lol topic!!
but anyway:
We don't uphold tradition.
- true, but of what value is upholding tradition for? tradition is just a means to get people to be sheeple; to impose one person’s view of how life should be lived according to their subjective cognitive processes. That’s selfish of them, and if we are against their selfishness for our own selfishness, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s technically selfish that we are not agreeable with their notions, but it’s our life, not theirs!
We don't wanna save the world.
- Actually I do, but I only want to save those who deserve saving and I want to eliminate pain (although I cannot) because I know how painful pain is and my empathy side wants others to not feel that pain. A humane issue, I guess. But people in the world are so full of crap that I can’t be bothered anymore. It’s time for me to grow out of my naïveté.
We aren't bubbly, bringing happiness to others.
- It’s nice to be happy. You’re happy, they’re happy, everyone’s happy, what’s not to like about being happy? I’m bubbly when I’m in the bubbly mood. If I’m not, I’m a bubbling heap of hot lava :x
We don't lead all that well.
- for years I deluded myself into thinking that I was good at leadership. I am assertive, yes, but not for the long term. I can’t be arsed to be responsible for a bunch of people! Not my style, not my calling. I’m more interested in myself. ‘sides, I have poor human management and organization, although I am very good at categorizing books and objects. When it comes to humans and self… epic fail >_>”
All we care about are our thoughts and how to build beautiful logical structures in our brain that may not have much application to real life.
Hahahahaha yeah. HAHAHAHAHA I just asked my company for records of employees’ temperatures so that I can go home to ponder about the results and see if there are any patterns in the different departments and tabulate theories to account for why people have such temperatures, and when I asked my receptionist for it, she was like “you want the temperature records?” *blank stare* “what for?” *blank stare again*, to which I replied “err… for, you know, for me to err… look at”. LOL, I should have just stole it by myself and I wish people wouldn’t ask me what it was for. I’m just curious, that’s all!!! Then I’ll publish the results to my blog and then I’ll be satisfied.
Practical people will be telling me: WTF why are you wasting your time with this? And my reply will be: I don’t know, I like doing it. I like information and processing and coming up with theories. Theories are so fun to do. LOL!
Btw: Any jobs for someone with such a penchant? (besides researching)