Yes, the INTJ female actually does exist because dominant Ni is not totally masculine as it can be quite dreamy. ENTJ females on the other hand might not actually exist at all because dominant Te is completely masculine.
I really admire the internet dictionary’s definition of what “dreamy” means as well as the thesaurus:
1. Resembling a dream;
ethereal or vague.
2. Given to daydreams or reverie.
3. Soothing and
Informal Inspiring delight; wonderful.
1. vague or impractical
2. resembling a dream in quality
3. relaxing; gentle: dreamy music.
4. wonderful
5. having dreams, esp daydreams
1. of the nature of or typical of dreams;
2. vague; dim.
3. inducing dreams or a dreamlike mood, esp. pleasantly: dreamy music.
4. given to daydreaming or reverie.
5. abounding in dreams.
6. wonderful;
marvelous: a dreamy new car.
1. vague, abstracted, absent, musing, preoccupied, daydreaming, faraway,
pensive, in a reverie, with your head in the clouds.
His face assumed a dreamy expression.
relaxing, calming, romantic, gentle, soothing, lulling a dreamy, delicate song
3. starry-eyed, romantic,
sentimental, utopian, quixotic, over-optimistic He's like some dreamy kid
4. impractical, vague,
imaginary, speculative, visionary, fanciful, quixotic, dreamlike, airy-fairy full of dreamy ideals
1. Given to daydreams or reverie:
visionary, woolgathering.
Informal. Particularly excellent:
divine, fabulous, fantastic, fantastical, glorious,
marvelous, sensational, splendid, superb, terrific,
Informal: dandy, great, ripping, super, swell, tremendous.
Slang: cool, groovy,
hot, keen, neat, nifty.
Idiom: out of this world.
dreamy - definition of dreamy by The Free Dictionary
Ethereal is defined as follows:
1. Extremely light or delicate: "An ant lion ... is lovely, long-bodied like a damselfly, with a pair of ethereal wings" (Jennifer Ackerman).
2. a. Of the
celestial spheres;
Spiritual or otherworldly.
ethereal - definition of ethereal by The Free Dictionary
And yes, there would technically be a difference between an INTJ female and an INTJ male as the biological composition of those two may be slightly different.