I got ENP.
That makes sense to me. I have always thought that that I/E was a little difficult for me to categorize. Depending on how I answer most MBT tests I am usually score as pretty Introverted. However I do have friends, and I like meeting new people, as long as it is in small groups in a 'secure' situation. I definitely do NOT like going to parties or "gain energy" from other people. Which I think is a more accurate way to define 'introvertedness'.
As a child I was the same, I had a few close friends and, in a secure environment, I was loud and boisterous. I also enjoyed talking to adults a lot (usually because they could teach me something new - as soon as I realized that some adults were morons too I became a lot more introverted!). From that point of view I don't think this particular test asked very good questions to correlate to E/I, because most of the time we spent with people we knew (especially if we're doing it from memory) and were reasonably secure with, so the answers come out sounding like Es rather than Is.
Going to the checklist at the end, all of those sound like I was (lots of ideas and want to talk about them) except the two singular E traits, Being social, and wanting to be a leader.
I certainly refused to be a follower (but that's sort of an NP thing I think), but I didn't really want to lead. And I sure as hell wasn't social, I just had a few good friends I could hang out with.
I'm not sure that one CAN test INP on this test since a lot of NP traits questions (i.e. lots of ideas etc) also show E ness. (I'm going to see if I can force it to go INP!)
ETA - just checked the site there IS no INP. Yet the site says an ENP will grow into an ENTP or ENFP. So who grows into INTPs? Stupid test Grrr...
Apparently ITPs grow up to be INTP (according to the test). Well I went back and changed just a couple of questions to more I traits (i.e. I remember being loud and boisterous, and I said I didn't mind being the center of attention , although again this was only in secure environments) and I immediately got rel-abelled as ITP.