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Woman - The Root of all Evil


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Apr 22, 2009
You're in for a rough time Melkor XD

Artifice Orisit

Take heart Melkor as all is a learning experience and by experiencing this yourself you will also serve to educate me; although I will not have to suffer for the gaining of this knowledge like you will.


aka Noddy
Local time
Today 3:54 PM
Jul 14, 2008
Houston, TX
Can't we all just get a long ..............

Err, let's sing "cum by ya, my lord" ..........

No that's not right.

Uhhh ..................

Look, is there any strife that can't be solved by some really deep dicking?

Sorry. I'll crawl back into my hole. This guy ----> :p <----- made me do it.


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 9:54 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
-Breaks from his misery-





I wanna see!





-crawls into a whole not occupied by Noddy-


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Sep 25, 2008

Not just evil.
Since this equation carries over the whole curve, that would make us infinitely evil.

(Get it straight. :p)

brain enclosed in flesh

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:54 PM
Apr 16, 2009
need to get out
Ok guys think of it though. Why do we do the things we do?

For women!!!!

We do we start wars? To gain land and money? Maybe freedom? Why do we need land, money, and freedom? So we can impress women and have the freedom to have sex with them!

It all comes down to women...either women or our horribly crazy sex drive.

I am not impressed by any of this crap, and I am a woman. Most of the women I know are not. Maybe you are attracted to the wrong sort of woman, and maybe you are too focused on impressing the wrong sort of woman. Maybe you need to get over your big, bad self, Red Toad. Maybe you need to masturbate more. Maybe you need to....

Are you sure you are an INTP? The more I get to know you.... God, you are just such a.... dude.
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Apr 16, 2009
Take heart Melkor as all is a learning experience and by experiencing this yourself you will also serve to educate me; although I will not have to suffer for the gaining of this knowledge like you will.
Perfect way of putting it, Cog.
Are you sure you are an INTP? The more I get to know you.... God, you are just such a.... dude.

haha. hehe.. ... >.>


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Jul 16, 2008
Are you sure you are an INTP? The more I get to know you.... God, you are just such a.... dude.

lmao. That cracked me up. Some people were actually talking about this, and thought he was maybe ISTP-ish, or something. I guess... hm... I may as well throw in my two cents, cause the OP bugged me a lot, too.

Please don't consider this thread sexist or anything. I really have nothing against women. I love women.

My theory is that woman has been the cause for man's suffering since humans were able to feel pain.

^^this, too, cracked me up, lol. How is this not supposed to be sexist? I know you're not trying to be a jerk, but there's a lot of.... one-way blame? It's basically what lor said, I think, but--why would you take the woman who 'causes' trouble and blame her for it? It seems a bit like.... well, sort of like blaming money itself (in whatever form--land, animals, natural resources, etc) for the wars that have been fought over it. Instead of blaming the land/resources, we blame the greedy people who fight over it. Sure, if nothing of value existed, people might have peace, and when resources get introduced, people fight over them.... but it's because greed sleeps whenever there's nothing to own. I believe you're witnessing the same effect every time a woman comes into the picture.

Than what happens after we finally find a girlfriend or get married? They try to change everything that makes us happy! Why must they always try to change us?!?!? I was a fun guy before my gf...she destroyed my spirit. I had to quit smoking. I have to comb my hair, do my laundry, and always look "nice" for her. I can't eat junk food. I can't even eat after 10 o'clock for god sakes! If I do break any of her rules she makes me feel so guilty I could kill myself.

This... hm... trying to put this as gently as I can: what makes you think this isn't self-inflicted? It seems sort of common-sense-y, but I sorta think that you only attract the people who are attracted to how you act. By all means, correct me if I'm wrong.... but a lot of your posts around here sort of scream "pay attention to me and the flashy self-image I put out!" Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I would guess that when that carries over into how you look for women, it's probably heavily image-based--fairly skinny, nice clothes/dresses, smiling a lot, wearing makeup, maybe wearing high heels, etc. But, if you'll follow: the skinny body takes incredible amounts of effort to maintain (if it's even possible, depending on the person's natural body-type), fancy clothes are unnatural, nobody's really that happy that they're smiling and having fun al the time, makeup alters the natural face, and high heels causes so much pain (I've heard) that it reminds me of Chinese foot-binding.

In short: if you look for these types of things--and my guess is that you do, because most people do--then you're silently nagging them to change in order to draw your attention, first. I talked deeply to enough high school-aged girls (when I was in high school, of course) to know that their spirits are crushed by these things as much, if not more, than yours was by the ways in which your girlfriend nagged you. Like I said before... you attract the people that are attracted to you. If you nag women to dress and look and act unnaturally, you'll get someone who nags you the same way. If you treat them with respect and try to help them grow into people who are satisfied with themselves apart from images/reputation, then you'll get someone who tries to help you grow that way, too.

^^I feel like I should add a disclaimer on that one, because I'm only several months into my first relationship... but that seems to be how it works out. Sure, relationships with people who fit that second category are much rarer, so you're likely to go long stretches without ever meeting someone like that, but in the end it comes down to a simple question. Do you just want "a" woman to fill that relationship-gap (especially bearing in mind how upset you seem to be, from this post, after doing that), or do you want to be alone and wait for "the right" one for you? Of course, you may risk never finding one at all, because good ones are so rare......but even if you go your whole life and never find one, doesn't that just leave you exactly where you wanted to be? You'd be in a world without women, which is still (if you were being truthful here) more enjoyable than ending up with the nagging, image-based kind that you seem to be attracting now.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Apr 7, 2009
Ok. After reading all your posts, I have concluded that women are not the source of all evil. It is our drive for sex, love, and companionship of said women that is the root of all evil. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we "try to hard" to impress the opposite sex. In our attempt to impress them, we find ourselves miserable.

Maybe. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe I am looking at it wrong. Maybe it's just the place I live that influences my thoughts. I would say that girls in my city are very superficial.

When I came up with this theory, me and my buddies were talking about our problems and it all seemed to come down to money and girls. "Why did you spend 500 bucks on that shirt?" "To impress this chick"

Seriously if it wasn't for girls I would wear sweats, never cut my hair, and probably bathe every 2-3 days.

I didn't think so many of you would get upset over this. I really can care less if you do, but I am offended you would call me an ISTP...LOL

I often do feel like I don't belong with my friends and that I don't belong on this forum. I must be one of the weirdest types known to man.

@Snowqueen: I didn't mean that I hate my gf. I finally realized that I love her very much. We are actually starting to get along very well now. I posted this thread with no hate in my heart whatsoever. I posted this as a mere observation and wanted to see what you guys think. Telling me to go back to being a druggy hurt though. You know I am very sensitive about that.

Are you sure you are an INTP? The more I get to know you.... God, you are just such a.... dude.

Of course I'm a dude...did you expect me to cry with you?

Edit: Oh and I know this isn't an INTP thing, but I do enjoy attention. I hate it when I am the center of attention, but I do like to be acknowledged. When I am around my friends I like to be the one everyone talks to.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Red Toad: You don't really have to be "one of the weirdest types" just because you don't fit either in your surroundings nor (as you said it) in here. There are other types of MBTI that are uncommon in society and so maybe you just picked the wrong 'type'. At least i, when i say it, don't mean it negatively, but maybe you really are something else than INTP and it surely would only be helpful for you to find that out.
There is no 'shame' in not being INTP or so. Really, i think the main point of the whole MBTI-system is to find the strengths and weaknesses of all the types and to give every type help uin understanding onesself and thus give them the ability to make their lives better.



True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Apr 7, 2009
I honestly do think I am an INTP though. When I read the descriptions of an INTP I would say it describes me 99%. I have taken the test numerous times also.

Beat Mango

Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 8:54 AM
Mar 25, 2009
Speaking as a heterosexual male here, there are two things in this world which will turn a self-contained confident male into a blathering idiot - falling in love with a woman and holding your own child in your arms.

If women are 'the source of all evil', then brand me a satanist and may I burn for eternity in that hell. ;) :D

:eek: Why did I think you were a chick?


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Well ok, i certainly am not attempting to remote-type you. I'm not good at that in person and thus not good at it over forum either.
I just wanted to show some positive aspect that the mostly negative posts before may have had ;)



Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Oct 4, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
:eek: Why did I think you were a chick?
I don't know. :D I suppose that this illustrates that it is difficult to know a person merely by what one writes. Outside of those individuals who have stated their gender, I couldn't guess with any accuracy gender or type.
This reminds me though, of some women authors who had to write under male pseudonyms in order to publish, such as Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot) and Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin (George Sand).


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Well, that was most probably because EB has just such a sexy mind, and that usually gets translated to being female...
(I mean it though)



Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Oct 4, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
^^ ah... then the universe is in balance once again. :D


Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Oct 4, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Well, that was most probably because EB has just such a sexy mind, and that usually gets translated to being female...
(I mean it though)

Well, at least there's one part left of me which remains sexy. ;)

Black Pat

Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Jan 31, 2009
I am not impressed by any of this crap, and I am a woman. Most of the women I know are not.

Any 'N' worth his salt would pick up within 5 minutes of meeting a woman that brash, unbridled destructive risk-taking isn't impressive to them.

As far as women being the "root of evil", anyone who has spent time around an exclusively male group knows that more destructive competitions (boxing, fighting, wrestling, drinking contests and serious boozing, throwing large objects at things, jumping into frozen lakes, car racing, "skitching"*) occur when there are no women around to compete over.

Trying to win womens' affections is actually one of the less destructive competitions men engage in...

* "Skitching" is pulling someone along who is holding on to the bumper of your car while you're driving on ice or snow.

Artifice Orisit

As far as women being the "root of evil", anyone who has spent time around an exclusively male group knows that more destructive competitions (boxing, fighting, wrestling, drinking contests and serious boozing, throwing large objects at things, jumping into frozen lakes, car racing, "skitching"*) occur when there are no women around to compete over.
I think you've confused evil with stupidity... actually I take that back, you're right.
Because it's not the scientists who make super-weapons who are evil, it's the idiots who think it is a good idea to actually use them (the weapons I mean, I'm not sure what an idiot could use a scientist for and frankly I don't want to know).


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Hanlon's Razor says “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”.

Also, I do think that scientists are responsible for what they create. Partially at least. Building super-weapons and let idiots control them is like putting a bowl with cookies in a room with five-year olds, say "But don't eat them" and go away.
But then again, are scientists responsible when people try to open the soup can with dynamite? I guess it's hard to draw a line here.

Oh, and what's wrong with being evil anyway? There is nothing hotter than women who try to take over the world. Sadly, most evilness is pretty banal. :(

Artifice Orisit

Oh, and what's wrong with being evil anyway? There is nothing hotter than women who try to take over the world.
Indeed. Ladies, take note of this ^

Also, I do think that scientists are responsible for what they create. Partially at least. Building super-weapons and let idiots control them is like putting a bowl with cookies in a room with five-year olds, say "But don't eat them" and go away.
That's teasing,
Now hiding a set mousetrap in with the cookies would be amoral.
Attaching an IED to the bottom of the table with a pressure sensor underneath the bowl to set it off if any cookies are taken, that is evil.

The addition of a hidden video camera would be sadistic.


Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Oct 4, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
* "Skitching" is pulling someone along who is holding on to the bumper of your car while you're driving on ice or snow.
In Canada, we call that public transit. :rolleyes::D

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i think we should blame the asshole that discovered using rocks and sharpened sticks kills people more efficiently then our hands and teeth. i wonder if that person was a male or female?


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jun 23, 2008
I bet it was like a hundred thousand persons in different times, places and conditions...



Local time
Today 4:54 PM
Oct 4, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Did nobody watch 2001 Space Odyssey? It was the black monolith's fault. Monkey's were just fine scrounging around for bugs and stuff until that monolith thingy showed up.
Damn aliens.


Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Mar 19, 2009
This thread's very interesting.
I have an ENTP friend who holds on to this belief pretty strongly, too.

Well, while researching about personality type and its role in relationships, I came upon the theory of Anima and animus.

It seems that as a person grows mature, their view of the opposite sex changes and reaches closer to reality. For example, the way view Females (the Anima) is described to go through 4 stages:

Jung believed anima development has four distinct levels, which he named Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia. In broad terms, the entire process of anima development in a male is about the male subject opening up to emotionality, and in that way a broader spirituality, by creating a new conscious paradigm that includes intuitive processes, creativity and imagination, and psychic sensitivity towards himself and others where it might not have existed previously.

[edit] Eve

The first is Eve, named for the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. It deals with the emergence of a male's object of desire, yet simultaneously generalizes all females as evil and powerless.

[edit] Helen

The second is Helen, in allusion to Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. In this phase, women are viewed as capable of worldly success and of being self-reliant, intelligent and insightful, even if not altogether virtuous. This second phase is meant to show a strong schism in external talents (cultivated business and conventional skills) with lacking internal qualities (inability for virtue, lacking faith or imagination).

[edit] Mary

The third phase is Mary, named for the Christian theological understanding of the Virgin Mary (Jesus' mother). At this level, females can now seem to possess virtue by the perceiving male (even if in an esoteric and dogmatic way), insomuch as certain activities deemed consciously unvirtuous cannot be applied to her. As per Ken Wilber's terminology, this third phase seems to represent Up spirituality while the second phase represents Down spirituality.

[edit] Sophia

The fourth and final phase of anima development is Sophia, named for the Greek word for wisdom. Complete integration has now occurred, which allows females to be seen and related to as particular individuals who possess both positive and negative qualities. The most important aspect of this final level is that, as the personification "Wisdom" suggests, the anima is now developed enough that no single object can fully and permanently contain the images to which it is related.

Red toad here seems to be in stage 1. :D


... runs deep
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Aug 10, 2008
Did nobody watch 2001 Space Odyssey? It was the black monolith's fault. Monkey's were just fine scrounging around for bugs and stuff until that monolith thingy showed up.
Damn aliens.

Are you talking to me?

Artifice Orisit

Noted. And on my way. Does it still apply to INTJs though, since pretty much all of us want to take over the world?
Indeed it does, in fact it's an INTJ's most attractive feature.

You can cut but I get to choose.
Whomever gets Australia wins, haven't you ever played Risk?


echoes through time
Local time
Today 10:54 AM
Sep 8, 2007
Cog..... nonono...

taking Aust is a poor move...

South America, on the other hand... I have never been beaten once I get South America in my paws....

I always play green and I always win. :D

...and I wonder why grown men refuse to play with me? ;)

Artifice Orisit

Real Life Troper Tale example: Whenever this troper has heard a declaration by someone (usually an engineering/computer science major) of their world domination intentions, he always gets them to agree to give him Australia. So far no one has caught on to what they're giving up: beautiful coastal regions (for tourism/PR purposes), a hardy and proud indigenous people (for labor/state legitimacy), and a giant, desolate center (perfect for renewable energy power plants AND undisturbed military complexes). It's the real-world Latveria as far as this troper can see. Give everyone a job, free health care, education and the best products the world has to offer, they'll allow your benevolent dictatorship all kinds of diabolical experiments in the Bush. After a few years, you use your advanced robotics and gene-gineered shock troops to leapfrog invade the rest of Australasia before anyone realizes what's happened. Then you rename the whole thing the "Commonwealth of Oceania" and declare it the most free, awesome place on Earth, while everyone else suffers under the heel of your original benefactor.

Australians already have jobs, free health care and free education. We've been socialist since Federation. You must be thinking of a more backwards country.
For when the usual mad scientist's choice of island just isn't big enough

...and I wonder why grown men refuse to play with me?
And I wonder why there aren’t any younger women who can scare grown men with their maniacal laughter as they play a simulation of world conquest, Why Cruel World, WHY!?!

I'm so sick of nice and/or annoying people.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 10:54 AM
Sep 8, 2007

invent a time machine and meet me as a 19 year old Uni student destroying the minds and moral composure of seasoned post-grad males..... many a soul have I ground into dust over that pretty little map of the world laid out on the Risk board....

Australia sucks. You have only one way out of it and that opens onto the hordes of Asia. Taking Aust first is a poor strategy...

Now Lex Luther might argue that he has the right idea in claiming Aust as the spoils... but NO ONE conquers the world from our desolate island.


aka Noddy
Local time
Today 3:54 PM
Jul 14, 2008
Houston, TX
Conquer Aust and you conquer the Tasmanian she-devil, a weapon too fierce and powerful to stand against. Capturing Aust seems like a good plan to me.

:evil: <---- The she devil

:eek: <---- All those in her way

;) <---- Noddy likes hamburgers and irrelevant statements

Artifice Orisit

Australia sucks. You have only one way out of it and that opens onto the hordes of Asia. Taking Aust first is a poor strategy...
Ah, but that's what they think,
While everybody else is fighting (nobody can keep control of Asia for long) I slowly but surely build a massive army. Finally when everybody has weakened each other I attack them all equally and ideally trap them all in together, then they either reconcile their differences and work together (that almost never happens) or they turn on each other in one final desperate play for power.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 10:54 AM
Sep 8, 2007
*shakes head*

South America all the way...

So long as I was dealt a South American card, or a state only one or two spots away... :D

I'd mass up in SA then steadily advance into both North America and Africa, taking Europe from both sides ( Greenland could be a tricky gateway to hold sometimes...) before cleaning up whatever was left of the idiot that had holed up in Aust and then exhausted himself trying to get out through Asia...

yeah... I always let the aust/asia twits weaken themselves against each other before I moved on them....

Except I always liked taking Kamchatka as an early foothold in Asia... to prevent the guy massing in there from getting extra armies... but not too early that he didn't have the numbers to decimate the Australian first... :D


...the good old days....

I spent more time at Uni playing Risk than I did studying...

when it comes to world domination board games I'm ruthless... :evil:

err... sorry guys... what was this thread about?


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jan 10, 2009
I have yet to find someone who doesn't cheat at Risk when I go to the fridge to get a bottle of cold beer. :(


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Apr 7, 2009
Damn I wish we could all get together to play risk! I have no friends that are interested in that game...

Artifice Orisit

yeah... I always let the aust/asia twits weaken themselves against each other before I moved on them....
I just tell the Asian twit not to attack me and wait until some other twit tries to destroy him/her, then I make my move.

Nobody ever attacks Australia :D that's the key to the game, not taking losses.
Let everybody else fight each other, then mop them up when the time is right.


Local time
Today 2:54 PM
Aug 12, 2009
So I read the first page and skipped to the last, and we're talking about risk now?! lol.

I want to play risk :\ I had the board version and the computer version, one of the few mac games there were beyond blizzards stuff :D
Local time
Tomorrow 5:54 AM
May 28, 2009
The land where a merlion is the country's official
Cause of suffering? LOL. It is the men who are unable to control themselves. You don't blame a knife for being the root of a murder, do you?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:54 PM
May 22, 2009
Risk is really fun, I will get competitive if i play that game.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:54 PM
Aug 10, 2008
So I read the first page and skipped to the last, and we're talking about risk now?! lol.

I want to play risk :\ I had the board version and the computer version, one of the few mac games there were beyond blizzards stuff :D

Happens a lot here.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 10:54 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Nobody is the root of all evil.

*thinks about closing this thread*
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