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INTJ -> INTP -> INFP -> INFJ ...ENTP? (hobbies)


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Edit: The title means I went from thinking I was INTJ to INTP... etc

So yeah, I'm obviously quite type confused, but due to interpersonal feedback and general behavior patterns it is likely that I am of the ?NTP type. I do, however, seem to be rather task-oriented and like making plans (which I rarely, if ever, use when the time comes to implement them). I've kinda gotten over trying to figure out what type I really am but now I realize I'm pretty much back where I started. Namely, that I was trying to figure out what kind of stuff would interest me hobby-wise. You could say that I'm looking for the INTP handbook.

I've already figured out my majors (Computer Science and a specialty psychology major) but now I have to wonder what social activities, if any, would interest me. I put ENTP in the title because I imagine that INTPs aren't usually too worried about having only solitary hobbies, though I believe that is my primary problem. Most generally accepted "college student social activities" I find largely intolerable.

So anyway, that's my primary agenda. But that doesn't mean I won't be discussing ideas for their own sake. And please don't tell me that typology is a grand oversimplification of personality. Trust me, I know. I just need ways to cope with the fact that my interests are often vastly different from the general population's interests.

Oh, and before I forget: Hi guys!

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Welcome Kaze!

It's a classic INTP symptom to deny the MBTI is legitimate, and then when finally agreeing that the MBTI is legitimate, having lots of difficulty figuring out what iNtuitive type they are.

There are *some* here who think they are dual types. They're a bunch of whiny hippies. :D Psh, 'feeling's, I'll wait to take this into consideration until I see more scientific papers published on the subject.

Here's the end-all be-all profile of the INTP. http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html
It's your final test to see if you're INTP. The correct answer is to giggle while reading it, because it describes your life so well and you find that funny.


I'm your chauffeur with high
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Sep 19, 2009
*curtsies to KazeCraven*


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
*bows to Ashenstar*

Thanks Reverse Transcriptase, though I have read that before and I think I must say I have failed your test. I think this failure is, at least in part, due to too many extrapolations and assumptions about the core of the INTP character. For example, to say that an INTP will tend to sneer in situations where it is obvious that an emotional reaction is expected is to assume that all INTPs are at the same place of development in their emotional side. Also, isn't asserting that the central goal of an INTP is to seek truth a grand oversimplification?

However, that being said, I do find many statements within that description that describe me quite well; namely that the experience itself is less interesting than the concept of the experience, that we are the providers of clarity (though I am often content for someone else to clarify if he too understands), and that we are social chameleons. That being said, I would also be surprised if all people who were of the INTP type (and were not mistyped) agreed with all the points that I agree with in that extensive description.

I do think, however, that declaring a type of 'X' in something is a mutilation of the theory that should only be used in so far as one is uncertain of their type.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
*nods* I like your analysis.

Nicholas A. A. E.

formerly of the Basque-lands
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Oct 31, 2009
Shoreline, Washington
Also, isn't asserting that the central goal of an INTP is to seek truth a grand oversimplification?
Not necessarily. Seeking truth is the driving force of my life, alongside seeking love. I am not sure of the relationship between the two, but truth is very important to me, at least. No simplification needed.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Well, on second thought I notice that to say one seeks truth is rather broad. It could be concerning a truth about oneself (personal truths), truth about the world (objective truths), truth about what one ought to do (moral truths), etc. So I suppose it's accurate. Aside from knowing myself and knowing what lies ahead in life, including the afterlife, I am more or less not particularly concerned with knowing things in general I think. But to say that means seeking truth is not general to INTPs I would have to accept the assumption that I am, in fact, an INTP myself, which is still questionable.

I seem to be more concerned with meaning and what it means to be human, essentially "who am I" (typical of NFs). However, I have never been far from academia, so I might be so satisfied intellectually that I never have reason to worry about my dominant processes.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:43 PM
Oct 26, 2009
Welcome to the forum :) I have an INTJ brother and the differences between us are striking. INTJ's are GREAT problem solvers, they know how to get things done effectively and on time, whereas INTP's are more likely to think, think, think the hell out of the problem before they ever touch it. Or get distracted, bored, or procrastinate, going off on a tangent about how this problem relates to some bigger, more interesting but irrelevant problem. INTP's are much less "doers" than the more hands on INTJ's, who are able to dismiss distractions when required. Hope that helps somewhat.


Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
I have an INTJ brother and the differences between us are striking. INTJ's are GREAT problem solvers, they know how to get things done effectively and on time, whereas INTP's are more likely to think, think, think the hell out of the problem before they ever touch it. Or get distracted, bored, or procrastinate, going off on a tangent about how this problem relates to some bigger, more interesting but irrelevant problem. INTP's are much less "doers" than the more hands on INTJ's, who are able to dismiss distractions when required. Hope that helps somewhat.

Im a little late in this thread, but i liked this quite a bit, because my best is an INTJ, and the one thing we do best at is solving problems, not alone, but together, because he often wants to make a decision quickly, which may not be the best, whereas im known for "forcing" people to think before they act


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Welcome to the forum :) I have an INTJ brother and the differences between us are striking. INTJ's are GREAT problem solvers, they know how to get things done effectively and on time, whereas INTP's are more likely to think, think, think the hell out of the problem before they ever touch it. Or get distracted, bored, or procrastinate, going off on a tangent about how this problem relates to some bigger, more interesting but irrelevant problem. INTP's are much less "doers" than the more hands on INTJ's, who are able to dismiss distractions when required. Hope that helps somewhat.

Thanks! Depends on the problem really. If the problem is already really structured (like a computer program or chess) I'm just zipping away. However, for essays where I need to develop an idea or two are quite different and if I don't get the idea pretty quickly I'll be off on some other idea.

Judging by what you've said, you seem INTP to me :P

Thanks Firehazard. If I selected my type based on majority opinion, I would be INTP by a long shot! I've heard it on INFP, INTJ, and INTP forums, so I assume that must be correct. I have, however, also been pegged as an NF on many occasions where I get a little more "emotional-sounding" but oftentimes it sounds as if the speakers (I started to write "they" instead of "the speakers" but I saw that "they" wasn't referring to any noun.) were only teasing.
I assume these impressions are reasonable, which is why I say I am likely INTP.


int p;
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Sep 18, 2009
Judging by what you've said, you seem INTP to me :P


Every type shows emotions from time to time, INTPs just tend to do this rarely and kind of explosively, if it makes any sense...

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Welcome to the forum :) I have an INTJ brother and the differences between us are striking. INTJ's are GREAT problem solvers, they know how to get things done effectively and on time, whereas INTP's are more likely to think, think, think the hell out of the problem before they ever touch it. Or get distracted, bored, or procrastinate, going off on a tangent about how this problem relates to some bigger, more interesting but irrelevant problem. INTP's are much less "doers" than the more hands on INTJ's, who are able to dismiss distractions when required. Hope that helps somewhat.
Heyyyy I have an INTJ brother too! I think a couple others on this forum do to. It makes sense for there to be a trend, if traits are even a *little* bit genetic.

Every type shows emotions from time to time, INTPs just tend to do this rarely and kind of explosively, if it makes any sense...


Nicholas A. A. E.

formerly of the Basque-lands
Local time
Today 7:43 AM
Oct 31, 2009
Shoreline, Washington
Well, they're indicators that we can't manage our emotions well. That's objectively not a good thing.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Glad to see you guys think I am of the same type as you. :)

Well, I certainly have an issue or two with emotions, but overall I think emotions are quite fun!

(Warning: fun = violent or excited activity or argument --Merriam-Webster dictionary)


still swimming
Local time
Today 2:43 PM
Nov 14, 2009
I seem to be more concerned with meaning and what it means to be human, essentially "who am I" (typical of NFs).

I relate to this, although I am INTP.

I would suggest that you are Ti, because you are clearly so keen on finding the "truth" of your MBTI type.

Ne, because you can relate to and make parallels between so many of the types and your own personality.

Introverted, because it's much more frequent in your options.

Ergo, INTP. I may be way off of course.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Funny you should say that. I actually donned the INTP cap shortly after (or was it before?) I made this post and I have since been convinced that about 80% of the Myers-Briggs theory is true and 20% of it is faulty extrapolation.

Ergo, no longer really interested in finding my MBTI type. Just interested in finding out about myself in general.
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