couldnt answer because I instantly forgot the question, and instead just stared at her blankly for 10 seconds. oh god that was awkward


My wife's stories often consist of (probably) over-exaggerated claims of brilliance in the face of danger/confrontation/problems on a day-to-day basis ("And so I go, 'That's not my job,' and Kenny says, 'She has a point,' and so then I'm like, 'I'm just gonna leave,' and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..."; I've had to have sat through about a zillion of these ones :p). Most times, I drift out of the conversations and into a deep universe of other shit while still nodding and smiling intently over what she's saying. And then she asks a question, and I just laugh as though she just told a punchline, and then she just stares at me, her face goes from elation to D35720Y M0D3, and I go, "Wait, what?" Then we fight, which usually ends with her tickling the ever-living shit out of me.

Yeah, we're kind of nauseating, I know.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Mar 25, 2009
- when zoning out during conversation is a serious problem in your life


Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Apr 11, 2009
- When you sometimes absentmindedly look for scissors in the fridge (don't ask, i really don't know)

- When scissors are finally in hand, forget what they were going to be used for

- When you manually convert the ASCII characters that make up your name into binary so that you can see what it looks like when stored in computer memory

- When you are married, finally, because your wife proposed to you (for the married guys)


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
- When you sometimes absentmindedly look for scissors in the fridge (don't ask, i really don't know)

- When scissors are finally in hand, forget what they were going to be used for

- when you look in the fridge for something legitimate like milk, and instead find scissors. The milk is on the countertop where you left it last night.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Apr 4, 2009
-Or alternatively, you look away from fridge to answer a question while looking for the milk then look again, only to find the milk's in your hand.

-And then realize that you actually wanted water/OJ/a cupcake

-After answering "How are you?" and "What are you doing?" you wonder what that person is waiting for... you answered their questions, right?

-Even if the replies were monosyllabic...


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
- you're trying to think of a monosyllabic answer to the question "What are you doing?"

- you came up with "Meh" and *shrug*.

- you're aware of the irony that "shrug" is a monosyllabic word.

- you also consider shrug to be onomatopoeia.

- you consider an exchange with someone wherein a shrug was the answer to their question a "conversation" no matter how inapplicably your shrug served to answer the question.

- you have countless definitions for the word "converse."

- you rarely act on any of those definitions.

- you consider the words "guy," "thing," and "dealy" acceptable replacements for any noun.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Apr 4, 2009
Right. Let's try one word response, perhaps. XD

-"Thing" is not only an acceptable replacement for a noun, but also a phrase, an idea, a person....

-Your friends are constantly asking you about the context of your statements/ You assume that others should be able to intuitively pick up the context


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
- When you sometimes absentmindedly look for scissors in the fridge (don't ask, i really don't know)

My father was INTP too. My mother frequently found his keys in the fridge. I once watched him eating sweets while reading. He ate the wrappers and put the sweets in the bin for 3 of them without noticing.

sweets = candies UK->US

- when you run around asking if anyone has seen your glasses and they say 'are they the ones on the top of your head'?


Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jul 7, 2008
-Your friends are constantly asking you about the context of your statements/ You assume that others should be able to intuitively pick up the context

;) That always happens to me.

- When your friends ask for the context, you reply with a date and time


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Nov 14, 2008
Columbus ohio
I'm not sure if this is just my problem, but I can't for the life of me remember the names of aquantainces without using a large amount of mental energy.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
-You turn on the weather channel to watch the local forecast. 20 minutes later, you're still watching the weather channel but have no idea about the conditions in your area.

-When, by some miraculous occurrence, you show up on time (or early!?) for something, the person you're meeting give you a puzzled look, looks at their watch, and returns to the puzzled look.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 2:24 AM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
My father was INTP too. I once watched him eating sweets while reading. He ate the wrappers and put the sweets in the bin for 3 of them without noticing.

I distinctly remember doing this in primary school. :)

- In the middle of asking a question, you remember the answer and tell them not to worry.

- You spend 5 minutes looking for something, 10 minutes trying to remember what you were looking for, 10 minutes of thinking of something else entirely while searching, then another 20 minutes of remembering what you were looking for and researching the areas you searched while you were distracted.

- You wonder how on earth someone else has the magical power to find it for you in 30 seconds. Then notice it was right in front of you the whole time.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
I'm not sure if this is just my problem, but I can't for the life of me remember the names of aquantainces without using a large amount of mental energy.

I just don't take the time to attempt to remember, and if I am not at least 80% sure of someones name, I will just act like I don't know there name at all


Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Apr 11, 2009
I once watched him eating sweets while reading. He ate the wrappers and put the sweets in the bin for 3 of them without noticing.

Good call - I've come very close to doing this many times. I once cracked a nut, threw it out, and tried to eat the shell.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Aug 10, 2008
My father was INTP too. My mother frequently found his keys in the fridge. I once watched him eating sweets while reading. He ate the wrappers and put the sweets in the bin for 3 of them without noticing.

sweets = candies UK->US

- when you run around asking if anyone has seen your glasses and they say 'are they the ones on the top of your head'?

Is he dead?


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
-You frequently reference an attachment in an e-mail you're sending, but get sidetracked and never actually attach the file...

brain enclosed in flesh

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
need to get out
- you were all motivated to work on your novel when you woke up at 8 o'clock this morning and now it's after noon and you still haven't eaten breakfast because you've been reading this stupid forum the whole time, idiot!

-You wonder where you went wrong with your kids when they'd rather play with friends than read an encyclopedia.

- You care very little for baseball but you find yourself reading a five hundred page book about the early years of baseball and are completely transfixed.

- You salivate when you drive by libraries.

- I am logging off. NOW. Well, after I reread my post at least ten times and resist the temptation to edit it.
Last edited by a moderator:


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Apr 4, 2009
My father was INTP too. My mother frequently found his keys in the fridge. I once watched him eating sweets while reading. He ate the wrappers and put the sweets in the bin for 3 of them without noticing.

-If you couldn't help but laugh at this despite being at school because you've done something similar a ridiculous number of times. No, the paper plate goes in the garbage, not the utensils, and if you put the mashed potatoes away in the cupboard instead of the tupperware, I don't think you'll be eating the potatoes any time soon...
Last edited:
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 16, 2009
-When FACEBOOK calls you an INTP...

It's finally decided guys, facebook said it. I definitly am an INTP. haha


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Is he dead?

Yes he is. He died in 1983. I'm just beginning to allow myself to feel the grief of his loss.

- you were all motivated to work on your novel when you woke up at 8 o'clock this morning and now it's after noon and you still haven't eaten breakfast because you've been reading this stupid forum the whole time, idiot!

Sounds like the perfect weekend to me.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Mar 25, 2009
- you not only know what cryonics is, but would be more than willing to try it
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 17, 2009
Physically in space and time, or so I'm told.
Re: You know you're an Intp if...

Wow, I am so happy to have found this forum. :) I just stumbled across it as our types tend to do with everything out there on the web, at least eventually. What a relief reading this thread; it has been like a good book I just could not put down. And though I have many of my own additions to this line of 'you know you’re an INTP when?', though I think it should be 'if', I think I would quite rather respond to (or play off of) some of your responses as I have been so tickled. Ah, to be amongst the company of like minds even on the net is better than to be surrounded by aliens in your own home.

..15. Your Pness is huge! :D...

What exactly are you referring to here; your piss pump? Or is this some terminology that I am noob to? INT‘P’?, oh I get it…

37. You fear robots for being too inhuman.

Actually it is when they become too human that I will fear them.

Just think of clowns; they are that creepy sub-level mix between the two (IMO); they freak the sh*t out of me!

50. You have intentions to do everything/anything... eventually.

You ponder if you have in past lives/alternate universes already done everything/anything (or are doing so now), including the present and the pondering of such.

When you just have to correct every mistake you see or hear

Like this one?:

You have several plans for making yourself immortal, though they're not all are practical.

could be...though they’re not all practical/though not all are practical/though they’re not at all practical.

However being an INTP it is my guess that *he made this error for one of three reasons:

1) He reviewed it and changed the sentence to a more preferred structure, forgetting to delete the now erroneous.

2) He was thinking of two ways to say it at once, and we got this as an accidental compromise.

3) He is fishing out the more extreme INTPs like myself that would not let this go.

*Notice these are the possible explanations as to why I believe he would have made such an error and not all possible explanations as to why it does indeed exist.

Sorry. Btw I think you know you're an INTP if you say sorry all the time for things to which you are not, or at least should not be sorry for.

7. When you quote philosophy and everybody looks at you like you are from outer space.

@. When you wish you were from outer space...

When it logically makes more sense to you that you actually are...and you can somewhat argue this from a metaphysical/philosophical standpoint.

...Which of course merits that look again; somewhat supporting said conclusion.

10. When you try to take over the world (from the comfort of your couch)

Oh, I just loved this one...so true on so many levels. I loled all the way to the funny bank.

629: You recognize and correct other people's mistaken names, places, and stories when they're talking about mythology.

How about when you recognize and correct other people's mistaken names, places, and stories when they're telling their own stories to which you were not even a part of?

948233958729458935. When part of you strongly wants to contribute to this thread and another equally strong part of you just doesn't give a shit.

When you see the thread numbered 948233958719458935 and speculate the possibilities of it ever reaching such figures.

112. You've felt oddly comfortable enough in a multiracial environment to jokingly reply, "What did you call me?" to a black colleague's honest request for a nickel.

And when he honestly clarifies to you; you without skipping a beat say - “no my bad, yo momma’s got all my spare coin”-

....when you can induce Drug-like Highs and get stoned to a henge without substance.

Lol, I do this often though I am bipolar so when mania strikes it brings on quite the highs as well.

Too much to quote this all but I really liked this post.

...You officially lost all hope for the human race when someone told you that Scientology is based on science.

I officially lost all hope at Britney Spears.

*Affinity's Edge now feels less intelligent for having mentioned that name.

...You wish the Christians would come up with more intelligent arguments instead of bombarding you sob stories and circular reasoning...

Should be ‘with sob stories’...However I am Christian and I too desire the same. Unfortunately many Christians prove to be a poor testament to their faith, (or they are a true testament to a poor faith - or lack thereof) This (my faith) is something I in myself find somewhat ineffable as it fully encompasses my highest level of thinking and circulates if not even fuels my most intricate dynamics of thought and reasoning.

...You have never ever been referred to as a hopeless romantic.

All the time :)

- You automatically add as much alliteration as possible whenever you write or speak. But the last one might just be me... :)

I now somewhat nervously note that this is not necessarily so.

While showering you lose yourself in something you were thinking about. Once you return to what you were doing you realize you do not remember if you already used shampoo/soap/ect and end up repeating the whole shower cycle just to make sure.

Nail on the head, I do this 90% of the time I shower, and suspect that I have often done this on more than one occasion multiple times per instance. BTW ect should be etc. ;)

These were all good post:




Well it was a joy reading these. What a nice community here (as far as I can tell) and I look forward to getting to know some of you better.

-Affinity’s Edge

BTW anyone have trouble logging in? - took me like 50 tries and having to reset my password 2x for it to accept me.

Artifice Orisit

Originally Posted by Cognisant
You have several plans for making yourself immortal, though they're not all are practical.

could be...though they’re not all practical/though not all are practical/though they’re not at all practical.

However being an INTP it is my guess that *he made this error for one of three reasons:

1) He reviewed it and changed the sentence to a more preferred structure, forgetting to delete the now erroneous.

2) He was thinking of two ways to say it at once, and we got this as an accidental compromise.

3) He is fishing out the more extreme INTPs like myself that would not let this go.
All of the above, except 3.

-You think the bible needs to be rewritten, or maybe there should be a sequel.
(the concept of "holy" has no meaning to me)

Actually it is when they become too human that I will fear them.
-You consider technophobia to be racist. :p
(or is that just me?)


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 11, 2009
-You think the bible needs to be rewritten, or maybe there should be a sequel.
(the concept of "holy" has no meaning to me)

-You consider technophobia to be racist. :p
(or is that just me?)

- you think Cognisant is hilarious.

- you think Cognisant's new avatar is hilarious.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
You love this thread but hate having to open it because of the two spelling mistakes in No.1

[retreats to dodge Morgoth's bullets]


Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Oct 16, 2008
You have told someone that you have been to France, England, Japan, Liberia (wherever), although really you have only learned about it.

I often feel that I have been somewhere just by reading about it...but actually going to the place is often so much different.
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