I'm going to go out on a limb here since the way I deal with complements seems very contradictory to what seems to be happening with most you guys here.
Okay, I just deleted my first two ideas of explaining it. So I guess I'll just bring up one of the most awkwardly, yet uplifting complements I have ever gotten.
One day sophomore year, I was having a horrible day at school and was kind of depressed, I forget why, it may have been just a bad day waking up followed by a ridiculous amount of insults that I let completely get to me.
Anyways...on to the compliment. Okay, horrible day, feeling completely awful constantly putting my head down. It was the last period of the school day, which should have been uplifting in and of itself, but it wasn't. The teacher was helping the class study by asking questions and letting us answer them. As in my depressed state, I gained a little more focus and could retrieve the answers relatively quickly. I was sitting next to a girl that didn't quite know all the right answers but raised her hand on almost every one of them hoping what she thought was the answer would be the right one. Since I was depressed and didn't feel like raising my hand, I decided instead to help the girl out, so I just whispered the answers to help her out after the teacher had repeatedly told her that she was wrong. It was almost time to go and on about the third or fourth whisper she very bluntly stated as I was resting my head back down, "You're smart". Now I have heard this statement before, not too often, but I have heard it, and would never think anything of it on a normal day, but this wasn't a normal day. For some reason, that one compliment was able to completely obliterate all of the insults and depressing thoughts that happened to be on my mind (well most of them anyway) and caused me to react. Using my decrepit body that I had been hauling around all day lookin' all mopey and such, I decided to possibly for the first time all day focus my eyes to talk to someone. I looked her straight in the eyes and said "Thank you". Looking back at that scene, that had to be horridly creepy and I was surprised that she was able to give back a simple "You're welcome". Probably having no idea of how she just changed my day, the bell rang and it was off to the buses, on my way to the bus I felt so much better than I had the entire day.
I guess the reason I wrote this is just to describe how powerful a compliment can be to me given during the right situation and timing.
This was the only idea I could think of having to do with compliments where I could actually make a serious post on it and not just......I don't even know, I'm super tired.....
In fact it probably just comes off and and extremely emotional teenager being over-dramatic, but there's no way I'm deleting it, so sorry if that is how it came off. I also apologize if the story-telling was horrible.