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How much do you spend on clothes?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
May 22, 2009
Recently i was conversing with my friend about clothes and he mentioned he spends about 20 bucks for a T shirt. I understand that 20 is pretty avarage but i could never do that. Also, 50+ for shoes these days? Bleehhh

Soooooo, how much do you care about what you wear?
What's the max you'll spend?

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
On a scale of 1-10, I'd say about a 3. Cheap, mostly dark and plain (as in no t-shirts with crap printed on it). I did pay close to a $100 on a pair of Merrell shoes for work one time. Mostly because they were all terrain and gortex which made them virtually waterproof. If there is a good utilitarian use then I'm willing to pay more. I'll go to a thrift store from time to time also.


... runs deep
Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
I'm pretty cheap when it comes to clothing, but have been rethinking its importance in my life. I think I'm going to start spending money on clothing that really fits well no matter the cost. I don't know about you guys but when I have nice clothes that fit well and look good, I automatically feel more capable in the world. Which is worth quite a bit to me.

Now I just need to find clothes that actually fit. >.>

Jon C

The Open-Minded Skeptic
Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Sep 28, 2009
Harrisburg, PA (USA)
I never really spent that much on clothes, but I will say that I used to spend a large percent compared to my earnings. I guess you can say I was more materialistic and attempting to evolve with the trends. (Trendy things are often more expensive) Since I have gotten more in touch with my INTPness, I have been able to buy clothes that reflect my personality more accurately, as opposed to what fits the trends. In turn, I have found myself spending a lot less.


Anything worth doing is worth overdoing...
Local time
Yesterday 11:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
Ying & Yang
For a business suit, I spend around $300 (US) and $30 on a really nice silk tie.

For casual clothes, I'll spend around $20 for t shirts and $25 for jeans. Now that I think about it, $25 is my limit on sneakers too.

Most of the time I try to dress casual ( t shirt & jeans ) not comfortable ( sweatpants & sandals ) and since I spend quite a bit of time indoors, I never wear black shirts because they tend to clash with my pale skin.


Man-Child becoming a Dude.... Man
Local time
Yesterday 11:20 PM
Sep 20, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
I try to buy pants and shirts for under 20 if I can. Clearance often times, if I can find something I like.

I tend to buy one or two pair of shoes and literally obliterate them. I have a hard foot to fit, so I'm usually looking more for comfort and will be willing to pay for a shoe that fits me well. If I had a shoe that would last me a long time and fit me great I'd be willing to spend a fair amount of money... which to me is 100... but I can't find those...

I'm not so careful with my clothes...so they often rip or the buttons fall off... so I for that reason I don't like to spend much on them... but maybe the fall apart because I don't spend much on them.

I hate trends, and graphics and really sort of clothes that could label me as something.
Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Apr 16, 2009
I'm pretty cheap when it comes to clothing, but have been rethinking its importance in my life. I think I'm going to start spending money on clothing that really fits well no matter the cost. I don't know about you guys but when I have nice clothes that fit well and look good, I automatically feel more capable in the world. Which is worth quite a bit to me.

Now I just need to find clothes that actually fit. >.>


Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Jul 28, 2008
In the last 10 years, I have probably personally spent less than 80 dollars on clothes and shoes, but I have received a few articles here and there for Christmas. The idea of getting a sense of self worth from my clothes sounds very strange to me - I actually feel better about myself knowing I didn't squander my hard earned money on such nonsense. Also, the fact that if everyone else suddenly started wearing what I wear, people would start getting self esteem boosts for looking like something else - expensive clothes don't actually seem to make people feel good, but looking like everyone else does.


Active Member
Local time
Today 3:20 PM
Jan 26, 2009
I try to spend as little as I can on clothes. The other day I was out with my friend and I shocked myself by actually buying clothes that weren't on sale, from a normal clothing store. :mad: I also realised afterwards that there was a rack full of $5 clothes and hit myself (almost) because the shirts I bought cost $12 each.

Normally I won't even look around in a store let alone buy anything. But if I've chosen something I'll just buy it without trying it on. The truth is...I'm just really lazy. :p


Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Sep 26, 2009
I don't spend that much because I don't have that much to spend but I would love to be able to get some really nice clothes.

So far my everyday clothes are about 30$ for a jean and about 20-25 for a t-shirt. I just like to have beautiful clothes. ( I just seem to like to have beautifull things).

I usually will have one set of "nicer" clothes to go out so for these I might pay about to 70$ for the jeans/pants and about 40-$ for shirt or T-shirt.

After some trial and error I really find that the up to 70$ for jean will give you an increase in quality (more then 70$ and your paying for the brand, not even the look) and same things for t-shirts. So it's not all that crazy.

Also, tehre is a use to being trendy. Maybe some would prefer if the world was not so biased about looks but since visual stimuli are the one we use the most to quicly asset a situation. Declaring social status/taste, etc. with clothes have it's use.

On hte other hand, who are we to think/say it's better to not take looks into account ? These are only based on values wich are defined by the objective experience that we have lived.

So overall, looking good as it's importance, it's here to stay even if we like it or not and if we don't like it we don't really have any rights to say that the world would be better if looks where not important.


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:20 AM
Apr 1, 2009
I got some shoes that are meant to last. It's an environmental thing. You get the soles repaired by the company when they go bad and you keep them for years and years so as not to waste. They did cost loads, but it's better than getting non biodegradable stuff once a year.

For clothes, I walk a lot and I wear out my clothes quickly. I'd rather have nice stuff that costs more but lasts more than, once again, throw things out all the time. I have not found many earth friendly things that look classy, though.

In the States there are always sales so when I visit my family I buy lots of stuff.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Apr 7, 2009
I love clothes! I love the way they conform and fit so perfectly when you first where them...I love how they look so clean and neat before the first wash...I love how they make you feel.

I was never really into fashion in high school. I used to wear the same pants and shirt a couple days in a row sometimes. But after high school, my gf bought me a pair of designer jeans...after that, I was hooked. Yes, I pay a lot of money for my clothes, but the difference in quality is obvious. The feel...the look...the detail...just perfection...

I am a J when it comes to clothes I guess. All my pants are 200+ and shirts 50+. It's sad, but a lot of my confidence comes from appearance. When my clothes look good, I feel good.

I recall answering to a thread like this already...deja vu...


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:20 PM
Aug 13, 2009
I usually pay $20 for a shirt, one was 25 with shipping. When I buy a shirt online it is always for a band, or game, or something. If they don't have a generic logo shirt or something I will wait or just never buy one. I don't like ones with sayings and big pictures and what not. There are usually too many choices, I now I only want to buy one. So I only want a basic design/logo/image. Just a few a shirts a year. I wear the same 5 shirts to work each week, randomize them. And only 5 work pants. 1 is getting too small. So I just do laundry more often. Only thing buying a new pair will do is offer slight convenience so I just dont bother. I waiting until my belt wears out its on the last notch.


and then what?
Local time
Today 2:50 PM
Sep 7, 2009
I dont buy much but when I see something I like I will pay top dollar for it - only thing is I wear it until it falls apart.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:20 PM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
Being raised in a home with limited funds I feel rather uncomfortable buying clothes that aren't on sale... but I spend pretty much the same as everyone else... never over $30, most of them somewhere between $15-20. I did spend $60 on a jacket once though but it had sentimental value to me.


Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Mar 3, 2008
I buy shirts from Marks & Spencer when there's a sale and I need them. Absolutely loathe shopping.

Otherwise, I'm glad that my parents give me new clothes every year. One of the very few good things about being Chinese.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Apr 7, 2009
I hate shopping though...Hate dealing with sales persons and hate trying clothes on. I usually know what I want before I go shopping and I know my sizes.


Local time
Yesterday 11:20 PM
Oct 12, 2009
Soooooo, how much do you care about what you wear?

I used to not care at all. Now that I'm older and more mature about my outlook on life, I do try to care.

What's the max you'll spend?

I'm still pretty cheap though. I just bought sneakers for less than $30. They're suprisingly good -- sales are amazing.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 26, 2009
I'm a cheapskate when it comes to clothes, I'll put off buying them and then when my last pair of jeans has ripped and the hole in my shirt is big enough for a second head, I'll buy the cheapest, lamest clothes I can find to replace them. I'm talking under $15


pat pat
Local time
Today 6:20 AM
Jan 1, 2009
How much do I care about what I wear? My careness is about average, I would say. I buy what I like as long as it's not expensive. I don't like to stand out, so I don't wear anything extravagant. But I try not to look like a slob either.

I don't spend a whole lot of money on clothes. I buy what I need, but it's kinda hard to tell what I will be using of what I buy. Sometimes I think that a clothing is a bit out there, and so I don't wear it. I don't mind spending some money on shoes. It's important to take care of ones feet.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Sep 25, 2008
Recently i was conversing with my friend about clothes and he mentioned he spends about 20 bucks for a T shirt. I understand that 20 is pretty avarage but i could never do that. Also, 50+ for shoes these days? Bleehhh

20 bucks is a lot for a t-shirt, it really depends on the shirt. (Normally T's should only be $5-15.)

Shoes? I will pay $50 for a pair if I have to (my problem is that my feet are a non-standard size, so I don't get an option and have to order many online), but usually I like to spend between $15-40 if at all possible. Payless actually has cheap shoes, if you're not going to wear them all the time.

Soooooo, how much do you care about what you wear?
What's the max you'll spend?

I really care about what I look like, but I also shop at Salvation Army all the time to look for deals. $35-40 for a pair of jean, new, hurts; but I have another friend who will spend $100 on a pair of designer jeans. I could never justify that; I can find the things I need and look good in at lower prices. The most I ever spend on a top is $35-40, and that only rarely; and while I think I've bought a dress at $70 before, that was outrageous for me... I go cheaper/discount if at all possible.


connecting that which cannot be connected
Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Apr 14, 2009
my imagination :)
I don't spend too much on clothes. i buy what i like- mostly what i do is buy something that is on sale then remake it into something i like even more :P
but since i generally prefer wearing things that people don't own, i can buy things i love for very cheap =]


Local time
Yesterday 10:20 PM
Aug 31, 2009
Shoe prices blow my mind.
I'd had the same pair of sneakers for a while because I essentially reached the peak of my growth about the time that I bought them, so I didn't have a need to get a new pair until recently when I'd gotten fence stain all over them. I thought it would be nice to roll out with some new sneakers, but after walking into a few of the shoe stores in a nearby mall, my wallet broke down and cried into my pocket. I couldn't believe how much they were asking for something that couldn't play my Mp3s or look up the weather.

I settled for a budget pair that feel like plastic and squeak whenever they're rubbed together.

For everything else, I try not to spend too much, which isn't difficult as I don't really like shirts with logos, clever slogans or giant graphics--with few exceptions. I like to keep it simple and clean, which tends to run cheap, thankfully.


Local time
Yesterday 10:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
10 or less for shirts, 20 or less for pants, and less than 40 for shoes.

I pretty much do most/all my shopping at target or kohls, lol. I've come to find that I really like mossimo's plain t shirts, they're fitted nicely to me.


Local time
Yesterday 9:20 PM
Oct 13, 2009
San Clemente, CA
I do care about my appearance, and try to dress snazzy without conforming to any trends. I feel like the clothes I wear can say a lot about the person I am, and I definitely agree with the sentiments that being well-put-together can make you feel more confident.

I do like my shirts, I generally head straight for the sales rack. The most I've ever paid for a shirt was $40, which was from a Radiohead concert and they're basically my favorite band ever so I was willing to part with the money... otherwise I cringe if they're over $20, but will occasionally fork over $30 for a particularly cool one.

As for pants, unless I want to wear a black shirt, I wear the same black pants every day. They're these pretty nice stretchy skinny jean things (cough from hot topic cough), I've literally gone through and replaced 5 pairs (and counting) just cause they're so stretchy and go with pretty much most of my wardrobe. They're $40. If I ever buy a different pair of jeans I never venture about $20 though.

I had a weird phase with buying interesting sneakers for a while last year, and though now I have quite an assortment of Vans I remember them being pretty pricey... but I rarely wear out shoes, it takes me yeeears. Even these black converse that I used as my workshoes for two jobs over the course of 3 years still have a long way to go before they're rendered un-wearable. Though they are finally showing some signs of age... fading, rubber is splitting a little where my foot bends. that's about it though. So I think even if they're expensive I feel like I make them worthwhile. $60 is my maaaxx on sneakers, though I might go higher for a good pair of boots...
...mmm, like my wonderful shin-high white shiney doc martens. those were a good investment.


Local time
Today 7:20 AM
Oct 22, 2009
In My House
shirts (10-25), jeanse (15-25) and shoes (around 25-30) but I shop like one time per years, it's the major shopping, so I don't mind spending $300+ since it covers almost everything concerning cloths
and my care about my look is about the average, as long as I like what I'm wearing, it's clean, neat and fit, then I'm alright
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