I dunno, I'm pretty old-fashioned when it comes to communication. I mean, yeah, I love talking to strangers online, but that's driven more by the fact that the internet offers a greater diversity of people without geographical constraints, than by any preference for the mode of communication itself. Really, for the most part I prefer talking to people in person. I like to use things like gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. -- all things missed with text. Plus, cell phones and the like make it far too easy for people to pester me. Ya know, in the good ole days you had to make quite an effort to bother/stalk someone. Nowadays, someone can bug me instantly in the comfort of their home, with little effort expended.
Also, call me an old fogey (not sure what that means actually; also I'm 23) but doesn't modern communication (facebook, texting, twitter, etc.) seem to give us too much of other people, all while not giving us enough of them? It's as if we get this fake techo-version of actual people*, which makes it seem as though we're constantly communicating with, essentially, no one. Is it fair to say this is a lonely generation, with thousands of friends?
* Yeah yeah, I realize my participation in a forum is exactly this. I still think I have a point though.
Also, texting is great for emergencies; I just don't like conversing that way and I wonder if people 100 years from now will even know how to talk (effectively, that is), that's all.