Summary: I found a highly useful video which not only makes sense, but corresponds with my personal experience and observations. I've taken detailed notes and will practice some reading with this more refined system.
Watching this video
1st Gear
This is testable, sensible, and corresponds to observations I've made but haven't made systematic. This stuff is great! Notes
1st Gear
Seeing the pod Powers/Functions as physical cues
Rear Right of psyche, Zai (Ti), Xai (Fi)
• Eyes/disengage go to right (up, side or down)
⁃ Zai/Ti is more of a 'check' (yang quality)
⁃ Xai/Fi is more of a drifting to the right (yin quality)
Front Right of psyche, Nyy (Ne) Vyy (Se)
• Widening of eyes, carriage lift (opening up). Objective/Perception powers, there's a drinking in of the environment. Eye's widening, perk up, carriage lift.
⁃ Nyy/Ne = dancing eyes, widening of eyes, eyes are sort of bobbing one place to the other, a lilting
⁃ Vyy/Se = Laser eyes. Directed, pulling information from the world.
• The Carriage lift happens when the objective/perceptive power is super stimulated. Lifting of the torso, along with the head and the eyes
⁃ Nyy/Ne (buoyant carriage lift with dancing eyes)
⁃ Vyy/Se (an 'amped' quality with laser eyes)
Rear Left of psyche, Nai(Ni), Vai (Si)
• Disengage to the left (up, side or down)
⁃ Nai/Ni 'Ni drift', has a drifting look (Yin quality)
⁃ Vai/Si 'Si check', directed (Yang quality), grabbing a specific memory, very precise
Front Left of psyche, Xyy (Fe), Zyy (Te) (objective discernment powers)
• Articulation (verbal and non verbal)
⁃ Xyy/Fe Warm articulation
⁃ Zyy/Te Cool articulation
• Jutting (looks like head butting, occurs when it gets revved up)
⁃ Zyy/Te Cool 'head butting'.
⁃ Xyy/Fe Warm 'head butting'.
Not sure where these go in the table/TBD
• (Discernment powers)Mouth tightening on the right, accessing Zai/Ti or Xai/Fi
• (Discernment powers)Mouth tension on the left, accessing XyyF/Fe or Zyy/Te
⁃ Zai/Zyy 'grimace'
⁃ Discernment power Rictus
⁃ Xyy,Zyy on the left rictus
⁃ Sneer (Xyy sneer (disgust), Zai sneer (like a animal))
• Shrugs
⁃ Left, right, both
⁃ Right = Zai, Xai (discernment powers on right)
⁃ Left Xyy, Zyy