Are you sure you are an INTP? The more I get to know you.... God, you are just such a.... dude.
lmao. That cracked me up. Some people were actually talking about this, and thought he was maybe ISTP-ish, or something. I guess... hm... I may as well throw in my two cents, cause the OP bugged me a lot, too.
Please don't consider this thread sexist or anything. I really have nothing against women. I love women.
My theory is that woman has been the cause for man's suffering since humans were able to feel pain.
^^this, too, cracked me up, lol. How is this not supposed to be sexist? I know you're not trying to be a jerk, but there's a lot of.... one-way blame? It's basically what lor said, I think, but--why would you take the woman who 'causes' trouble and blame her for it? It seems a bit like.... well, sort of like blaming money itself (in whatever form--land, animals, natural resources, etc) for the wars that have been fought over it. Instead of blaming the land/resources, we blame the greedy people who fight over it. Sure, if nothing of value existed, people might have peace, and when resources get introduced, people fight over them.... but it's because greed sleeps whenever there's nothing to own. I believe you're witnessing the same effect every time a woman comes into the picture.
Than what happens after we finally find a girlfriend or get married? They try to change everything that makes us happy! Why must they always try to change us?!?!? I was a fun guy before my gf...she destroyed my spirit. I had to quit smoking. I have to comb my hair, do my laundry, and always look "nice" for her. I can't eat junk food. I can't even eat after 10 o'clock for god sakes! If I do break any of her rules she makes me feel so guilty I could kill myself.
This... hm... trying to put this as gently as I can: what makes you think this isn't self-inflicted? It seems sort of common-sense-y, but I sorta think that you only attract the people who are attracted to how you act. By all means, correct me if I'm wrong.... but a lot of your posts around here sort of scream "pay attention to me and the flashy self-image I put out!" Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I would guess that when that carries over into how you look for women, it's probably heavily image-based--fairly skinny, nice clothes/dresses, smiling a lot, wearing makeup, maybe wearing high heels, etc. But, if you'll follow: the skinny body takes incredible amounts of effort to maintain (if it's even possible, depending on the person's natural body-type), fancy clothes are unnatural,
nobody's really that happy that they're smiling and having fun al the time, makeup alters the natural face, and high heels causes so much pain (I've heard) that it reminds me of Chinese foot-binding.
In short: if you look for these types of things--and my
guess is that you do, because most people do--then you're silently nagging
them to change in order to draw your attention, first. I talked deeply to enough high school-aged girls (when I was in high school, of course) to know that their spirits are crushed by these things as much, if not more, than yours was by the ways in which your girlfriend nagged you. Like I said before... you attract the people that are attracted to you. If you nag women to dress and look and act unnaturally, you'll get someone who nags you the same way. If you treat them with respect and try to help them grow into people who are satisfied with themselves apart from images/reputation, then you'll get someone who tries to help you grow that way, too.
^^I feel like I should add a disclaimer on that one, because I'm only several months into my first relationship... but that seems to be how it works out. Sure, relationships with people who fit that second category are much
rarer, so you're likely to go long stretches without ever meeting someone like that, but in the end it comes down to a simple question. Do you just want "a" woman to fill that relationship-gap (especially bearing in mind how upset you seem to be, from this post, after doing that), or do you want to be alone and wait for "the right" one for you? Of course, you may risk never finding one at all, because good ones are so rare......but even if you go your whole life and never find one, doesn't that just leave you exactly where you wanted to be? You'd be in a world without women, which is
still (if you were being truthful here) more enjoyable than ending up with the nagging, image-based kind that you seem to be attracting now.