several interesting points, I dropped out of the University of Chicago because I became disillusioned perhaps a few years too late. I began to see it as some type of Religious institution, maintaining a structure created in ancient Germany, with each academic discipline being a mere denomination of that religion. I was really bummed out because at the time the U. of Chicago was one of the top 3 schools in the USA, so I did not think pursuing a formal education any where else would be worth the effort.
I am a borderline genius, and I found it so ironic that I needed to be able to wave a degree, certificate, apiece of paper of some kind, to prove to potential employers that I actually was intelligent. Apparently, most employers are not intelligent to recognize the same ability in others based upon conversation or communication of another sort..
So a word of warning unless one is satisfied with a life of relative poverty, do not quit a formal education prematurely
Concerning boring, redundant, busy-work-filled introductory classes. Test out of them!
I spent a week reading a couple of text books on Zoology in the summer. I took an Advanced Placement test, and passed, so I dodged two semesters of busy work and a nasty lab class.
Not too mention saving a significant sum of money and time...
As far, making the put off decision of "What I want to Be, when I grow up"
Making a living at one's chosen avocation is a rare achievement. Perhaps, you should plan on a career of doing something you are good at, but don't particularly enjoy, and relegate your avocation to the status of a hobby and a leisure time activity...