This seems quite amusing that your most recent posts have been non-constructive announcements of your boredom, or more recently locking a thread you find boring.
Yes Kuu is, objectively viewed, posting the most useless content and causing a lot of the worst disruption on the forum, holding others to a standard he is furthest from meeting. If he has so little time for the forum he should step down and let somebody who cares about the community nurture it with care and without boredom. It's interesting to note that this boredom seems to be something of a culture amongst the mods/admins, three of whom have expressed outright contempt for the community as a whole.
If you are bored by or don't care about or like a community, I don't think you're in a place to lead it. Especially if you have a tendency to express your boredom through an empty and lazy authoritarianism.
That said, I don't think most of the mods/admins actually do dislike the whole forum experience as much as they claim, in which case they should get it together and stop making the whole thing feel like a bad trip through moaning and affected above-it-all boredom. If you care enough to 'fulfill duties', how come you don't care enough to fulfill them with nurturing care and inspiring conduct? If you don't care enough about the second, why are you still here, instead of doing something with your life you care about enough to do well? Get it together. lor , Fukyo (and even Kuu) etc. are historically good admins who acted leniently and competently and allowed the community to develop organically, but a toxic, lazily self-congratulating and damaging culture seems to have been allowed to develop amongst administration. You're more interesting and worthwhile people than that. Cut it out.
And just to be clear, this drama came to me, not me to it. When you make bad decisions people get upset and drama happens.