Here to bring back the love!
You are either male (XY) or female (XX). Everything else is a mental illness. This does not mean that you can't be a feminine male or a masculine female.
Just because they are mentally ill doesn't mean they should be treated poorly. At the same time I don't think people should be celebrating mental illness as a lifestyle. The main reason being is that mental illness leads to a poorer quality life which in turn results in additional mental illnesses. They people need help from qualified mental health professionals whom don't facilitate the mental illness.
You are either male (XY) or female (XX). Everything else is a mental illness. This does not mean that you can't be a feminine male or a masculine female.
I'm surprised by this. There are quite a few other alternatives present in the vast array of human beings.You are either male (XY) or female (XX). Everything else is a mental illness.
You are either male (XY) or female (XX).
Leave the doctoring to doctors.
I know but calling transgenderism mental illness will lead to just that irregardless. Moreover where is the data purporting that it can be cured, that quality of life may be improved through therapy turning trans people cis? Afaik it doesn't quite work like that.
Actually, that's biologically untrue. (some of these are more common than you'd think)
I am aware that there are genetic abnormalities out there.
I doubt you read the links.
So, good, so you treat gender dysphoric patients?
Where do you practice?
I don't treat people with mental illnesses.
Oh, I see, so you're not a relevant doctor.
So let the relevant doctors do the doctoring, eh?
(BTW it's not considered a "mental illness" by the professionals anyway, at this stage of study and understanding. But of course you wouldn't know that, as it's not your area of specialty.)
The problem with the Cartesian paradigm:
Is this woman a cat because, maybe, she feels like a cat, or at the very least wants to look like a cat?
How do I know what a man feels like, when I only know what I feel like and biologically I am a man?
Stop fucking going off on tangents constantly, if you start something finish it rather than use it to show-off your intellectual prowess to people who won't be impressed anyway
Is it another derail in the making? *ponders*I wouldn’t invalidate the feelings of anyone with this sort of outlook, and by the same token, I wouldn’t validate it either. Its status is problematic, but that is not enough from keeping people from talking about it as if it were so obvious.
Ever hear of the Trojan Horse:
Stop fucking disgressing constantly, if you start something finish it rather than use it to show-off your intellectual prowess to people who won't be impressed anyway
There's nothing cool about the fact that you can find some sort of connection between two subjects which isn't apparent to other people, even though you try to make it so by casually jumping from one to the other. Too flashy and shallow, explain instead.
If I wanted to impress you Cherry, I would derive your consent with rhetoric rather than point out a problem.
that connection is more like obvious to the point of redundancy
Cartesian: subjective
Determining sex/species by identity: subjective
maybe the question was rhetorical
anyway it didn't get torn apart. and the ridicule presupposes one finds the cat woman ridiculous. Why would you do that? Got her species mixed up, like transsexuals got their own sex mixed up. Everyone has shit mixed up.
Like how you made a stupid analogy between transsexualism and catwoman in a way that really ridicules the former. Then when that got torn apart you dont admit to your faults but instead make a disgression veiled as a counterargument and then on it goes.
When you say cartesian paradigm what do you mean and how does it connect to the cat lady?
Nuance please. And no the ridicule does not presuppose that. This has already been answered too.
What I find puzzling about you calling for this kind of distinction is…why should it be made at all?But, when I see on T.V., and it is rare for me to look at, Bruce Jenner saying he is the “new normal,” as Caitlyn, and commentary by the programming that comes from a “Mental Health” expert all in the same segment, I get mad because I see the lie being perpetuated. If you have gender issues, ok. But don’t expect people to believe it’s normal. Acceptable and normal mean two different things. I accept the narrative, I deny the lie being perpetuated.
What I find puzzling about you calling for this kind of distinction is…why should it be made at all?
Clearly, gender dysphoria would not be a cause of pathological illness in and of itself, it is the the denunciation by the transvestite’s culture that would. A person can have trouble identifying with their biological gender but be psychologically healthy. So what is the point of labeling it as abnormal or an illness? What kind of scientific significance would ensue as a result of this label? It seems to me like this is just an inconsequential issue of terminology and nothing more.
So…since this entire issue does not insinuate any real significance on psychological research, then why go with it? Why not abstain from using labels that might hurt and alienate others?
Many mental illnesses can't be cured such as borderline personality disorder.
truth isn't that important to you right?
it should be.
you're talking about corporate and business significance, not scientific.
I didn't suggest that whether or not it is to be considered a mental illness depends on whether or not it can be cured.
In any case there is already treatment which has been proven effective. But by all means keep on pretending that doesn't count since it doesn't go along with your worldview.
It seems to me the 2 sex+mental illness arguments thus far only work when one imagines an ideal world where people are less biased and more knowledgeable than they actually are. Pearls for swine or something.
why are y'all such chickens when it comes to this? explain why transgenderism has to be considered a mental illness and there has to be two sexes in a way that doesn't just appeal to order? science and its two-sex model wouldn't come under threat if we introduced more sexes, nor psychology's labels aren't rendered any more arbitrary by the fact that transgenderism isn't defined as a mental illness
basically explain what is at stake in a sensible way rather than just appeal to order
words aren't truth, you're chasing a phantom wanting them to be
I don't really see transgenderism as a mental illness because the distress and functional issues stem more from the fact that society just isn't equipped to understand the issue than any real issue with being transgender itself.
Obviously that applies to most mental illnesses to some extent, but things like ADHD or aspergers for example, are objectively measurable as illness (by the criteria we give them). You can't not have ADHD or aspergers and they invariably affect for better or worse, mental interaction with the world.
Gender's not really the same because the problem doesn't exist in a mental capacity but a social one. Feeling like a different gender doesn't impair your judgment and is ultimately of little consequence, unless some external factor makes it so.
I don't really see transgenderism as a mental illness because the distress and functional issues stem more from the fact that society just isn't equipped to understand the issue than any real issue with being transgender itself.
Obviously that applies to most mental illnesses to some extent, but things like ADHD or aspergers for example, are objectively measurable as illness (by the criteria we give them). You can't not have ADHD or aspergers and they invariably affect for better or worse, mental interaction with the world.
Gender's not really the same because the problem doesn't exist in a mental capacity but a social one. Feeling like a different gender doesn't impair your judgment and is ultimately of little consequence, unless some external factor makes it so.
You think your truth is important because people can no longer express sex in precise terms?(I'm referring to your comment on sweden) tbh I don't really see why you think this is negative...truth isn't that important to you right?
it should be.
How so?you're talking about corporate and business significance, not scientific.
OMFG CC and Bronto are throwing down!
*falls off chair scrabblereaching for popcorn*
Yeah significance has a very specific meaning in science/statistics, first year uni is all about getting your hide beat with red marker for using it in a more general sense.
I think I side with CC on this Bronto. If the categorisation is arbitrary then why facilitate bigotry?
People need support and acceptance in becoming what they want to be, and they're less likely to find it if their intended outcome is chalked up to delusion. I might be mistaken but aren't the negative effects of this 'illness' entirely contextual? Meaning that changing the context (whether by social change or operation) makes it no longer meet the criteria for illness?
how can your position or arguments be anything other than an appeal to status quo then?
how could you possibly know exactly what manipulative slanted lie is required to propagate truth efficiently in the minds of all these super-biased and stupid people? why not just try and tell the truth itself to the best of ones abilities?
there are a lot of cases where one is imagining an ideal. it's standard fare cognition. you have to be more specific about what doesn't "work" about this particular instance. otherwise as stated you're arguing for not taking a stand for anything at all because the majority of stupid conservative minds don't get it anyway.
chickens? this?
i have explained. if you are interested i refer back to this very discussion. what is "appeal to order"? do you have a neat essay somewhere which proves that "order" (aka in this case consistently explicitly defined terms which make sense) is to be considered a mirage?
"science and its two-sex model wouldn't come under threat if we introduced more sexes" that's solipsist vacuum-sealed ignorance of structure, denying that what people think affects what people think, seeing science as some separate agency or something. if people think wrong, wrong is being thought. right now many people (at least in sweden, probably in the PC circle-jerk segments of the whole world) don't really know what the very simple concept of sex really means, precisely because of the confusion of terms brought about by LGBT activism's desperate attempts at emancipation through feigned conformity.
words aren't truth, that you got right. that's why transsexuals don't become "normal" just because you say so and people aren't equal just because you say so.
what about "gender dysphoria" isn't that a mental illness or close enough?