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The Telephone


Here to bring back the love!
Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Sep 30, 2009
I was just wondering if my behavior regarding telephones is normal. When ever it rings I normally hide behind an object and stare at it until it stops ringing. Phones for some strange reason freak the hell out of me. I can have a pseudo phone call over a computer no problems but when it comes to land lines and mobile phones I get a very unsettling feeling. This behavioral mannerism annoys my friends and family to no end but they now know to use skype me rather than my mobile phone number.

Actually after writing the previous paragraph I realized that all bad news that I have ever received was over the telephone. Autonomic conditioning.

Converse! XD


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I hate phones for the immediate distraction...other than that..its low quality games. I like snake though.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
I've never liked the phone either. Not that it scares me, but I would certainly rank using it as one of my least favorite things to do. So now I do tech support, and its helped a lot. I don't like heights either, so I roofed my house with me dad when I was younger.

I think its important to attack weaknesses like these with an almost masochistic enthusiasm.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I think its important to attack weaknesses like these with an almost masochistic enthusiasm.
I did this on scary rides. failed failed horribly. i still feel my regret when i was on that roller coaster.


Here to bring back the love!
Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Sep 30, 2009
I did this on scary rides. failed failed horribly. i still feel my regret when i was on that roller coaster.

I love roller coasters. Especially sitting in the front car laughing my head off. XD

By proxy you should love them as well. *shakes fist angrily*


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
I did this on scary rides. failed failed horribly. i still feel my regret when i was on that roller coaster.

Well that's where the almost comes in. Is it heights, speed or the sensation of your stomach pushing upwards that gets to you most?


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Jan 2, 2010
Well that's where the almost comes in. Is it heights, speed or the sensation of your stomach pushing upwards that gets to you most?
its mostly height, speed, sensation, fear of death, fear of accident, dizziness and everything else. but mainly the thought that its normally portrayed as scary and when my heart jumps towards many directions.


Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
I really just don't like the way it takes me out of my "zone". I'll be doing my thing on my computer, or reading, etc, and then the phone rings. Now I have to decide if this person calling is worth dragging myself out of my alone time.

Or if I am just enjoying a moment with friends, I am really uncomfortable with talking on the phone with people around me (Which is why I think people who have speaker phone constantly turned on are fucking weirdoes.) So in the middle of the conversation, I'll just stop and pick up my phone, stare and the screen for a second, then say "no" and hit silence and then just nonchalantly look back up at the person talking to me as if that didn't just happen. Usually at this point they say to me "Wait, do you do that to me when I'm calling you" and I say "No... Of course not."

Starfruit M.E.

Goes by M.E., NOT Star.
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Dec 19, 2009
I just look at the number. If I recognize it, I pick it up. If not, I let the answering machine get it.

I do try to avoid running microwaves though. I have yet to determine if the microwave can escape that encasing...

EDIT: I decided to google it, and apparently I'm safe. But you can't be too careful...


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
I was just wondering if my behavior regarding telephones is normal. When ever it rings I normally hide behind an object and stare at it until it stops ringing. Phones for some strange reason freak the hell out of me. I can have a pseudo phone call over a computer no problems but when it comes to land lines and mobile phones I get a very unsettling feeling.

Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was only me. There were a few years in my 20s when I was pretty near phobic of phones, though after working a tech support line for a few years I am over it. But I still hate them and yes, I find them very unsettling. Great description.

From the other responses, though, it doesn't sound like an INTP thing in general.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 5:28 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Conversing using a phone leads to awckward silence. I dislike it.


and Heimdal's horn sounds
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Aug 16, 2009
I think its important to attack weaknesses like these with an almost masochistic enthusiasm.

That's so true. I hate heights and I went and painted a barn (going up 30-40ft) on a ladder.... a LADDER! nothing like an unsturdy piece of metal between you and a pair of broken legs, that only gets magnified when the wind blows... relentlessly. Its almost like reaching inside your chest and ripping it wide open.

As for the phone, I hate making calls on it but, recieving calls is cake. I also used to hate ordering via drive thru. I think I would rather be face to face. Or maybe I'd rather know that the person wants to talk to me.


Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Nov 27, 2009
US, Iowa
I hate how telephones ring, it makes it seem urgent that I answer the call at once. I often get nervous because of this and call a person back after the phone is done ringing.

Not that I hear it ring often enough. I put my phone on vibrate so I am not startled. Even though it is on vibrate more often than not there are moments when I think it is going off, and try and find the damn thing. I prefer face to face communication, but would rather be on the phone with one individual than in a room with many individuals.

The Frood

knows where his towel is
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Nov 29, 2009
Somewhere in the vicinity of betelgeuse
I don't mind answering calls, but once answered i like the conversation to be short and purpose oriented. If I want to have a decent conversation with someone, I either want to talk to their face, or IM. Like someone said earlier; phones (and especially skype) lead to awkward silences. However, I am terrified of calling people, even people I know well and will do almost anything to put it off
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Dec 21, 2009
Reading, PA
I'm the exact same way. I consider it a complete invasion of privacy. Even if it's a friend who I want to talk to I still won't want to answer it. It's sort of like when my mother used to clean my room when I was younger. It helped me, but the invasion of privacy was so disturbing that I always yelled at her.

This invasion disgusted me. What made me change was a TED talk by Kevin Kelly


how it pertains to this subject when he claims that the future of the web is gaining personalization through complete transparency. You can't have this amazing cyberpunk future or a web that knows everything about you if others don't. People hated the idea of the telephone because any stranger could call. Websites didn't like the idea that other websites could link to their pages. We obviously wouldn't have advanced if these things never happened even if it was unsettling. We have to give up privacy if we want to make life simpler and progress.

I'm 21 and have just finally joined a forum. I didn't want my beliefs and opinions that I hold dearly available to the public for scrutiny. However, I figured that I need to get used to socializing over the web and being involved if I would every survive five or ten years from now. Turns out that I'm loving it so far. People challenge what I believe, but it invigorates me instead of being a detriment.

Perhaps privacy is overrated. This forum alone makes me less skeptical of the phone when it rings. But I still only peak over the armrests of my couch instead of getting up and answering it like a normal person.


Here to bring back the love!
Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Sep 30, 2009
That is an interesting ted presentation. I especially enjoyed the comparison to the number of connections on the Internet to the number of synapses of the brain.

I like my privacy. I am all over the net using various different user names and "persons" names. I dislike the idea of people from my past finding me.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Aug 31, 2009
I hate how telephones ring, it makes it seem urgent that I answer the call at once. I often get nervous because of this and call a person back after the phone is done ringing.

I do this even unintentionally on any conscious level. I'm too busy either thinking of what to say when I pick up, trying to find where I PUT my phone, or attempting to draw my attention from whatever I was zoning on at the moment to pick up in time. Leads to a lot of what you described for me. XD

As for the actual phone conversations, I HAAAAAATE them. I get incredibly anxious on the phone for some reason. I run out of things to say, feel uneasy about how long the phone conversation is intended to last, worry that I sound uneasy... which makes me worry the other person will worry I don't want to talk to them, or hate them, or something.

Doesn't work well with girlfriends, but I actually took the time to explain out and warn this one of all my quirks. Thankfully mommy has figured it out by this time in my life. :p

brain enclosed in flesh

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:28 AM
Apr 16, 2009
need to get out
I really just don't like the way it takes me out of my "zone". I'll be doing my thing on my computer, or reading, etc, and then the phone rings. Now I have to decide if this person calling is worth dragging myself out of my alone time.

Or if I am just enjoying a moment with friends, I am really uncomfortable with talking on the phone with people around me (Which is why I think people who have speaker phone constantly turned on are fucking weirdoes.) So in the middle of the conversation, I'll just stop and pick up my phone, stare and the screen for a second, then say "no" and hit silence and then just nonchalantly look back up at the person talking to me as if that didn't just happen. Usually at this point they say to me "Wait, do you do that to me when I'm calling you" and I say "No... Of course not."

I feel the exact same way and do the exact same thing.

That's why I love texting. I can respond when I want and I have time to consider my response... if I do indeed respond.

My husband uses speaker phone and it drives me batshit. Whenever he calls me and I hear an echo or a pause between when he talks, I flat out refuse to talk to him.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:28 PM
May 22, 2009
I've talked to some friends on the phone. With a particular girl I'd let her talk the entire time and i can simply just agree with her for an hour then I'll hang up.

I had to tell someone i was texting that i was phone shy, because she wanted to call me... I just hate the awkward pauses. I can't estimate when someone is going to stop talking and I'll sometimes talk over them; Awkward pause!


Yes, I love my zone. I hate having to drop things when other people call or text me. I have a friend that comes over unannounced quite a bit and it's very disrupting. "No i can't hang out, I'm looking up string theory" I haven't had the courage to say that :(


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Aug 23, 2009
Phones seem diametrically apposed to everything that makes up an INTP: Forced conversation, lots of awkwardness, breaks up concentration, and of course being forced to make an actual decision.

I've bypassed the irritating "should I answer" dilemma by simply never answering. Then, if they leave a message, I'll consider calling them back. Actually, there are three people on this planet that can call me and I will answer willingly. Other than that the message had better be pretty damn interesting/important if they want me to call back.

I curse more trying to text a single sentence than when I stub my toe.


Here to bring back the love!
Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Sep 30, 2009
It is terribly annoying when you have lawyers continually pester you over the phone. My name is not 'respondent' and hence won't be appearing in a court!


Local time
Today 5:28 PM
Oct 16, 2008
I am so telephonphobic (likely not a real word). I will answer it...but I don't like it. I too, like confronting fears, but sometimes it isn't worth it. When someone calls and I know they are calling to try and talk to me for and hour, it's just not worth answering it.

When I was little though, every time the phone rang I would be like this: :storks:
I would scream and hide if someone dared ring the doorbell too.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:28 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I do try to avoid running microwaves though. I have yet to determine if the microwave can escape that encasing...
That really bothers me too, I always walk away when the microwave is on and when it's finished I stand aside while opening the door.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Aug 13, 2009
I hate how telephones ring, it makes it seem urgent that I answer the call at once. I often get nervous because of this and call a person back after the phone is done ringing.

Yes. Everyone else hears the phone and you know someone has to answer it. I just hope it doesn't have to be me. Also in addition know one calls me on house phone anymore so I never even look.

I think cell phones and skype (i dont have skype) etc, are not a problem because you have control. The cell phone is always with you and you can put it on silent. You don't always have to be logged into skype i guess. A house phone you have to get up all the time to turn off/on the ringer.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 10:28 AM
Sep 2, 2009
I was just wondering if my behavior regarding telephones is normal. When ever it rings I normally hide behind an object and stare at it until it stops ringing. Phones for some strange reason freak the hell out of me.

If any two people do exactly the same thing.. then it must be normal!

I can use the phone to call people I want to be with but can't be (for geographical reasons) for short periods. If I don't know the person, it scares me answering and calling. If the person could just as easily talk to me in person, spending a single unecessary second on the phone irritates to no end.


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
My home phone I don't have much of a problem with: I have caller id and know who's calling, so if I give a damn about blowing them off I generally pick it up, if I don't, I don't. I don't want a mobile, so when I came to the US, I just didn't bother getting one (if someone tells me I need one, I tell them I'm saving up for it but can't afford it yet, and they shut up after telling me I need to give them my number when I get the thing). I despise the idea of being "on call" to every idiot who knows my number all the time. If I ever do get one, I'll probably set it to having different ringtones for different people: silent as the default, then some appropriate tune for each of those few people I would actually pick up for.

The phones at work I HATE. Everyone in the office is supposed to pick the phone up at least 3 times a day and talk to whoever is calling with a question about when the check we're not cutting is going to arrive at their house. (That's about 60% of the calls, from what I gather, although I got a call from a lawyer once.) I've been blowing it off because I had to share a phone and I snuck it onto the other person's desk, but now I'm gonna have to answer it: I'm getting my own cube. Crap. :(


Warn; the child forbid, take care dangerousry!
Local time
Today 5:28 PM
Jan 3, 2010
The mind...
I don't like people being able to get reach me whenever they feel like it. I usually just stare at it until it stops ringing then return the call when I want to (if ever). I don't like calling people either though. Sometimes I put the number in and stare at it for a minute or two before I press "call." Whenever I have my cell phone with me I feel like a cow wearing a cow bell. I can always be found and if it's turned off people yell at me for not wanting to be found. It's a lose/lose.


Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Jan 9, 2010
I have to echo what most people are saying. I hate being interrupted by the phone. Unless it's someone I really want to talk to, I'll usually just let it go to voicemail. If I don't know the number there's about a .01% chance I'll actually answer. If I have to call somebody I don't know, I'll put it off until the last possible second if I call them at all. Just can't do it sometimes....

I've always thought that my discomfort with phones (beyond general awkwardness) is because I can't judge peoples' intentions or emotions on the phone. In person, I can read their body language to help me through the conversation and with IM, there are no extra expectations because it's only text anyway. I also like being able to stop and think about my response and most people can't handle that on the phone.

As for the phone, I hate making calls on it but, recieving calls is cake. I also used to hate ordering via drive thru. I think I would rather be face to face. Or maybe I'd rather know that the person wants to talk to me.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has issues with drive-thrus. I use them fine if you can force me into the line, but I generally avoid them like the plague.


found out
Local time
Today 5:28 PM
Sep 24, 2009
Anyone else have difficulty leaving voicemails? What are you supposed to say? How do you end them/say goodbye?

I usually end up either asking for something I don't need and ending the message abruptly/going on for literally minutes and eventually whispering/speaking inaudibly, then hang up.


Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Jan 9, 2010
Anyone else have difficulty leaving voicemails? What are you supposed to say? How do you end them/say goodbye?

I usually end up either asking for something I don't need and ending the message abruptly/going on for literally minutes and eventually whispering/speaking inaudibly, then hang up.
Yeah, I hate leaving voicemails. I've gotten better now where I can leave one for family/close friends, but they're generally not much more complicated than 'hi, call me'. I'm more likely to call 3 times first, then plan out my message, call a fourth time, and finally leave a message.

If I'm calling someone I don't know (ie. for work), I have to do the same thing and call back a second time after planning out my exact message. If they answer the phone when I'm expecting to leave a message, it can really throw me for a loop.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 10:28 AM
Sep 2, 2009
Anyone else have difficulty leaving voicemails? What are you supposed to say? How do you end them/say goodbye?

I usually end up either asking for something I don't need and ending the message abruptly/going on for literally minutes and eventually whispering/speaking inaudibly, then hang up.

I really get made fun of because I end every voicemail, professional or friendly in an awkward pause followed with 'okay, bye' *click*.


Badass Longcat
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Lost, after wandering irresponsibly away from the
^ I think the last time I left a message was about 5 years ago. I hate them: I hate levaing my trite little message on their phone. I can never bring myself to leave a voicemail message, whether it's for work or it's a personal call.


that shadow behind lost
Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Dec 29, 2008
The meaning of leaving voicemails never really got to the country where I live. When I was younger and my country just got independence (again), on some fields, it was used, as my father back then was (and now still), was a reporter, he used to work on our county newspaper. The voicemail was used there as back then... all that comes from the west, was thought to be as the best there is. But I actually never used it. People here do not mostly use voicemails anyhow, I know my father has a voicemail receiver on his mobile, and I've used it, maximum twice.
Though now, if someone is not reachable at times, I'll write an email or leave msn message until he/she loges in.


Local time
Tomorrow 12:28 AM
Mar 3, 2008
I really hate the ringing. It's horrible. Jars my ears.

And also the poor sound quality. And the expectation by the other party of my full attention.

GAAAAAHH!!!! I hate phone calls.


Consultant, inventor, project innovator
Local time
Tomorrow 12:28 AM
Jan 7, 2010
Perth, Australia
I'm probably not a good baseline for this, as I did ten+ years in jobs which required answering phones 50 times a day or more. On the plus side, I got to develop some truly remarkable phone skills. I can reach down a line and eviscerate a telemarketer in thirty seconds.

One lying salesman who said furniture would be delivered on day X got a call or two from me. By the last one, he'd stopped trying the "oh, it'll be on the truck the next day / day after / no we don't deliver to your area after all" lines, and was physically loading couches into a third-party truck he'd procured at personal cost, and personally driving them out and carrying them into my house.

So phones ringing doesn't bother me unless it's someone else's and they don't answer it. If it's mine, it instantly becomes a case of "the caller is about to regret their entire existence if this is not important". If I'm sleeping in, I can go from deep sleep to business voice in three rings, and there had better be a good reason for waking me up.

The ability to instantly take complete control of a phone conversation helps a lot, when you know that the other person will be on the back foot the whole time and you can terminate the call without regret at any second.


Local time
Today 10:28 AM
Nov 6, 2009
One of the main things I hate about telephones is the uncertainty of the environment in which the conversation is taking place. A lot of people will call you from and/or answer their phones in places in earshot of others. People eavesdrop on telephone conversations. I do it and know others do as well. It can't be helped. A lot of the time the phones volume is so loud that both participants can be heard by someone within earshot of either. There's a staggering amount of scenarios where one might say the wrong thing because of ignorance of the others location. Also it just seems a little creepy having others listen in on you talking to someone and not knowing if others are doing the same on the other end.

A hypothetical example of where this would be very very awkward: You are at home, your mother calls and wants to have lunch together. During lunch, your girlfriend (who thinks you are at home) calls and very obviously/explicitly wants sex. Now imagine your mother didn't know about her and she probably overheard this. This would be an extremely awkward situation for a lot of people. On top of this, you now have to figure out how to defuse the situation. You could just say If you say "I'm having lunch, I'll call you later" this might be interpreted as a little rude/suspicious (if she's the jealous type) by your girlfriend and might be followed by the question "with who?". Your mother will probably also ask "Who was that?" and you are forced into the situation of either telling her about your girlfriend (which would lead to "why haven't you introduced us?" or something like that) or lie to your mothers face.

Aside from that, people tend to put on different faces in front of different people. You can't predict how people will act if they answer their phone in front of group A vs group B. An example of this is if the person was on the job and they answered in front of a client or if someone was with their kids when they answered the phone, they might respond much different than if they were alone.

Trying to write down information as it's spoken can also be painful (especially when it comes to things where individual characters are important).

If I know the topic of conversation before entering, I might be more willing to enter it. This is often not the case on phones. People call you, but you are not sure what they want to discuss and in order to find out you have to agree to discuss it (by answering the phone) regardless. It would be very rude to just say "I don't want to talk about that, that's boring and/or unimportant." and just hang up. Also, if people call just to talk, you have to either pretend like you're really busy, pretend like you are interested in the mundane events of their life, or risk offending them.

As for me, I have a cell phone, but only charge it once a month (at max) so it's usually dead. When it is powered on, I rarely answer, and only do so if I know the person calling (even then, I usually don't).


Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Mar 8, 2010
lol, seems like i'm the only one here who doesn't mind phones. although, besides speaking to immediate family, i haven't used one in ages.
i think it's pretty much a step up from just msn convos or w/e. being able to hear someones voice is a little more .. personal? when you can't be face to face it's the second best thing.


Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Jan 9, 2010
lol, seems like i'm the only one here who doesn't mind phones. although, besides speaking to immediate family, i haven't used one in ages.
i think it's pretty much a step up from just msn convos or w/e. being able to hear someones voice is a little more .. personal? when you can't be face to face it's the second best thing.
To expand on what I said before... I'm okay with phones if it's someone I know well (ie. immediate family, girlfriend, certain close friends), but otherwise.... meh


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:28 AM
Nov 8, 2009
Lubbock, TX
I don't like talking on the phone. It's awkward most of the time except for short conversations if I need to find out how to get somewhere or I'm making an appointment, etc.
But I do have a friend (He's never taken a typology test but I can tell he's an ENFP from a mile away) that I don't mind talking to. He can always keep a conversation going which is great because I never know what to say. But talking to him is absolutely effortless. In fact, I remember a time right after he moved away that we would talk on the phone for hours every weekend.
Aww, now I miss him. :(


Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Feb 2, 2010
But I do have a friend (He's never taken a typology test but I can tell he's an ENFP from a mile away) that I don't mind talking to. He can always keep a conversation going which is great because I never know what to say. But talking to him is absolutely effortless.

I have one of those too. The first time I met him it was like we were long lost friends and the situation was so foreign. This was at work in a corporate environment so that adds even more formality onto my typical demeanor. I was elated at such an experience and yet my empirical mind was saying to itself w....t...f is going on here???


Quiet, I'am thinking
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Mar 12, 2010
in my head
Phones seem diametrically apposed to everything that makes up an INTP: Forced conversation, lots of awkwardness, breaks up concentration, and of course being forced to make an actual decision.

I've bypassed the irritating "should I answer" dilemma by simply never answering. Then, if they leave a message, I'll consider calling them back. Actually, there are three people on this planet that can call me and I will answer willingly. Other than that the message had better be pretty damn interesting/important if they want me to call back.

I curse more trying to text a single sentence than when I stub my toe.

Nice to know someone else does this!


Local time
Today 5:28 PM
Mar 15, 2010
As for cell phones, I don't mind texting at all.

But I will talk to very few people on the phone. I always have mine on silent or vibrate becuase the ring tends to startle me ><
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