*stepping in to offer my $0.2*...
@Hado - yeah, passive insults and generally foul-mooded, tongue-in-cheek remarks have become a norm nowadays haven't they. It's kinda surprising to see something different, yet refreshing. It didn't use to be that way nor does it have to.
I personally enjoy things better without the snark and offhandedness. (Not that my preference is rooted solely on nostalgia; I all-around just think that it's a better form of interacting, from principle.)
It's seemed for a while now that a fair level of general trollishness has been allowed, and an attitude of "whutever, i don't care" is embedded in the intent of the posts - or the post has no intent or consideration for its impact, and is just the casual dropping of one's negative mental transcript. This has happened for so long now, and caused so many insightful posters to drift away elsewhere, that it often feels to me like the majority is now in accord with this sort of interaction, which is why it feels odd to suggest anything different. But it's not about the majority, but what the leaders wish for this place.
To go back a few thread pages (a related reply I didn't get to submit):
Instead of wondering what you mean by 'change', I wonder what you mean by 'prosper'?
Things are fine here. Societies are constantly changing and everyone bitches about it, but there's nothing you can do except change with it or die. If the society happens to perish because most of its members cannot handle the radical nature of a few individuals, so be it. That society has outlived its purpose anyway.
This attitude essentially sounds to me like:
Troll: "I'm here bitches, deal with it."
*forum goes to shit*
Troll: "Oh well, it wasn't of use to me anymore anyways."
I think things will seem fine as they are to some members who have no particular standard of quality in mind. And in turn, post material of similar quality. I also think there's a tendency in this decade to use every medium of communication like an IM chat. =P
..I don't think all members who presently post fluff would continue to do so if this place was cleaned up a bit. There would be a sudden moment of "oh, so this is what this place is now.. ok" in which they may decide to share differently, now seeing that it's possible to do so. Others might get offended that they can't use this place as their casual snarky mind-dump anymore and they'll find other rivers to drink from. =)
@Direction of the forum - One thing is pretty certain; new members will encounter this forum on the premise of it being "INTPforum" so the INTP element can't really be taken out.
I can see, for example, this forum flourishing into a haven where people truly do discover themselves and their type. And a place dedicated to the evolution and growth of INTPs (and related types too). Not just flounder around in circles trying to decide what they are, only to find that they can't, and then give up on typology altogether and linger on the forum out of habit and for a place to chat. Not that that's so bad either, I just mean I could see it evolving into something else.
It would certainly help if 'INTP' was more of a legitimate topic and less of a speculation. It would make it possible to talk more meaningfully about each other, and to make real developmental headway. As it stands it's more like an initial lure, that doesn't lead anywhere. After the "yeah, me too!" threads (oh the fallacies!) there's no mission.
One of the things that made this place sparkle when it did is that there was a general curiosity from younger members as to what a realized INTP would be like, and older folk played a role of mentor or at least example of a lifepath trotted. EditorOne, Eudemonia, EloquentBohemian, Lor, Jennywocky, Architect, etc.. ..have all contributed to this role in the past. It helps a lot. And there are other new ones rising, some lurking, some developing. I'm only 24 but I feel I could also start sharing insights as they've come to me, and I've learned a great deal of actual, non-theoretical knowledge about Ti-Ne's in the past years - as well as all types as I've come to identify them.
The way I see the solution to this problem is that it's two-part.
- Establish the right framework
- Get the right people
The framework refers to the mod team's modus operandi, the maintenance and consistency of "keeping the garden". The second refers to what plants are in this garden; what sort of garden it is. Of coruse, the second part is less in the control of the modteam but I think that just by making it more habitable, more of the right sort of people and interactions will take place. Place the right type of fertilizer, pesticides, and wala!
(I probably had something else to say, but it's gotten late and I need teh sleeps. >,<)