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Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 24, 2009
Austin, TX
How many of you INTP's do these things and if so HOW do you do them? There was about a 2 month period back in college when I drank/partied every weekend just to see what I was "missing out on". I HATE being in a crowd of people I don't know and I will do anything to avoid it.

I don't get it? It seems like everyone my age (23) is doing these things and having a blast. What's so great about going out to clubs and getting drunk and maybe having random hookups and waking up the following morning and you can't remember what you did the night before? Why do people my age think this is a positive thing? Is that happiness?

Help me understand.


Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
It's been awhile since I partied regularly but I had my time in the rave scene as well as the club scene. I don't know about you, but I thought it was fun as hell. I met interesting people, danced to great music, had a plethora of new experience, developed sides of myself that were untapped before. Maybe you are just in the wrong social circle?


Consistently Inconsistent
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
May 18, 2009
^Raves can be good stuff. Also, have you tried cultural events, outdoor parties / games, parties where engineering senior projects are utilized (there was one where the light show was synchronized with peoples' iPods, and another where there was a robotic drink server [I helped XD])? Cultural events are especially great; you get to dress up when you go, and meet people from other parts of the world (<these also have the best food). Some of my faves were Bangra Night, and a festival for Tibet's freedom, and there was one year where my school played Humans vs Zombies (most paranoid 2 weeks of my life, btw). You just have to know where to go, and surround yourself with people who have enough brain cells to come up with cool ways to have fun.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
What's so great about going out to clubs and getting drunk and maybe having random hookups and waking up the following morning and you can't remember what you did the night before? Why do people my age think this is a positive thing? Is that happiness?

Help me understand.
Sorry, can't help you there. I avoided that kind of behavior when I was your age. In high school I didn't really date, I couldn't see the point.

I don't think others think it's great. I think they're so afraid of being alone, and so afraid of being found out to be cowards or frauds (even if they're not, they're just frightened kids who happen to have bodies capable of having orgasms), that they run from authenticity. And, frankly, sex and drugs are great for avoiding authenticity.



Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Aug 24, 2008
I think at that age people are just starting to taste real freedom from parents and school, and in an attempt to cement their individual identity and new-found separation from authority they over-correct. As time goes on the pendulum will swing back the other way, at least for those who aren't naturally experience junkies, or broken in a way that requires escapism. After a while novelty loses its novelty.

That's one psychological explanation. Physically the sex drive is stronger at that stage, at least for males.

We can observe adolescent over-correction on a larger, social scale as well. Sexual liberty is a rather recent thing and the prison doors are still clanging. When the dust settles perhaps people will be more inclined to their own personal carrots, rather than laughing defiantly at a broken stick. ------> perhaps not so likely though, since most tend to succumb to social expectation. The majority of people will probably continue to follow in the footsteps of trend-setters, wherever these turn out to be in future.

Artifice Orisit

And this thread's theme song is:
YouTube- Jump Smokers "Don't Be A Douchebag" OFFICIAL VIDEO

Why do people my age think this is a positive thing? Is that happiness?
Don't know, and I hope not.

Here’s my POV:
I've done the odd bar-crawl, so I understand the attraction of getting drunk, although I can't say everyone enjoys it's peaceful mind-numbing effects for the same reasons I do. As for the socialization and hook-ups, well I'm a loner whose never participated in any of that so I wouldn't know, but then having spent the last 3-4 hours walking around on a Sunday night looking for entertainment, I'm starting to consider it.


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Apr 22, 2009
How many of you INTP's do these things and if so HOW do you do them? There was about a 2 month period back in college when I drank/partied every weekend just to see what I was "missing out on". I HATE being in a crowd of people I don't know and I will do anything to avoid it.

I don't get it? It seems like everyone my age (23) is doing these things and having a blast. What's so great about going out to clubs and getting drunk and maybe having random hookups and waking up the following morning and you can't remember what you did the night before? Why do people my age think this is a positive thing? Is that happiness?

Help me understand.

Eh, it's just a lifestyle choice. As long as you make connections and network with other people you don't really have to party. Not everyone likes to go out and drink, and I would wager that there are people that go out and do not drink or who drink to be more social. Even if you drink, you don't have to go to the extremes of blackouts and such... that is also another choice that people make. Most people that age want to go out and enjoy themselves by forgetting about their lives/jobs/responsibilities/etc. for a night or two. It's a kind of release for some I guess. Maturity also plays a role in it as well.

I would say that happiness is not an action, but more of a state of mind. People strive to be happy in their life, but I think most end up being content with their circumstances. I think most of the elderly can have a greater chance at being happy because they do not necessarily have the same social/financial responsibilities as your general population. They have also lowered their standards (at least that is what I have heard) to some degree so they learn to be happy rather than being disappointed and expecting more.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Oct 3, 2009
Dayton, OH
haha i am in this stage of my life...
but i feel awkward dancing..

Beat Mango

Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Mar 25, 2009
I went through that stage. It lasted relatively long, 3 or 4 years, but it was syllable in hindsight a kind of anomaly. But with the right people to hang around and the right places to hang out in it's awesome - I have some great memories. I'm past that stage now though, at least for the time being.


Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Oct 14, 2009
I'm 22, in college, experiencing all of this. It was muuuch easier to do when I was 18-21, but I've definitely settled into my own ways. It's kind of hard to get me out somewhere when I can easily say about that specific event, "how will it be any different/more fun than the last time?"

Yet I still try and go out to parties/bars (after drinking a few beers at my place to become more social, of course), because I feel pretty pathetic when all my friends are out having fun. Even though I'd rather stay in, I know I need to keep my friendships strong and not fade into lonerdom.

... I guess :confused:


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Feb 21, 2009
Boulder, CO
I do quite a bit of this by myself. Most of the friends I had who would go to bars and what not have moved on to married life and families, not to mention I moved away from them. I like to drink, and I usually just go out if I'm into the music (I am into a lot of club music, and I like to dance when I'm drunk enough.) I realize I'm kind of different, even for an INTP.

I'll admit that I haven't exactly formed any relationships through this behavior. It's starting to get old feeling alone at bars or clubs. Really I don't care about that as long as I'm interested in whatever is going on--either sports or music. Other times I feel really awkward and self-conscious. That is starting to get really old. The problem is finding people who have common interests and who aren't total substance abusers or 10 years younger than me.

Or maybe I just need to settle down and get married?


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:24 PM
Feb 9, 2009
The United States.
i started in January because my roommate wanted to bond with me. at firat we partied and went clubbing almost every night. after a whial i just got board and saw no point in it. not my thing really. i still go out with him sometimes becaus emy doctor telles me too but maby once or twice a month.

i also tried to pick up women but it never worked out. this was mainly because i never went out when my prey was out. not too many 30-50 yearold women out at 11 pm. god i love older women. girls my age just dont do it for me most of the time.

never been to a rave co i cant comment on that.

in any case though, large densly populated events are great if you want to poison somone. i know of 3 women who were drugged in the main club i went too. one of them ended up being passed out in my truck:confused:

basic young pperson entertainment is not my thing.

i just said a whole lot of nothing...


the girl from Saskatoon
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Oct 13, 2009
SK Canada
I'm 26, and I've never had an interest in going out and getting drunk with my friends. I'm certainly being more social these days, but still preffer one on one conversations to being in a group. I've never gone home with someone from a bar/taken someone home.

But I freaking love karaoke more than life itself. My friends wonder how I can do it sober, and wonder why I'm the most entertaining in the group. My answer? Magic.

Infinite Regress

Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Oct 14, 2009
I don't get it? It seems like everyone my age (23) is doing these things and having a blast. What's so great about going out to clubs and getting drunk and maybe having random hookups and waking up the following morning and you can't remember what you did the night before? Why do people my age think this is a positive thing? Is that happiness?

Help me understand.

I'm your age, but I've found the problem is I quickly get bored of raves/bars/clubs. I attend for a few hours and will feel the need for some alone time.
I personally think its a rite of passage.
BTW the random hookups are nice :D


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Apr 7, 2009
I think all INTP's will get bored of it...(that is if they were ever even into it to begin with)


Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Oct 27, 2009
I generally hate being alone inside a crowd. I generally hate parties and clubbing because they're so superficial. I don't like the idea of getting myself drunk, since it's (supposedly) only enjoyable when you've got friends with you. I hate the idea of being temporarily stupid.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Aug 21, 2009
I tried clubbing in the first few weeks at uni, I think I would have enjoyed it if I liked the music, it was quiet enough to talk to people, and no one was sick on my leg.
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