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  1. Shaz

    The Holy Grail of the Unconscious

    A starting book for Jung... I would say Man and His Symbols is a good one since it's a vulgarisation book written at the end of his life, with the purpose of rendering his ideas accessible to the general public. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is good but is more about the man himself than about...
  2. Shaz


    I can relate to a lot of what has been written : aversion for violence (I save spiders trapped in the bathtube :D), need for solitude like all introverts but in balance with interaction with people (not just anyone though, I need time with people I can truly exchange and grow with), fear or...
  3. Shaz


    well, there's worse : here is a procrastinating J :confused: Trying hard to fight it though... With moderate success I must say.
  4. Shaz


    Don't worry, I haven't run away, it's just that I don't have that much time to browse the forum these days (I'm still a bit shy though it's true, hehe, I do find time for the infj forum after all) actually, most infjs - if would say ALL infjs if I had a dominant judging function - hate...
  5. Shaz


    beware : possible corniness inside I think the sense of communion I get depends for a good part on the state I'm in (Ni dominant here). If I see a band I don't really care that much about I most probably won't feel it - but I pick the (very) few concerts I go to carefully, so that doesn't...
  6. Shaz


    He, I guess that's what having developed Fe or not does to you - Fe can be my weak spot, you guys probably have different kind of issues :)
  7. Shaz

    I am here to hug you

    Heh, somehow seeing angry intps makes me feel better about my own destructive impulsions. if it happens to you guys... extraverted feeling puzzles even myself sometimes. I wish I could control it, rather than the other way around. Maybe in a few decades.
  8. Shaz


    Hehe :D that's why smiling to people in the street can be as depressing as it can be fulfilling sometimes. Some people just stare at you like you're some kind of freak. Still worth it to me. As for the solitary music listening, I really enjoy it too. Very different... But at least I can cry as...
  9. Shaz


    Haha, no, I just need time to read. Very interesting thread. Looks like a lot of you guys are physically sensitive, rather than emotionally (I wonder where it comes from?). My boyfriend is a bit like that too. He absolutely hates crowds. He can also be a bit hypocondriac. Needless to say...
  10. Shaz

    I am here to hug you

    Thank you all for your welcome! you're not that scary after all My problem with theories and systems probably comes from the fact that I just see everything as very relative. So I often have trouble settling for something and organizing my ideas. I sometimes get overwhelmed by the infinite...
  11. Shaz

    I am here to hug you

    why has everyone run away? :phear: Yes, I am an F! INFJ for that matter - wanting to develop my tertiaty function : introverted thinking! What use is it to have insights if I cannot explain them to others? I see your forum as a sort of learning ground (I have a lot to learn), and a curiosity...
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