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The Random Thoughts Thread


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 8:16 AM
Aug 16, 2011
the pain caused by our thoughts is real.
so we think they are true.
and want other people to believe in them too.
so they will sympathize with or have respect for our pain.

another short story of humanity (but way more than 10 words)


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 8:16 AM
Aug 16, 2011

quote from channel owner cyriak:

"Here is a music video I made for Gong, a crazy psychedelic band I grew up listening to back in the grey world of the 1980s. The track is called "Occupy", and the video covers 13.8 billion years of capitalism, using whatever loose change I happened to have in my pocket."


is escaping
Local time
Today 1:16 AM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
neuro/physiological effects of estrogen on the females

Recent studies have documented the vasodilatory effect of estrogen. Using Doppler flow ultrasound, Penotti et al.[6] examined the carotid and cerebral arteries of 120 women aged 20 to 59 years who were not taking any hormones. Compared with the premenopausal women participating in the study, the postmenopausal women exhibited a significant decrease in blood flow, and flow decreased further with time past menopause. No significant decrease was attributable to aging alone. Another Doppler flow study of 63 postmenopausal women before and after starting ERT demonstrated that this hormonal therapy reduced impedance to blood flow in carotid circulation.[7] Improvement in perfusion was significant by the second month of ERT, and a gradual increase in perfusion continued over the entire 52 weeks of the study.

Estrogen also influences cerebral blood supply by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent at the blood vessel wall, protecting it from damage by cytokines and free radicals and impeding plaque formation.[1,2,8] Pretreatment with estrogen has been demonstrated to prevent damage to blood vessel walls when a toxic protein is injected into rats' cerebral arteries.[9] MRI was used to document ischemic brain injury in 210 postmenopausal women followed for 10 years.[10] The 70 women taking ERT in this study had fewer and smaller damaged areas than the 140 controls. In addition, the longer the duration of ERT use, the smaller the total area of ischemia.
Last edited:


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 8:16 AM
Jan 4, 2009


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Mar 6, 2013
“You'll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.” ― Julia Child

“A wise man never knows all, only fools know everything.” - African Proverb


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Sep 2, 2009
You know, I don't get "meta". I mean, I can rattle off the general concepts of metaphysics, metaethics, metagoldfish, etc., giving of textbook answers to "meta" discussions, but it's not a passionate knowledge. It isn't part of my me-ness. No matter how much I read, I look at it like a person that I'm pretty sure is standing behind one-way glass.

It's like some kind of mental barrier that cannot be overcome by sheer force of effort. I have the same problem with subjects like enterprise-level economics, dog fancy, epic battle scenes in fantasy novels, and Ruby on Rails.


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:16 AM
Oct 8, 2013
Be the rebellious fire, consuming obstacles and leaving behind embers of hope. An animating wind might return the embers to their former glory. Then the bonfire will shed light into the darkness once again.
Local time
Today 7:16 AM
Jun 25, 2013
"i need to go pee, can u plz step in to cabin; make sure that fucking deranged maniac doesn't kill us all lol"


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 2:16 AM
Sep 25, 2008
god why did i agree to go to this stupid 5-year-anniversary party? They're friends in my gamer group, and I'll know a few people there, but it looks like 20+ people signed up for this, in a house nonetheless. Cramped, packed with strangers, and I won't know many.

Nothing was requested, and I bought them a card anyway, but i don't know if a gift is expected either and I don't have one for them. Screw this.

Maybe I'll go for an hour, eat food, and then leave. I have excuses ready.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Sep 2, 2009
^^^How'd the party go? Did you do the "right" thing and attend? Or did you do the right thing by making your excuse ahead of time and just sticking a gift card in the card and mailing it?


Anyway, things are all peaceful here right now. I'm not trying to jinx it or anything, just remarking on the tranquility.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Mar 6, 2013
“There is something within me that might be illusion as it is often case with young delighted people, but if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole of humanity. If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exiting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb.” - Nikola Tesla

“Out of this war, the greatest since the beginning of history, a new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth." - Nikola Tesla

Still think INTJs are all "evil?" ;)


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Mar 6, 2013
“On more than one occasion you have offended me, but in my qualities both as Christian and philosopher I have always forgiven you and only pitied you for your errors.” - Nikola Tesla

“So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it would seem as though the Creator, himself had electrically designed this planet...” – Nikola Tesla


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 2:16 AM
Sep 25, 2008
^^^How'd the party go? Did you do the "right" thing and attend? Or did you do the right thing by making your excuse ahead of time and just sticking a gift card in the card and mailing it?

I went.

I spent two hours standing and talking to three other people in my gaming group (and trying to change up the topic every so often because the one guy's wife was obviously bored out of her mind any time she'd hang out with us, lol).

I got free food and cake and soda.

Then when they all sat down to play games, I conveniently had to go (because I had scheduled something an hour later) and I left.

So I enjoyed the time I spent there talking to the few people I actually knew, but I felt bad about just talking about gaming the whole time. The other perk is that the couple knows I at least cared enough to show up, so I got that point across but don't need to go back to future parties since I attended this one, i guess.

I just hate crowds of strangers, especially if I don't know who will be there. And it wasn't just a crowd of strangers, it was a crowd of strangers in a space small enough that it felt like a fraternity basement pub night, where you can't squeeze through the crowd easily. I staked out my corner, ate my food, and barely budged from it.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Sep 2, 2009
Edit: I'm addicted to playing geoguessr.com (and I'm pretty good at it)

They've made it harder recently, which is awesome.


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:16 AM
Oct 8, 2013
Fuck. I can't get to sleep after being online too long after night, and the only respite from the tortuously anxious tossing and turning is doing what got me into this predicament in the first place.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Mar 6, 2013
“And then, as I got her message, there came a light from her eyes - powerful beams of light. Yes, it was a real light, a powerful, dazzling, blinding light, a light more intense than I had ever produced by the most powerful lamps in my laboratory.” – Nikola Tesla


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:16 AM
Oct 8, 2013
"it is much easier not to believe than the opposite, and the difficult thing is likely to be the right course to take…"
--Elizabeth Nietzsche

"Concerning your basic principle, that truth is always to be found on the side of the more difficult, I agree in part. However, it is difficult to believe that 2 x 2 does not equal 4. Does that make it therefore truer?

"On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept as true everything we have been taught, and which has gradually taken firm root in us, and is thought true by the circle of our relatives and many good people, and which, moreover, really does comfort and elevate men? Is that more difficult than to venture on new paths, at odds with custom, in the insecurity that attends independence, experiencing many mood-swings and even troubles of conscience, often disconsolate, but always with the true, the beautiful and the good as our goal?

"Is the most important thing to arrive at that view of God, world and reconciliation which makes us feel most comfortable? Is not the true inquirer totally indifferent to what the result of his inquiries might be? When we inquire, are we seeking for rest, peace, happiness? Not so; we seek only truth even though it be in the highest degree ugly and repellent.

"Still one final question: if we had believed from our youth onwards that all salvation issued from someone other than Jesus, from Mohammed for example, is it not certain that we should have experienced the same blessings? It is the faith that makes blessed, not the objective reality that stands behind the faith. I write this to you, dear Lisbeth, simply with the view of meeting the line of proof usually adopted by religious people, who appeal to their inner experiences to demonstrate the infallibility of their faith. Every true faith is infallible, it accomplishes what the person holding the faith hopes to find in it, but that does not offer the slightest support for a proof of its objective truth.

Here the ways of men divide: if you wish to strive for peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you wish to be a disciple of truth, then inquire."
--Friedrich Nietzsche


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 8:16 AM
Aug 16, 2011


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:16 PM
Mar 20, 2011


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:16 PM
Aug 24, 2008

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 7:16 AM
Mar 17, 2013
hey guys I just made some super strong and concentrated tea using cayenne, ginger, yerba mate and galangal

anyone tried galangal? im hoping you can get high from it

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 7:16 AM
Mar 17, 2013
alrdy did when drunk despite know it sucks, it sucked

anyway this galangal seems to give a nice pleasant buzz, some enhanced colors, pulsing sensation behind the eyes, tingles, a cool sensation on the skin.. I used a lot of root it burned as fuck when I drank it lol


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:16 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Not too long ago I had a mystical experience that I have had trouble understanding and explaining. I want to give it a go now by asking you to imagine a story that takes place in a universe where most things are destined to unfold in a particular way. The protagonist is destined to emerge as the saviour of the planet, and s/he is destined to fight against the big bad to determine the fate of the universe. This is all in the cards and it will happen no matter what. At the end, however, after defeating the big bad, the hero comes to a point where s/he must choose between, for simplicities sake, two possible outcomes. It´s a moment of real freedom. Either s/he can choose to restore everything back to the way it was only without the big bad´s corrupting influence, or s/he can choose to clean out the ways of old and start something new.
Either way, the cycle will repeat indefinitely with the protagonist reemerging to fight the big bad, and also the moment of real freedom where s'he will be confronted with a real choice.
Now that you have this story in mind, I want you to think of Nietzche's idea of eternal recurrence. The idea that what you are doing at this moment, presumably reading this, you have done an infinite amount of times before, and you will do so infinitely many more, and in exactly the same way feeling just like you are feeling right now. The universe is deterministic and infinitely repeating.
Now, to the mystical experience. Just like in Nietzche's idea of eternal recurrence, I noticed how everything that happened around me had happened before. I could predict everything unfolding, because it had already happened. When I lost myself, during the course of time, to the stream of events, I would suddenly re-awaken to the realisation that this was unfolding according to a determinate pattern. The funny thing, however, is that, like the story I gave you above, at the point of becoming aware of this determined cycle I could 'add' something new to it. In this the idea emerges of a determined, eternally reoccurring universe that, instead of unfolding exactly in the same way each time, instead adds a new event at every repeat of the cycle. In this way, the universe is adding to it´s complexity. I pictured us (human beings) being in a process of becoming aware of our universe, becoming increasingly aware of it´s pattern to the point where we could break free of it, have our moment of real freedom, of creation, before it all starts anew.


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
I just realized circles do not exist. All that is called circles are really just polygons who's sides are so small in length that our eyes cannot see that there are sides at all. Oh the insanity all of life is a lie.

Shadow Angel

This statement is false.
Local time
Today 1:16 AM
Apr 14, 2015
Mobile, Alabama
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law; love under will.
There is no law besides do what thou wilt.
- Aleister Crowley, "The Book of the Law"

And the sign shall be my ecstasy
The consciousness of the continuity of existence
The omnipresence of my body
- Aleister Crowley, "The Book of the Law"
Local time
Today 7:16 AM
Jun 25, 2013
"Human domination over nature is quite simply an illusion, a passing dream by a naive species. It is an illusion that has cost us much, ensnared us in our own designs, given us a few boasts to make about our courage and genius, but all the same it is an illusion." - Donald Worster

"We are slaves in the sense that we depend for our daily survival upon an expand-or-expire agro-industrial empire – a crackpot machine – that the specialists cannot comprehend and the managers cannot manage. Which is, furthermore, devouring world resources at an exponential rate." - Edward Abbey


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Sep 2, 2009
I have personal opinions and values, but I find that I am able to go against them without any effort. Well, let me clarify:

I work with clients to help them achieve their therapeutic goals. I also assign them to one of my case managers to help them with goals they have in other life domains. After all, what's the point of therapy if you don't have a roof over your head or food to eat?

Anyway, one thing I always try to emphasize with my case managers is that your personal values and opinions are not relevant. Your job is to focus on the client and respect their values and opinions. I used the example today with a new-hire that I am against the practice of circumcising baby boys. I see it as genital mutilation and I think it is horrendous practice. But, when a client needs help arranging the procedure, I am going to do my best to set her up with a pediatric surgeon that will take her insurance/medicaid. Because that is the job.

The conversation went on, because she didn't get the concept. She asked "well, what if they ask your opinion?" My response was that you find them objective information and let them decide. I went on to explain that it is unethical to use your position as an authority figure to persuade someone one way or another.

But then, a few hours later it struck me how rigid and how fluid my values are. While describing the need to set aside my own values in one situation, I was outlining the importance of maintaining the moral autonomy of others (an ethical requirement for my field and a personal value).

Looking back, I find it so strange, and in a way, inconsistent. Or maybe not. It is my job to train my staff to act in accordance with the field ethics, I suppose. But still, when they clash, one wins and the other doesn't.

I believe I am equally passionate about my professional and personal values. Yet, I cast the personal ones aside, like so much garbage, when it is convenient.

Is this typical? Is this unethical? I have never reflected upon this at all. There was no remarkable journey that brought me to this ethical position, it all seems very natural. I just turn off what I need to turn off like a light switch. Is this simply a feature of a rational mind?


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Mar 6, 2013
Yes, the INTJ female actually does exist because dominant Ni is not totally masculine as it can be quite dreamy. ENTJ females on the other hand might not actually exist at all because dominant Te is completely masculine.

I really admire the internet dictionary’s definition of what “dreamy” means as well as the thesaurus:

1. Resembling a dream; ethereal or vague.
2. Given to daydreams or reverie.
3. Soothing and serene.
4. Informal Inspiring delight; wonderful.

1. vague or impractical
2. resembling a dream in quality
3. relaxing; gentle: dreamy music.
4. wonderful
5. having dreams, esp daydreams

1. of the nature of or typical of dreams; visionary.
2. vague; dim.
3. inducing dreams or a dreamlike mood, esp. pleasantly: dreamy music.
4. given to daydreaming or reverie.
5. abounding in dreams.
6. wonderful; marvelous: a dreamy new car.

1. vague, abstracted, absent, musing, preoccupied, daydreaming, faraway, pensive, in a reverie, with your head in the clouds. His face assumed a dreamy expression.
2. relaxing, calming, romantic, gentle, soothing, lulling a dreamy, delicate song
3. starry-eyed, romantic, sentimental, utopian, quixotic, over-optimistic He's like some dreamy kid
4. impractical, vague, imaginary, speculative, visionary, fanciful, quixotic, dreamlike, airy-fairy full of dreamy ideals

1. Given to daydreams or reverie:
moony, visionary, woolgathering.
2. Informal. Particularly excellent:
divine, fabulous, fantastic, fantastical, glorious, marvelous, sensational, splendid, superb, terrific, wonderful.
Informal: dandy, great, ripping, super, swell, tremendous.
Slang: cool, groovy, hot, keen, neat, nifty.
Idiom: out of this world.

Source: dreamy - definition of dreamy by The Free Dictionary

Ethereal is defined as follows:

1. Extremely light or delicate: "An ant lion ... is lovely, long-bodied like a damselfly, with a pair of ethereal wings" (Jennifer Ackerman).
2. a. Of the celestial spheres; heavenly.
b. Spiritual or otherworldly.

Source: ethereal - definition of ethereal by The Free Dictionary

And yes, there would technically be a difference between an INTJ female and an INTJ male as the biological composition of those two may be slightly different.
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