If you think we show zero regard for people, show me an instance in which we have actually damaged somebody. What we show is zero regard for parasites and memetic possessions which waste lives and crush beautiful hearts under the force of their common acceptance-- an acceptance which you are either too unskilled to recognise or too cowardly to act against. We are sacrificing our own public images, careers, livelihoods, and comforts for this because we
believe in it. You have explicitly expressed to me before fear about involvement with Pod'Lair
because it would damage your desired political career, whilst asking me to teach you independently. You now justify your cowardice as somehow being stronger.
You are the one who will not disregard your own comfort and shallow social approval for what is genuinely better for others, here.
Anarkandi is a wannabe-guru with no understanding, just feeding off drama around Pod'Lair recently to try and grab a totally unearned position of authority by being the reasonable 'middle of the road voice'. Lame position that weak thinkers can easily take to seem stronger than they actually are, to the uninformed, in the midst of an actual intellectual dispute.
All of his reads are wrong (he has a 10% accuracy rating) and he's a coward. He ripped off our material directly, posted it on his website, and now tries to market Pod'Lair's discoveries in a warped, useless, and misconceived form. He has not falsified our claims, provided a useful sample set of his own, presented a workable understanding of his own, or overcome his own over-modulation.
About supposed lack of focus on people and 'vagueness': the material in Nai'xyy or Nyy'xai temple (the first of which you're praised lavishly before), the introductions we've made about modulation, momentum, peaking etc. (listed in detail earlier in this thread) and the very precise
power flows all refute this claim. You, contrarily, have provided no similar depth of representation of 'how people work'. Pod'Lair works in practice and can produce results-- you have yet to produce any, and your Reading ability is worse than that of the average
totally untrained newbie.