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Your thoughts of your thoughts

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 14, 2009
I realized that almost all of my contemplations take the form of an internal conversation between me and another person. The other person varies, but I've decided to refer to the conversational partners collectively as 'the Smoke Monster', after the shapeshifting black smoke in Lost. These persons are generally people I know, online or in the meatspace. They are usually more understanding, better listeners than in reality. I guess it's just more convenient that way.
Sometimes, they are people I may need to confront in the near future. People who question my actions, so I explain my motives. Sometimes, they are the people I would preferably tell my thoughts to. Depending on what thoughts they are, the Smoke Monster could take the shape of my roommate, but he's full of bullshit, so it often takes the shape of prominent members of this very community. (Since I don't know what most of you look like, I imagine the avatars I associate you with. But Latro, that asshat, doesn't have an avatar nor do I know what he looks like, so he simply takes on the appearance of my laptop.)
But of all the Smoke Monster's many guises, the most frequent is the one which I have chosen to call the Imaginary Significant Other, or ISO for short. She takes the name, appearance and voice of a girl I've been infatuated with lately, but her personality rarely changes. She seems tailored to understand me better than anyone can.

What are your thoughts of your thoughts? Or your thoughts of my thoughts of my thoughts?


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
I think in a similar way. However, I'm usually talking to a negative, cynical clone of me. It's not too far off from the true me, but I don't like her much. I also have a habit of talking at people I think about. I have an image of them in my head, but they don't respond to anything I say.

And I kind of have an ISO, but only his personality is defined. He keeps changing appearance since I don't have a current crush. I think he's either ENTJ or ENFP.

All that's really missing is the ability to tell imaginary people my problems. I have to get it out somehow, whether I write it down or tell someone.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
I've done much the same thing. Although I haven't tried it imagining people here, some of their characteristics certainly come into play. I find this helps in problem solving, conflict resolution and decision making. It's just my way of manifesting my internal dialogue.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Aug 21, 2009
The main way I think, is me talking to anyone else, mainly just nameless people who listen. As I'm talking to whoever in my head I notice flaws and holes in my train of thought and then develop my thinking to improve it, when I'm writing long posts on forums, my writing style is pretty much the same as this. Occasionally, but very rarely I talk to myself in my head. When I'm thinking about mechanical or physical things, I visualise the item and run through simulations in my head. And my other type of thinking I would describe as just waiting for ideas to appear

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 14, 2009
It is reassuring that the first response is from one feeling the same. I love this community.

I think in a similar way. However, I'm usually talking to a negative, cynical clone of me. It's not too far off from the true me, but I don't like her much. I also have a habit of talking at people I think about. I have an image of them in my head, but they don't respond to anything I say.

I also talk to a negative, cynical clone of myself, but his appearance is never imagined. I just hear his voice. I don't think he feels like another person, and actually, whenever I'm not talking to anyone in my thoughts, which is usually during problem-solving, I may be talking to this clone.

And I kind of have an ISO, but only his personality is defined. He keeps changing appearance since I don't have a current crush. I think he's either ENTJ or ENFP.

My ISO is an XNFP, I think. I usually have a shallow, irrational crush on some cute girl I vaguely know and she takes the shape of this person.

All that's really missing is the ability to tell imaginary people my problems. I have to get it out somehow, whether I write it down or tell someone.

What I do is that I picture my ISO as flawed, with flaws that I can help fix. And when I help her with her problems, she can help me with mine. I have this idea that we need to make each other whole. She is missing from my life as I am missing from hers. But sometimes, all she can do is remind me that she isn't real.

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 14, 2009
I've done much the same thing. Although I haven't tried it imagining people here, some of their characteristics certainly come into play. I find this helps in problem solving, conflict resolution and decision making. It's just my way of manifesting my internal dialogue.

As mentioned in my previous post, I think my cynical clone helps with these things. I guess he's there to test every theory I have, and question the validity of every answer I can think of. Useful guy.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 10, 2009
That's how the inside of my mind looks like:


Though in my mind the roles are gender-inverted. Me as Alice, the madhatter as my ENTJ Magnifient Bastard alter ego, the rabbit as my feminine side and the dormouse as a younger version of me.
Or so.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
I also talk to a negative, cynical clone of myself, but his appearance is never imagined. I just hear his voice. I don't think he feels like another person, and actually, whenever I'm not talking to anyone in my thoughts, which is usually during problem-solving, I may be talking to this clone.

I do have an inner self that isn't personified in any way. It's usually what happens when I'm doing something that requires some attention. What I said in my other post is what happens when I can think more (like lying in bed, driving long distance etc.). The inner self is more like a threat indicater (forwarning me of any possible pitfalls) as well as an opportunity seeker. It is very useful.

Beat Mango

Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 6:21 AM
Mar 25, 2009
Yes mine are often imaginary conversations as well, often someone challenging me on my (mostly philosophical) beliefs. That, or echoing what someone else has said, questioning me on my motives for something. It's rarely a real person though, unless it's a girl I have a thing for and I'm running through possible scenarios. But that's getting less and less common these days.


When in the course of inhuman events....
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jan 27, 2009
Spacetime Continuum
I'll be honest I don't think this way at all. When I think I always picture myself talking into a void, or to some kind of picture that changes with the content of the thought. The only person there is myself talking to myself.


Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
I think it could be said that I talk to archetypes in my head, but not really people, per se. Sometimes though, it's hard to tell the difference between an archetype and an actual person you know who seems to remind you of one.

hmmm, I guess you could say the OP's "ISO" is a sort of an archetype. You might say it's the anima. I don't think me and my anima talk much though. Other various sordid characters in my head scared her away, I think. Now it's just me and the monsters. They mean well...I think.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Nice. I wish I could have mad tea parties inside my head.

You are welcome at any time if you are able to find the path. But do not lose your way for there are pits in which you certainly don't want to fall in ...



blurb blurb
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 4, 2009
I view this as me talking and discussing with my different personalities.Or rather different versions of myself.They usually tend to have quite opposing points of view and try to convince and outplay each other fighting for dominance.The conflict can get really intense.

It's rather interesting and at times even slightly disturbing.
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
my thoughts of my thoughts.......they suck, its like trying to decode this:matrix:while this :starwars: is going on

occasionally this happens::smoker::dinnerinthesky:

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 14, 2009
hmmm, I guess you could say the OP's "ISO" is a sort of an archetype. You might say it's the anima. I don't think me and my anima talk much though. Other various sordid characters in my head scared her away, I think. Now it's just me and the monsters. They mean well...I think.

Indeed. Might the clone be the shadow?


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:21 PM
May 22, 2009
Brazil, São Paulo
I'll be honest I don't think this way at all. When I think I always picture myself talking into a void, or to some kind of picture that changes with the content of the thought. The only person there is myself talking to myself.

I do something similar.

When I am thinking it somewhat like I am observing myself from third person, kinda of like watching a movie or remembering something. If by any chance I start to discuss something the impression that I got is that the questions simply exists and I (not I but the person I was observing) tries to answer, I guess(truth be told I've never thought about it this way, but I find it convenient to somewhat detach from myself to observe.)

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Jan 14, 2009
Are you terrified of him? If so, then probably yes. Judging by your description of him though, almost certainly not.

Do you necessarily have to be terrified by your shadow? I can't think of a person that I am terrified of.

Beat Mango

Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 6:21 AM
Mar 25, 2009
Do you necessarily have to be terrified by your shadow? I can't think of a person that I am terrified of.

Well it's hard to imagine it as being your shadow if you're not repulsed by it in some way, at least upon first encounter with it. It's possible that you've adapted it into your consciousness in a healthy manner and that's why you perceive it as being "useful". That would also explain why you've been able to progress to the next stage of individuation through contact with your anima.

But the negative, cynical version of you, I have that guy too and I think it's just Ti being a bitch. I'm far more fearful of my shadow, which kind of takes me over and makes me do things I wouldn't normally do, think thoughts I wouldn't normally think. My shadow is probably pretty badly repressed though.


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:21 PM
Apr 22, 2009
I imagine along the lines of opposing forces or ideas. I don't usually give the thoughts an entity. Instead, it's more like an internal monologue.


Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 25, 2009
sometimes i have a conversation in my head with someone who would be opposed to what I'm doing, whoever it may be, and i try to justify myself to them.

other than that, i usually just split up when i am decision making, but its not exactly specific sides i split up into either. eh, its hard for me to explain, but I guess my "other sides of myself" arent as distinguished as some other people's are

I imagine along the lines of opposing forces or ideas. I don't usually give the thoughts an entity. Instead, it's more like an internal monologue.

yeah, i do something like this


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Oct 27, 2008
quite the opposite with me. when other people speak, i just hear words, just like my thoughts.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Aug 14, 2009
My thoughts usually come across as a long winded, wordy narration of my life. Though I zone out through the boring bits and imagine I'm talking to someone, or just get a mental slideshow going. I actually find visualization a great way to relax, and give my brain a rest. And when I have problems I generally end up confiding in somebody in my head, thus eliminating the need to do so in reality.


Local time
Today 10:21 PM
Sep 23, 2009
Ah, yes.

I noticed that I have three types of conversations within myself: with imagined real people (friends mostly), with the stereotyped opponents, representing a certain philosophical position (e.g. 'the skeptic', 'the truth-as-correspondence-theorist', 'the relativist', etc.) or some defective mindset (e.g. new-age bullshiteers, conspiracy theorists, emotional people - mostly those who hold a view or attitude I detest with no rational arguments to back it), and lastly with a subversive skeptical shadow of myself who tries to undermine my current position and acknowledges unpleasant truths about me.

1a. I frequenly (re)imagine conversations with real people after I had talked to them on some important (say, philosophical). I am analyzing everything I said, he said, coming up with new arguments I could have used, trying to sound persuasive to that specific person, sometimes using purely rhetoric devices. Usually, the arguments I come up with are employed the next time this topic is raised with that person.

1b. Also, I imagine talking with real people on emotional or personal issues where I elonquently explain my position to them or confess something important. These imagined conversations have yet to come real.

2a. The philosophical-positions-with-faces. Well, unlike the real people above, these are not actually people with faces; they are, you may say, lines of thought which are consistent in themselves, defined by one major philosophical position they hold. Yet they are not merely positions. They have different voices, styles of speaking. A Christian existentialist-moralist has a tender and 'enspiritualized' (sorry for the made up word) voice, his speeches are full of lively passion gained from the encountered with the Divine. A dry, close-minded metaphysician irritates the hell out of me with his insistence on logical fomalities and habit of hypostatizing concepts. Yet, arguing with him provides clarity to my thoughts.

The way I described them, it may seem that there are people living in my head. But no. These "personae" are essentially parts of my internal monologue.

2b. Now, I don't ever hate people, really. And like most INTPs I'm rather stable emotionally. Yet I have a genuine, sincere and strong hatred for certain ideas and people these ideas take hold of. New-age nonsense I have mentioned, 'we create reality! wheee!' shit, 'you have your truth, I have mine, let's not argue' attitude (which comes up, ironically, after the person threw his only argument at me and got rebuffed), 'you're speaking as if you knew The Truth, nobody does, so I'm no more wrong than you are' idiocy goes here too, 'you don't need skill or formal training in art, only sincere feeling!'. Ah, I could rant for a few pages. I hate that. This hatred may not even be rational.

The point is that, in my observation, if a person holds one of these beliefs, he holds others (or something close to them) too, coupled with love of 'esoterics and spirituality', habit of ripping books apart for 'inspiring quotations', belief in a 'personal god' since organized religions are corrupt, head full of superstitions and supernaturalism, love of uniqueness, strangeness and individuality... These beliefs don't matter and are not bad in themselves, surely. But the attitude, the ignorant and arrogant pretentiousness. HATE-HATE-HATE.

Anyway, I frequently imagine and explore this sort of person, the unity of everything I detest and hate. It is not, as with the philosophers of 2a, a line of thought, it is more a concrete person with facial expressions, gender (female, sorry), etc.

Why I hate them is not clear to me; I find that interesting.

3. The subversive ever-opponent. Although I frequently argue with the philosophers of 2a, I mostly think in monologues, passing through some idea to its conclusions, etc. This skeptic inside of me springs up in between usually to show that my current thought contradict my other beliefs:
"But doesn't what you think presuppose a relativistic conception of truth, eh?" or "Good job, now trusting science is as good as trusting Bible! Go, creationists!". It goes on to argue with me for some time, until I either retreat to my previous beliefs, abandoning the new idea, or mending the incoherence, integrating the new belief into the web of old ones.

The same voice springs up when I think about myself, my relationships and feeling towards others and then it's not merely critical but useful; it's bluntly honest. "You don't really love your girlfriend, face it", "Oh, come on! As if you care if he [friend] is feeling bad!". I can't argue with that.

Whoa, what an unintended wall of text!


Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Sep 5, 2009
the most forgotten state
2b. Now, I don't ever hate people, really. And like most INTPs I'm rather stable emotionally. Yet I have a genuine, sincere and strong hatred for certain ideas and people these ideas take hold of. New-age nonsense I have mentioned, 'we create reality! wheee!' shit, 'you have your truth, I have mine, let's not argue' attitude (which comes up, ironically, after the person threw his only argument at me and got rebuffed), 'you're speaking as if you knew The Truth, nobody does, so I'm no more wrong than you are' idiocy goes here too, 'you don't need skill or formal training in art, only sincere feeling!'. Ah, I could rant for a few pages. I hate that. This hatred may not even be rational.

The point is that, in my observation, if a person holds one of these beliefs, he holds others (or something close to them) too, coupled with love of 'esoterics and spirituality', habit of ripping books apart for 'inspiring quotations', belief in a 'personal god' since organized religions are corrupt, head full of superstitions and supernaturalism, love of uniqueness, strangeness and individuality... These beliefs don't matter and are not bad in themselves, surely. But the attitude, the ignorant and arrogant pretentiousness. HATE-HATE-HATE.

I agree with this. I don't ever really hate the person (though I usually avoid these types of people because every time I see them I'm reminded of what they will act like), I just don't like how they can be so condescending and dismissive of others ideas, then turn around and tell you that their theories are superior to your's, regardless of whether they make any sense or not.

There's also another thing I hate about some people. I hate it when some people, who consider themselves my "friends", want me to help them at school with homework or something similar, and they won't listen to a word you say and just stare at you stupidly, no matter how many times you explain a concept to them. It's like their minds are like sieves, and all the information just falls right through as soon as you dump it in. It's not that I mind helping people, I just don't like the ones who tone you out when you do try to help them.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Aug 21, 2009
There's also another thing I hate about some people. I hate it when some people, who consider themselves my "friends", want me to help them at school with homework or something similar, and they won't listen to a word you say and just stare at you stupidly, no matter how many times you explain a concept to them. It's like their minds are like sieves, and all the information just falls right through as soon as you dump it in. It's not that I mind helping people, I just don't like the ones who tone you out when you do try to help them.

I gave up trying to explain things to people, I started pretending I didn't understand things any better than they did, then with some luck I was able to prompt them into getting the answer while I pretended to work it out


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I've divided my thought process according to Jung's archetypes. I have a shadow, persona's, animus/anima etc... Before I knew of Jung I would name the thought trails as almost individual entities. But who wants things and who is it that responds to that want with "no, I don't need it"? There are definitely different voices in my mind.

I think it's fairly normal for anyone who's introspective. I knew other people who had such "voices" or personalities. I think most people do.

So what I think of my thoughts is what I just said. They're normal for what I am.

I think in several ways. Initially I thought in the way I learn, in pictures/movies/animation. I don't know when I started thinking in dialogues, but I did remember things and reliving situations. I can also hush my thoughts. Many times I've had to rely on physical memory for whatever. I did not think in word in the sense of the words being written. I still don't tend to.

Depending on which traits shifted to which position people may or may not understand me. I try to do complicated things and mostly in writing fiction I've noticed I'm difficult to follow. Yet if I simply changed the prose to poetry I'm pretty sure it would be easily understood and I'd fit right in. That somewhat annoys me. Poetry, outlines and fragmented pieces are easy for me to work with. The way I recall information and piece it together has been noticed as being different... due to games and such.

I remember the last, first, then middle. Or I remember the last two the first then a middle thing. I don't tend to think "in order", which is my perceiving, which I've been trying to detour a little so that I don't completely flunk out of school.

My N is particularly strong right now. I guess because I'm tired. I'm day dreaming a lot more than usual and thinking in pictures. My P is weak to my T. Because my T is keeping me somewhat responsible... My N is definitely in control right now though. Maybe my NP, I'm not really doing homework and things I should be doing... I also don't really feel like socialising...
Last edited:

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 11:21 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
My thoughts of my thoughts are recursive. ;)

I have a kind of internal monologue too, coming from a faceless criticizer.

I've had a few mildly schizophrenic moments, where I don't just "think" the internal monologue. I hear the voices of roommates (someone else mentioned ex-roommates too, right on!) or others saying things about me behind my back. This is why I stopped smoking weed regularly...


Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Sep 5, 2009
the most forgotten state
I think it's fairly normal for anyone who's introspective. I knew other people who had such "voices" or personalities. I think most people do.

This made me think: perhaps people who are extroverted either ignore these "inner voices", or they attempt to drown them out with the voices of others? I'm just kind of musing to myself at the moment, but I'd think extroverted people would be more prone to thinking that people who talk to themselves or hear seperate voices in their heads are insane, when in reality it's nothing more than a form of critical thinking in many cases. I have occasionally started vocalizing my internal conversations, and many people thought I was very strange. A couple asked who I was talking to, and when I said myself, they just sort of stopped talking to me much.:confused:


Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Sep 15, 2009

That is exactly me too! :)


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Sep 10, 2009
I talk to my-self alot in my head, and often outloud (alone, although some of my friends tell me that sometimes when i "zone out" if they leave me alone for a while ill start verbally speaking to myself) in my head its like many of you have describes, exept my "alter-ego" to whom a compare myself to and except criticism from is basically a "perfect INTP". When i ghosted these forums i read someone else mention this [perfect INTP] so im not sure if its a common thought around you people. if anyone below me says not ill offer a explanation.

Aloud im explaining my intentions of reasoning to myself, my vision and hearing were being monitered by someone, and so i need to explain why ill looking at ____ or why i did _____, what i think about ____, ect... as if to narrate the "movie" for this person.

i heard INTPs have a massive insanity ratio, hope i the above paragraph isnt going into that terrirory.


Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Nov 6, 2009
A thought for me is a conversation between my conscious self and unconscious self. The conscious part of me replies to something stated/asked by the unconscious part of me. There is no dialogue, as the conscious part of me isn't aware that it's replying.

I know this may sound a bit confusing, so I'll try to explain it the best I know how.

Unconscious: This music is familiar, where do I know it from?
Conscious: This music was in the movie X

In my head I only get the response, so it's as if thoughts exist spontaneously and are not formulated as responses or directed at anyone/anything.


Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Dec 14, 2008
My own thoughts seem to switch depending on what I'm doing, so, when I'm trying to remember something, I'll think in pictures, seeing the person or event I'm remembering as an image, or if it's a fact, seeing it written down or something similar.

When I'm thinking something through though, I'll either think in something I can only really refer to as thoughts, not really words (although it's probably closest to them) or pictures or sound. It's more likely to be a vague impression of something in my head than anything else. If I try and skip this, explaining something straight from my thoughts, it tends to come out in long confusing rambles as I talk, and I've managed to confuse a few people before by trying to talk as I'm coming up with my ideas before I think about them (Which tends to happen when there's someone bugging me about something until I start trying to explain, which is when I get myself confused).

I do also have imaginary conversations in my head, with different sides of me that I show often taking the other roles, although it's just as likely to be a person in a book, or a random character I've made up exclusively for this conversation. I'll often end up asking whatever face I'm meant to be putting on at the moment what I should do at the moment, such as when I'm meant to be acting sociable, I'll be (in my head only) bugging an imaginary sociable person or my own social persona what I should be doing next, if it doesn't automatically take over on it's own.

There you go, Welid =P​


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 6:21 AM
Jun 23, 2008
*Sneaky revival of a random old thread*

I hear voices in my head constantly when I'm my attention isn't completely riveted on something very sensory such as a table tennis (actually. I hear constant chatter during matches) or a computer game, or perhaps a film. All the voices are me, and many thoughts enter abruptly, but I would never for a second think that I'm schizophrenic.

Vaguely related to the discussion: Sometimes during exams I might think "OK I've gone through these questions pretty fast, it's pretty unlikely that anyone is actually reading and working on my current question, problem 68. Maybe two or three more people in this room? I wonder if any of them are thinking the same thing. Who would even be thinking about this? I wonder who it is; I probably don't know them. I wonder if they're also thinking along these lines..." and it gets increasingly more ridiculous and improbable, until I switch back to the test. I sort of develop a connection with this hypothetical 'other person' who has similar thoughts. Sounds weird to me on reflection, so it's probably weirder to you.

Not sure why I've written this. I love INTPforum! It's always about me. We all explain our own experiences, that's why it's so fun to post.


Tourist of this dimension
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jan 18, 2010
Wow, I thought I was suffering partially from Schizophrenia. :p No, but I do this very often as well. A lot of the time I will just take solitary walks, sometimes thinking of very deep philosopical topics, and sometimes I will express these ideas in my head as a conversation/debate between people/a person (I don't know who, I have no vision of them). It's almost as if I was walking with real people and they were actually listening/interested in my ideas!
A lot of the time it seems as if I have two people inside my mind, as was said above. One my unconscious part, and the other conscious part. Sometimes I will really hear my unconscious part, as I'll be thinking of something, and then I'll realize I have thoughts in the background of my mind, and finally I'll come to them when I take the time to really focus in on them. Though I suppose most INTPs have such conversations in our heads because we keep most of our ideas shut out to the world... though, for me, it's better that way, as whenever I do share my thoughts I either get blank, confused stares (with the occasionally "whhhhhhaaaat?" [itches head] or the uninterested complaints (which speaks for itself)

My mind is my sanctuary, and I suppose the reason I have such imaginary discussions with myself, and the way I think is because for me, it's like a better reality of the physical reality I live in now. A lot of my time I'll spend thinking of possible alternatives to things that happened previously in the day or week and the consequences from such alterations. Or I'll imagine completely different events taking place in the day and how I would have reacted then (I suppose even more conversation follows with this, and a killer theme song :D)
Well, that probably made no sense, but I find it hard to express what's in my mind completely :slashnew:


Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Nov 6, 2009
A thought for me is a conversation between my conscious self and unconscious self. The conscious part of me replies to something stated/asked by the unconscious part of me. There is no dialogue, as the conscious part of me isn't aware that it's replying.

I know this may sound a bit confusing, so I'll try to explain it the best I know how.

Unconscious: This music is familiar, where do I know it from?
Conscious: This music was in the movie X

In my head I only get the response, so it's as if thoughts exist spontaneously and are not formulated as responses or directed at anyone/anything.
Bumping 5 year old thread to append this to my post: The thought exists in its entirety in an abstract form in temporary storage. In order to get it into words I need to translate it, though the translation often does not occur fast enough to get the whole thought out before it is overwritten and is rarely able to express the thought as clearly as I would like.

I would have just edited the post if I could have.


is escaping
Local time
Today 1:21 PM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
sometimes i have a conversation in my head with someone who would be opposed to what I'm doing, whoever it may be, and i try to justify myself to them.

other than that, i usually just split up when i am decision making, but its not exactly specific sides i split up into either. eh, its hard for me to explain, but I guess my "other sides of myself" arent as distinguished as some other people's are

i do this all the time, it helps to have an answer to why you are doing something others may not agree with.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 6:21 AM
Sep 23, 2014
My thoughts dont like me talking about them. They KNOW things.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Dec 12, 2009
My conscious mind works like a chessboard on a turntable and each player (which is always me) takes their turn without knowing what anyone else is planning because nobody considers more than one turn at a time.

Then there's my subconscious which is like this gigantic mysterious mechanical contraption which I communicate with like the Doctor on the bridge of the Tardis, I express what I need from it and it returns a result, sometimes instantly, sometimes months or even years later.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:21 PM
May 9, 2013
My conscious mind ... nobody considers more than one turn at a time.

Correct me if I interpret this wrong, but did you just admit to "I only think about one step at a time"


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Oh yeah I'm a Zen master, everything I do is executed perfectly but I'm rubbish at chess :D

No I mean one angle at a time, each time the board turns the problem is approached from a new angle and if you assume that means I think there's only four sides to every issue I'm gonna hit you with the literal stick.


The Pharaohs Advocate
Local time
Today 11:21 AM
Jul 12, 2015
Came upon this thread on a "Related threads". I love it.

I always have a sense of duality. Most times it could be like twins, just split personality of the same thing. Maybe normal? I react to my own thoughts. "I don't think ______" "No you don't. That's dumb." "I don't care, it's just how I feel"

I lot of taking turns between "I" and "you". I guess they do polarize actual personalities a bit - one is a "harder, heavier" personality, the other one is lighter, a bit more innocent, softer. Lightweight. It's mostly lightweight being anchored by the heavyweight. Heavyweight is definitely more cynical, doesn't put up with emotional bs, would be very very good in crisis situations - when I think certain scenarios and kind of switch to that mentality, literally anything could suddenly happen and I would be unfazed. I've almost gotten in bad crashes because of sudden changes in traffic and completely navigate them - my body feels a jump but my mind (that "heavyweight") doesn't really care.

I guess I described a lot more of personality rather than thoughts, but as I type this I' guess I'm just realizing how connected the manifestation is. It's the persona that can take all the worries I usually have and just say "why should you care about all that?" in a pretty disdainful thought and suddenly - a dark version of hakuna matata. That side is definitely my INTP nature. Lower toned-thoughts vs. the higher tones.

Really subtle, just consciously thinking about it now. And on that note, the INTP/heavyweight would definitely be the unconscious part. And most of the time I guess I cruise in the middle (like now); the Gotenks of the Trunks and Goten, I guess.

Fun thread.
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