“They [the kafiroon] want to extinguish Allah’s Light with their deceit, their lies.” 9: 32 Interpretation of Meaning
How dare the kuffar in their kufr - in their abject ignorance, in their utter hypocrisy - criticize us for defending the Mujahideen who are fighting their invasion and occupation of our lands, and their interference in our affairs.
How dare the kuffar in their kufr call us "extremists" and "preachers of hate" for thanking Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when some of their soldiers are killed while they are doing their kaffir "duty" of occupying our lands and killing our brothers and sisters in the thousands, year after bloody year. For it is you, the kuffar, who are the extremists and the preachers of hate for it is you who have invaded and who occupy our lands, who interfere in our affairs - militarily, politically, economically - and who have so far been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters in the last nine years alone.
How dare the kuffar in their utter hypocrisy call for censorship and the removal of Internet sites and forums which detail and which celebrate our victories as opposed to theirs.
We are not the ones who have invaded and occupied - and who occupy, year after year - your lands by force of arms and who kill and imprison those opposed to such an invasion and such an occupation.
We are not the ones who routinely murder - who summarily execute, without trial - by missiles and unmanned drones anyone deemed a "threat" and who regularly kill, injure and maim by such missiles and such drones hundreds of woman and children, year after year.
We are not the ones who have kidnapped, tortured, and imprisoned without trial, thousands upon thousands of men and women, year after year.
We are not the ones spending of billions of billions of dollars to maintain hundreds of thousands of troops in foreign lands, as we are not the ones who have military bases in other lands.
We are not the ones who shut down Internet sites and forums and blogs when such sites and such forums and blogs celebrate the killing of our brothers and sisters and celebrate the continued occupation of our lands.
Why do you, you kuffar, continue to lie and to deceive your own people, year after year? Thus, you try to make your killing of our brothers and sisters in our own lands "acceptable" to your people by calling those whom you routinely kill and imprison - and who are resisting your occupation of their lands - "extremists", or "militants" or "terrorists" or "supporters of terrorism". Thus, you try to portray yourself and your forces of occupation as "bringers of peace" although, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
" There is a sickness within which ails them and Allah has increased this sickness because they lie even to themselves: For this, they will grievously suffer. And when someone says to them: "Do not be so ignoble on this earth," They reply: "We are only bringing peace!" 2:10-11 Interpretation of Meaning
You seem to fail to understand - in your abject arrogance and because of your fanatical neo-colonialism - that however many of our lands you invade and occupy, however many of our brothers ad sisters you kill for resisting your invasions and your occupations and your interference in our affairs - that, compared to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, you are nothing; that all your weapons, all your lies, all your propaganda, all your wealth, all your scheming, all your killings and all your torture and imprisonment of our brothers and sisters around the world will not bring you the success, the victory, you desire. For all such worldly things can - and InshaAllah will - be swept away in an instant by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and because you - despite your possession of such things and your desire to acquire more - cannot ever destroy the Eemaan that lives within our hearts, year after year, decade after decade, century after century.
We - who defy your arrogance and the Tawagheet, the idols, that you worship (such as democracy and nationalism) - have a simple purity of faith which, generation after generation, lives within our Ummah, despite your best efforts to destroy it. And it is this simple purity of faith - of total trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and total reliance on Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala - that distinguishes you and us, for as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"And all that they devised will be removed from them" 10:30 Interpretation of Meaning
"The words of your Rabb are complete, perfect - manifesting truth, justice, and nothing shall ever abrogate them." 6:115 Interpretation of Meaning
"And it is our forces who will be victorious." 37: 173 Interpretation of Meaning
Thus do we and thus will we - whatever you may say or do - celebrate the victories of the Mujahideen who are resisting your occupation of our lands, resisting your interference in our affairs, and who are striving to implement the hukm of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
A Servant of Allah
1 Ramadan 1430
Credit DWM