I personally can potentially get along with anyone who's not an ignorant, pretentious douchebag/stuck up prick.
My closest friend is an ISFJ. We've known each other for about 11 years and have never had a fight. Her strengths are my weaknesses and vice-versa, and we're both very open minded. We can talk about anything and everything. She's also very loyal and very honest, two traits that I value highly.
Some other close friends are: an INFJ, two ENFPs, two INFPs, an ENFJ, an INTJ, and an ISTJ.
For the most part I feel like the relationships with NF's are more rewarding in the emotional aspect, while the relationships with the NT's are more intellectually stimulating. That's not to say, though, that I can't have an intellectually stimulating conversation with an NF or an emotionally rewarding experience with an NT.
The extroverts typically get me out of my shell faster and keep me talking longer than the intoverts. This is nice, especially since they understand my need to back away every once and a while to sort my thoughts out and recharge.
The INFP really gets the darker, more sarcastic side to my humor and personality.
The ISTJ keeps me grounded when no one else can and has a great sense of humor, and I always feel extremely safe around him. Unfortunately, he just left for his Army basic training and I won't see him for 4 months.
Overall, I'm lucky to say that I have a fairly heathy balance when it comes to friendships.