Short Term: Looking for anything that does not involve climbing a corporate ladder. I'm bad enough at just making causal friends, let alone kissing butts.
Long Term: Looking to be a helicopter pilot, as I gather it's a nice challenging career, requires great concentration, and is never exactly the same twice.
Might also go for author if I can ever bring myself to finish any of my many ideas for fiction.
DON'T waste your money on trying to become a helicopter pilot. I've been there, done that, and of course moved on. Not only is it a really bad time to start in aviation, I think you'll find that you clash a lot with many aviation personalities and their business practices. If you wanted to train at a flight school, and somehow landed and instructor job, you WILL be required to lie and become a salesman. You can only be a Chameleon for so long. If you worked for the same school as me, you would be expected to lie about safety/maintenance issues to students so they don't get scared. Besides the hundreds of bad things I could say about my past employer here are some other things I found dangerous as an INTP pilot:
1) Eventually you will you become confident enough to feel comfortable in the air, if you're an INTP this means spacing out. The sky is full with old geezers and Japanese students who can't speak English and are trying to collide with you.
2) Sometimes you have to make instantaneous decisions with little or no thought and definitely no hesitation. This is really hard as an INTP, and the wrong decision or hesitation can severely injure or kill you and others.
3) You are your customers bitch, people know they are paying a crapload of money to contract that helicopter, and they want to feel in control. Safety often takes the backseat for money.
4) It's not really that challenging intellectually, I think you'd become bored easily. The people that go on and on about the romance and freedom of flight probably aren't INTPs. After a while it just felt like driving a car to me, nothing special.
It can get be a lot better once you have a few thousand hours and work outside of the flight schools, but the road to get isn't worth your/my unhappiness.