The reason that INTP's have no sense of serial time is because we are intelligent enough to realise that time is
a) not universal despite the insistence of giant clocks plastered around every city and every form of media drummed into us second by second.If it was universal, the drumming would not be neccessary
b) non linear
c) able to be traversed depending on how strongly we are able to control
all of our senses, not just the five that are labelled by common language. Hence why many INTP's feel convinced that if they try hard enough, they can move objects. It is also why INTP's detest pretention. We know that power is within us and see no reason to look to shallow external sources.
d) multi dimensional, and that two dimensions can be experienced simultaneously. INTP minds are excellent at doing this. Our brains operate on very different planes to our bodies.
Download the ebook at the bottom of the page.
Then realise why the clock drummers do not want people reading The Qur'an. And why there are so many athiest trolls on every INTP site.
It is why some of the worlds top neuroscientists are being tortured day in, day out by clock drummers in the name of "security".
I've had enough of this bs. The answers are all here.
It just takes scientific minds to see. Hence why true scientific minds never feel at peace being fed bs make believe science in pop institutions.
Read between the lines. Get with the programme intellectuals.
The "take over the world" syndrome is there for a reason. It is because INTP's are the closest to understanding reality.