This just soun ds like an argument waiting to happen.
what's your problem? you know what? you must be unpatriotic. go back to california you damn hippie, and take your falafel.
Perhaps it is because I'm loitering around.
Free markets FTW! Yes, I am a hard core right winger in the economic sense. In the civil liberties sense, I am hard core lefty. Ohh god! It's a libertarian!
You hit the nail on the head right there for me.Unfortunately, even if I do think it best to come to grips with out of control spending, the current political party (Republican) that claims to want that tends to be wholly deficient in almost all aspects. When they had the reins for six years they made no effort to be fiscally thrifty. NONE. We are now suppose to listen to how "fiscally responsible" they are. Bullshit. They also seem to think it cool to be a complete dumbfuck with inconsistent arguments and airhead ideas. Top all that dubious intellect with non-stop fixation with abortion, creationism and birth control I can't support a Republican out of principle.
This is why I think that a number of INT's will lean left. It's where the smart people are. We all know we need to balance our checkbooks, but talking to a Republican about how stupid the fixation on old 90's culture war "values" government is is like getting an intravenous injection of stupid. The the unchained shit they come up with is absolutely amazing in its twisted logic.
I suppose I could be considered an anarchist. I don't believe I have any moral authority to impose(vote) rulers onto others (and wish I didn't have rulers imposed on me). I think too many people get caught in the Right v. Left thinking, I think humanity would be served by taking about 3 steps back and looking at the entire system and wondering if this is really the way we want society organized.
Bullshit. They also seem to think it cool to be a complete dumbfuck with inconsistent arguments and airhead ideas. Top all that dubious intellect with non-stop fixation with abortion, creationism and birth control I can't support a Republican out of principle....The unchained shit they come up with is absolutely amazing in its twisted logic.
Free markets FTW!
I'm certainly not an anarchist, but I am intrigued by your philosophical approach. It sounds like you've given some serious thought to the purpose and justification (or lack thereof) for the existence of government. I want to hear more of your thoughts, so here are some questions that I think are fun to ponder.
How should we distribute scarce resources?
How can people protect themselves from a "bad neighbor" like a company dumping toxic stuff nearby?
Is there a social contract? (Not asking what it is.)
What should be done if someone violates the social contract. Like, what if you found a burglar in your bedroom?
How should we distribute scarce resources?
Proxy, I can't agree with you on this, but want to hear why you support free markets. I have yet to enjoy any real discourse on this topic. Everyone on the right that I've asked got ideological and started accusing me of things, which was not a very satisfying argument. But you argue well, so I'll ask you.
A question I've had for a while; what do libertarians (at least those on this forum) think about the economic and ideological standpoints of the American Tea Party? For our international members, is there a party in your political landscape that is comparable to the Tea Party?
Economically I think there should be a buffer between consumers and businesses. Ideologically I would lean toward libertarianism on a number of issues, but in a practical sense I don't think the free market can hold the private sector sufficiently accountable. That doesn't necessarily mean I think the government should have this job by default, but I think there needs to be organized means of making sure businesses and corporations are held accountable outside just market demands.
I have no idea what the tea party stands for. Perhaps you could elaborate. In Australia most of the classical liberals and libertarians and clump in with conservatives in the Liberal Party. I think they now have a conservative leader or something.
This is the difficulty in having a generalized political discussion. Most people in the U.S.A. would be thoroughly confused by the notion of a "Conservative Liberal"*. Last year (or earlier this year?) I was following politics in Sweden. It took me some time to figure out just what each party stood for even though we have political parties with the same names here. They stand for different things.
From my research I've decided that the Tea Party is basically just a loose affiliation of angry people. They don't appear to have a written set of principles like the Democrats and Republicans do. It seems some of them are angry for social reasons and some for economic reasons. A lot of them want smaller government. Many of them think we should go back to a gold standard. The most outspoken and publicly recognizable members of the Tea Party are often assumed to be just attempting to get attention (even by members of their own party) and they stir up fervor in order to get this attention. (Sarah Palin, Donald Trump)
*Which is part of the critical problems we are having right now in the U.S.A. The left and right wing parties have polarized to the point of having no room for a moderate position. If you vote Democrat you are voting for both social and economic liberalism. If you vote Republican you are voting for both social and economic conservativism. If you are socially liberal but economically conservative you are forced to give up on one of those stances if you want your vote to count for something. It's the same if you are socially liberal but economically conservative. There are some parties that represent these stances but they have very little backing. We are in all ways except name a two party system. It's insane to be forced to choose and it's becoming a social war.
I have just came with thread about this
I was thinking today about theory (that is explained in thread), that says:
Judging functions are these political... hmm... orientations? Or personalities? I am not really sure...
Anyway, it is just like this:
Te - Authocrat
Ti - Liberal
Fe - [not sure, but I think, that something like 'Antiegoist', which don't think about him, but instead about everybody else]
Fi - Submisive
Sooo... what do you think?
I don't know what happened in this paragraph but someone changed the meaning of words sometime ago in the US. Historically speaking and the rest of the world a liberal is a proponent of relatively free markets and personal freedoms. Traditionally a conservative was a person who was a proponent of less economic and personal freedoms but now I think everywhere they supposedly propose relatively free markets and not so liberal personal freedoms.
Economic liberalism is in fact free markets and economic conservatism is in fact conserving the old economic order, what ever that maybe.
Perversion of language is the first step in any new political take over. All so Orwellian.
I got a little sidetracked but yes. That was basically my point as well. You put it much better than I did. How U.S. defines what is conservative and what is liberal seems to be very different to and often contrary to the rest of the planet.
This is one of those discussions that could easily get lost in semantics.
The only thing I can't stand more than the perversion of language is the perversion of history.
Since there are multiple ways to describe political orientation, I'll define myself a few times. If I am limited to pick between conservative or liberal, I'd say conservative. If I'm limited to pick between democrat and republican, I'd say republican. Neither of these are wholly accurate, however, just the best of two available choices.
If I must define myself in terms of any party, I'm closer to libertarian than anything. I'm a firm believer in the whole "do whatever you please so long as you don't step on my right to do the same" thing. As a consequence, idealism "me" doesn't care if you possess nuclear weapons and use them to celebrate Independence Day if you can find a way to do so that doesn't infringe on anyone else's right not to be irradiated and their power knocked out (heh).
You obviously wouldn't find a way that isn't hurtful to use them in reality, but you get my point. That brings up the whole practicality vs. ideal problem. There are and will always be people who don't care what happens to others so long as they can benefit themselves, and that quality prevents a perfect libertarian society from ever being able to exist in the way it should, practically speaking.
There will always be a need for police and investigators as a consequence, laws governing ownership of property and scope of rights recognized but not created by the government, a system for dealing with those that violate such laws, etc.
Then there is the final problem of people being disingenuous or unreasonable in terms of what infringement means. This again stems from the greed angle. If someone doesn't want others to be able to smoke, they might claim that smoking, no matter where or how it's done, effects them because the smokers will die out of the labor force of industries they count on, the particulates remain in the atmosphere they breathe even if practically absent in reality, or some other such nonsense. There will always be room for bickering about control, rights, and freedom under any system of government.
The only thing I can't stand more than the perversion of language is the perversion of history.
Language is subjective in the sense that what defines language is mere agreement of "people." And since people are dynamic, Language is also dynamic. So, what does Proxy's "perversion" mean?
Perversion, in the context of my perception of the perception of the world through the internet and other forms of media and interaction, connotes "dishonesty." And dishonesty is riddled with "agenda." But seeing as language has a subjective nature(origin), how would one judge whether a person is "perverting" a language or simply has hir own honest definition?
Also, while it is true that language's use lies with communication, language(excluding mathematical language) was not built on a systematical and concise foundation. There are many errors and conflicting definitions within (spoken)language itself. Hence, it should be no surprise that language must be "tweaked" and made more efficient for communication.
Economically I'm most closely aligned with socialist. Politically I fit more closer to anarchism. I am ardently an athiest.