And it's not like I need to be on the far end of the bell curve on the spectrum of normalcy. I'm good being in the middle. Maybe...even in the lower quarter.
But you guys. Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm just an alien or something. A creature so far removed from what it is to be human that other humans cannot begin to identify. (Inex. How dramatic can you be. Seriously)
No, but really. I feel like other people get me wrong all of the time. For instance, people seem to think that because I'm alone, I must be lonely. I'm not fact, I chose to be alone. Also, I need to carefully avoid telling people I have no friends - because apparently, that's awkward. It's even more awkward when I explain why I choose to have no friends, and why I don't want them. I'm kind of a tell-you-anything kind of a person, with no mouth filter, because I don't generally regret anything I say until about three hours later.
I just don't feel the need for friends, because the things I enjoy doing are things that only require one person. (That's me. I'm the one required person.) I just don't like spending my time frivolously. Like...I don't really like watching movies or tv shows, because I don't learn anything from them, so they're just not interesting and I usually start doing something else while they play. I'm much more interested in watching Youtubers, who can be entertaining and somewhat, potentially educational.
I don't feel the need for a relationship, either, because....why? I mean, what's the point if you're not going to have kids.
But the thing is - I don't expect others to share this point of view. I think relationships are great, and love is great...and I care deeply about the feelings and emotions of others. I especially don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. I feel the sadness of other people way more intensely than I feel my own sadness. Guilt is the bane of my existence. It's very easy to manipulate and control me through the vector of guilt, because I'm always afraid of doing or saying something that might cause someone else pain. It gives me sensations I can't control, and I don't like that feeling. Feels weird.
I've been told that I sound like an audiobook. Apparently, I think I also must write strangely, somehow, because people seem to have a strong reaction to my e-personality. Also, apparently, I'm easily identifiable as a female, just by the way I write. What's with that? I can't identify males and females just by their writing. I don't get it. I'm missing out on that information...
Hmmm...I mean I don't mind being a bit of a robot. It's better than being accused of being illogical - which I'm very sensitive to. But I guess I don't like that people mistakenly think that I think I'm smarter than them, or better than them, or that I'm somehow a cold and/or cruel person. I especially don't understand why people seem to think -I- think I'm so smart. I don't at all think that...I constantly have doubts about my intelligence. I just like....I guess I don't think it's beneficial to anyone for me to run around bemoaning how dumb I am and refusing to have opinions or share information, just because I have a self-esteem issues. Also, I don't really think that it's worth giving those feelings the time of day because, at the end of the day - smart or stupid - does it matter? It's not going to change what I should or shouldn't do. I should try to learn more. Get smarter. Be better. Wasting precious brain energy on mentally putting myself down isn't going to help my case if, indeed, I am a person who is more stupid than average. I'll need all the precious brain power I can get to not be dumb.
I think...I'm rambling. I should desist. Not sure what is up with the verbal diarrhea tonight. (Well, I guess it's typed, not verbal).....I don't even think this is necessarily going to help, because if I get too transparent like this I think it makes things worse somehow. My honesty...its like...offensive. Lol.
Okay, wait. Brainwave. Maybe this was useful after all! I just realized, I think, what it is that really bothers me about all of this.
I really, really care about being a genuine person. And being honest. I strongly dislike manipulation - I don't like how people use each other for their selfish reasons. I don't want to be like that. I want to add to peoples lives, if I choose to participate in them.
So in my effort to be honest, I always try to be realistic about who I am, how I think...and so forth.
So WHY is it that so few people seem to be able to understand who I am? I'm an open book. The information is right there for the taking, and it's as accurate as I can make it. So why do people misinterpret me?
How can I put myself across more honestly then...just being honest? Yes, I don't have a lot of emotional needs. I'm just NOT an emotional person. It doesn't mean I don't feel - and it especially doesn't mean I don't care about other peoples' feelings. And, okay. So I talk weird. I don't know how I talk weird because no one has ever been able to define what it is about my speech or text that is "weird"....but why does it matter how I talk. What should matter, is what I say.
This is one of the reasons I think I choose to be alone. People are so complicated and their interpretations are so's's exhausting. My energy - it's draining like an old, used Duracell. I feel the need to caffeinated. Ugh. So many...thoughts.