Variously different modifications are being added at random --- and ruthlessly discarded at will. An announcement as to changes added will be made when the current bout of additions is exhausted.
The favicon of the Cross Pattee, or the Maltese Cross , reminiscent as Anthile implies of the
Ordo Domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, is selected for three reasons.
1/ It is not the vBulletin standard. And I am fond of German things, both good and bad --- but most particularly
Kaiserreich things: I am not actually German, but as I explained to someone recently: Lord Haldane laboured well to build England's preWWI defensive capabilities and then was kicked out for being pro-German solely since he had made the statement: "
My spiritual home is Germany." (
The English are a very hysterical nation when excited ); I can say the same thing.
Actually, at the start another favicon was implemented, and had that stuck people would be wistful for that as the old familiar: (deleted) But someone elected to delete that and we reverted to the ordinary vBulletin seen everywhere.
2/ Also this one is only 1kb compared to the vBulletin 10kb, that's a tremendous saving for every page pulled.
3/ On another board my signature evolved to include one of these little crosses for every perma-ban I made. I think it was 37 at the end: as one famous German writer, Stefan Zweig, almost put it:
Beware of Pity.
Although Nietzsche spent his life expounding on this duty rather more forcefully...